World of Waterfalls Blog
This page displays all of our blog posts (latest posts first).
The blog posts shown here include both non-waterfall and waterfall writeups. So in addition to our in-depth waterfall posts, the article/post topics can range from educational writeups, musings, features, advice, product reviews, and more.
This page even displays updates or new postings pertaining to Top 10 Lists, Itineraries, and Trip Reports.
If you’re looking for waterfall writeups, you can find them in our Destinations page.
Most recent blog posts (reverse chronological order):
“Queen’s Bath Waterfalls”
The Queens Bath Waterfalls are a pair of waterfalls you can see when the high tides of the North Shore have turned the serene tide pool into a churning cauldron of turbulent whitewater…
Hanakoa Falls
Hanakoa Falls is a 1000ft waterfall (mostly of it hidden) accessed near the half-way point of the Kalalau Trail along the Na Pali Coast on Kaua’i’s North Shore.
“A Nearly Black Christmas Day” (Na Pali Coast, Kauai – December 24, 2006 to December 25, 2006)
Heck, I was even desperate enough to drink from any stream I saw along the way – full of bacteria or not. Fortunately, there weren’t any flowing streams during this two mile stretch…
Hanakapiai Falls
Hanakapiai Falls (Hanakapi’ai Falls) is a tall 300ft waterfall in the back of Hanakapi’ai Valley on a detour from the Kalalau Trail in an 8-mile day hike.
“A Risk Not Worth Taking” (Kauai – December 23, 2006)
Julie was already against the idea of doing this and the steepness of the gorge before us simply made it a rather unlikely proposition. She recalled…
Wailua Falls
Wailua Falls is a famous pair of roadside waterfalls on the Wailua River in Kaua’i, which made them very popular, especially given its proximity to Lihu’e.
Secret Falls (Uluwehi Falls)
Secret Falls (Uluwehi Falls) is a very popular 100ft waterfall requiring some form of water transport to get to the trailhead, then a jungle hike to its base.
Opaekaa Falls
Opaekaa Falls (or Opaeka’a Falls) is a segmented waterfall tumbling some 151ft that is visible from a roadside lookout not far from Kapaa (or Kapa’a) on Kaua’i.
Waialae Falls
Waialae Falls (or Wai’alae Falls) is a another tall waterfall nestled deep in Waimea Canyon. But if you intend to view this waterfall from the ground, you’ll only get a…
“Strange Day in Kaua’I” (Kauai – December 22, 2006)
Julie got frustrated when all the lunch spots she wanted to try out were closed. And now the possibility of something bad happening in this rather unwelcome-feeling spot was palpable…
Waipoo Falls
Waipoo Falls (or Waipo’o Falls) is a seasonal 800ft waterfall on the Koke’e Stream visible from the road in the heart of Waimea Canyon in the island of Kaua’i.
Kipu Falls
Kipu Falls is a tiny but very popular waterfall that is known more as a swimming hole rather than a scenic falls. It probably tumbles about 15ft over some slippery rocks (I saw a guy…
Hoopii Falls
Hoopii Falls (or Ho’opi’i Falls) are a pair of waterfalls hidden in a residential area with lots of ‘No Trespassing’ signs in the Kapa’a Homesteads of Kaua’i.
Other Kauai Helicopter Waterfalls
There are many other Kauai Helicopter waterfalls (all of which are publicly inaccessible) found on an aerial tour of the island. When you couple these waterfalls with an aerial view…
Southeastern Australia Road Trip Itinerary – November 1, 2006 to November 30, 2006
This itinerary covers our second trip to Australia six months after our first trip. This time, however, we focused on the Southeastern part of the country spanning the states of New South Wales, Victoria, the Australian Capital Territory (or ACT), South Australia, and Tasmania…
Russell Falls and Horseshoe Falls
Russell Falls are two photo-friendly block waterfalls accessed by well-developed tracks that also include Horseshoe Falls as well as tall trees in Mt Field NP.
Horsetail Falls (“Queenstown Falls”)
Horsetail Falls is a waterfall easily seen immediately after rain on the Lyell Highway just east of Queenstown in Tasmania with a new walkway to get closer.
Nelson Falls
Nelson Falls is a 30m waterfall shaped like an inverted wine glass in high flow reached by a 700m rainforest walk near the edge of the Tasmanian Wilderness.
Victoria Valley Falls
Victoria Valley Falls (or just Victoria Falls) was kind of an unfortunate follow up act to Nelson Falls as Julie and I were driving from Queenstown in the west towards Hobart out east…
Lady Barron Falls
Lady Barron Falls is a small cascading waterfall that was reached on a track away from the commotion at the popular Russell Falls in Mt Field National Park.