World of Waterfalls Blog
This page displays all of our blog posts (latest posts first).
The blog posts shown here include both non-waterfall and waterfall writeups. So in addition to our in-depth waterfall posts, the article/post topics can range from educational writeups, musings, features, advice, product reviews, and more.
This page even displays updates or new postings pertaining to Top 10 Lists, Itineraries, and Trip Reports.
If you’re looking for waterfall writeups, you can find them in our Destinations page.
Most recent blog posts (reverse chronological order):
Darwin Falls
Darwin Falls is a 25-30ft waterfall near Panamint Springs in Death Valley National Park, accessed by a two-mile round-trip hike into a narrowing canyon.
Yosemite Firefall Itinerary – February 24, 2006 to February 26, 2006
This itinerary of our weekend visit to Yosemite National Park was all about catching the firefall as it was one of the few things left that I didn’t try from The Photographer’s Guide to Yosemite by Michael Frye….
“Chasing the Firefall” (Yosemite – February 24, 2006 to February 26, 2006)
Driven by the thought of trying to get that sought-after firefall, my wife and I went on another spontaneous Yosemite trip. I was concerned about my old 1990 Legend making it…
Fiji Itinerary – December 24, 2005 to January 2, 2006
In this itinerary, Julie and I took a tropical vacation during the holiday season between Christmas and New Years in Fiji. Something really quirky about this trip was that we flew out on the evening of Christmas Eve and we landed in Fiji on Boxing Day…
Waibula Falls
Waibula Falls is an attractive waterfall that sits in a Danish-owned plantation in eastern Taveuni. It is the last highlight of the plantation tour which can be arranged…
“A Day at the Blue Lagoon” (Taveuni, Fiji – January 1, 2006)
It had been over an hour since the last Tavoro Waterfall we had seen. The footing was slippery with almost every step we took and we had to endure three rope-assisted stream crossings…
Tavoro Waterfalls
The Tavoro Waterfalls are a series of three waterfalls (24m, 15m, and 10m, respectively) all accessed on a hike in Bouma National Heritage Park on Taveuni.
Wainibau Falls
Wainibau Falls is a very beautiful 10-15m waterfall and swimming hole at the end of the scenic 5km Lavena Coastal Walk on the east coast of Taveuni Island.
Savulevu Yavonu Waterfall
The Savulevu Yavonu Waterfall is a 20m waterfall that falls directly into the seas off the Ravilevu Coast in Taveuni accessible only by boat in calm waters.
Waitavala Water Slide
The Waitavala Water Slide is a very popular cascading series of small waterfalls in Taveuni Island used as water slides, also appearing in the Blue Lagoon.
“The Circle Island Tour of Viti Levu” (Viti Levu Island, Fiji – December 28, 2005)
When I walked over to the bridge, it was clear there was a waterfall down there. The problem was that I wasn’t sure how to safely get down there. After a few minutes of looking around for a way…
Biausevu Waterfall
The Biausevu Waterfall (Savu Na Mate Laya Falls) is a pretty and accessible 20m waterfall near the Biausevu village in the Coral Coast of southern Viti Levu.
Uru’s Waterfall
Uru’s Waterfall is a roadside waterfall by the King’s Road that locals like to use as a swimming hole. It tumbles over multiple tiers with pools at each drop.
Waisila Falls
Waisila Falls is a small 15m waterfall deep accessed by a 750m walk in the Colo-i-Suva Forest Park on the northern outskirts of the capital city of Suva.
“High Tide? Or Low Tide?” (Namosi Highlands, Fiji – December 27, 2005)
For some reason, I kept thinking about dirty dishes when I laid my eyes on the liquid before me. But my sense of curiosity was every bit as strong as strong as well. Besides, everyone was looking…
Wainuta Falls
Wainuta Falls is a gorgeous 30m waterfall in the Luva Gorge beneath the Namosi Highlands. We experienced this waterfall as part of an all-day Rivers Fiji Tour.
Other Luva Waterfalls
There are other Luva Waterfalls that you can see while touring the Luva Gorge in a Rivers Fiji excursion. Most of the falls photographed here were taken when we cruised the Navua River…
“A Boxing Day Adventure” (Abaca, Fiji – December 26, 2005)
As we started to leave the base of the Savu-i-One Waterfall, Julie started to notice that her left arm was starting to feel numb. We weren’t quite sure what had happened…
Savu-i-one Waterfall
The Savu-i-One Waterfall is the feature waterfall attraction of the remote Koroyanitu National Park in northern Viti Levu. To even get to the reserve, you’ll need to arrange…
Vereni Falls
Vereni Falls is a tall waterfall downstream from the Savu-i-One Waterfall in Koroyanitu National Park near Abaca Village, but it’s hard to get a good look.