“Belly Of The Rooster” (Shanghai and Suzhou, China – May 9, 2009 to May 11, 2009)

There, we paid our 20 yuan per person admission charge and walked about checking out some of the indoor exhibits and having fun with looking at some of the larger statues, especially the first one…

“Getting The Sell On” (Zhangjiajie, Hunan, China – May 6, 2009 to May 8, 2009)

He straight away asked whether we’ll pay in cash or credit. But we already hesitated. And upon further inspection of the box, I had read that this stuff was Bear Bile Powder…

“Emperor Qin’s Legacy” (Xi’an, China – May 3, 2009 to May 6, 2009)

He said he had never been out this far before and the longest he had driven in any one stretch of time in his 25 years on the job was 1.5 hours. So the 6 hours or so of straight…

“The Home Away From Home” (Sichuan, China – April 28, 2009 to May 3, 2009)

Once uncle got home from work, we conversed for a bit. Unfortunately, he had a pretty thick Sichuan accent or dialect going and we really couldn’t understand a word he was saying…

“The Yellow Fruit Tree Surprise” (Guizhou, China – April 25, 2009 to April 27, 2009)

At that point, we embarked on what would turn out to be one of the more dangerous slow boat cruises I’ve taken part of as this boat (as well as others) would routinely crash into the walls while…

“Not Quite The Detian We Hoped For” (Nanning and Detian Waterfall – April 22, 2009 to April 24, 2009)

Now, it was time to get to sleep, but one thing we learned that was kind of a downer was that this place didn’t have mosquito nets. This was disconcerting considering that malaria and yellow fever…

“Krazy Karst” (Guilin, China – April 19, 2009 to April 22, 2009)

That relative peace and tranquility was quickly dashed on our way out as large Chinese tour groups with tour guides speaking through bullhorns once again invaded the premises. And it got worse…

“Losing Ourselves in Hong Kong” (Hong Kong, China – April 15, 2009 to April 19, 2009)

The clouds looked dark and threatening, but they hadn’t delivered any precipitation. However, the winds were howling and that made the cable car ride a bit scary as we were swaying in it…

“Where’s Your Head At?” (Siem Reap, Cambodia – January 7, 2009 to January 9, 2009)

I was looking forward to the plane ride partially to at least try to get some sleep and fight off this apparent fever. But at the same time it was gonna be one hell of a long flight. Julie reminded..

“Ready Chedi?” (Northern Thailand and Siem Reap, Cambodia – December 28, 2008 to January 7, 2009)

Since we’re not even half way through our trip, this was worrisome. And sure enough after a few more minutes of touring the temples at Doi Inthanon, the lens got completely stuck. So from now on…

“One Night In Bangkok” (Southern Thailand – December 21, 2008 to December 28, 2008)

The taxi driver pointed to the alley way. This didn’t look like the street we arrived to the Baan Chantra in. So it looked like we were had and now we had to figure out where we were and how to get…