Category: Trip Reports
“One and Only” (Alaskan Cruise – August 28, 2011 to September 4, 2011)
And in this case, we saw a convergence of glaciers unlike we had ever seen before. Yet the beauty of this place and its more-or-less intact ecosystem could easily move anyone appreciative…
“Welcome to Paradise” (Seattle and Mt Rainier, WA – August 24, 2011 to August 28, 2011)
It was at this point that I gave serious thought to turning back rather than take the risk, but I knew that I might regret never seeing the waterfall the way it should be seen after having gone…
“The Twilight Zone” (Olympic Peninsula, WA – August 20, 2011 to August 23, 2011)
And so we were stuck at the Hilton with an increasingly fussy baby (she didn’t have a good rest and she was not comfortable with the unfamiliar surroundings and people) and time running out…
“Under the Moonlight” (Lake Sabrina Backpack – August 11, 2011 to August 14, 2011)
And so it was. We unslung our heavy packs and called it a day. We were still probably at least 2 miles from Topsy Turvy Lake, but at this point, we were all exhausted and were ready to stop…
“Something New Every Time” (Yosemite National Park, CA – June 2, 2011 to June 4, 2011)
Julie was having an interesting time trying to reach back into her memories to try to see where the flooded sections of the trail were. The dangers of that day were nowhere apparent on this day…
“This Time It Counts” (Monrovia Canyon Falls – May 14, 2011)
So that made for a pleasant feeding experience for the both of us. The only thing that made me a little nervous was a loud buzzing bumblebee that wouldn’t leave us alone…
“No Respect” (Bonita Falls – May 7, 2011)
The mother did warn me about some kids throwing rocks from the top of the waterfall indiscriminantly. So I considered myself warned…
“Ad Hoc Earth Day” (Millard Falls – April 23, 2011)
But then with Climate Change, the June Gloom became May Gray. And now that it’s happening in April, I wonder what kind of name they got for it now?…
“Not Quite” (Idyllwild – April 17, 2011)
That meant it was 3 miles round trip, and when you add that with the 2 miles round trip of scrambling, it would be a 7-mile round trip affair!…
“Just Like Old Times” (Tahquitz Falls – April 10, 2011)
From the literature, we learned that they did clean up this trail from graffiti and transients as well as maintain the trail. Before 2001, this trail was closed to the public…
“Back to Basics” (Solstice Canyon Falls – March 30, 2011)
All we recalled was that the trail was paved and easy, and there was no reason why we couldn’t take Tahia in a stroller this time around when the time came. But little did we realize that…
“Dead Park” (Glacier National Park, MT – September 23, 2010 to September 25, 2010)
…it didn’t take long before we went right into the weather… It was as if Mother Nature couldn’t decide how miserable she wanted to make our day…
“It’s Aboht Time” (Canadian Rockies – September 15, 2010 to September 23, 2010)
This trip had last-minute written all over it. The air wasn’t booked until Sunday (3 days ago), some of the accommodations weren’t booked until yesterday, and the car hire…
“Slaying Demons” (Eastern Sierra, CA – August 19, 2010 to August 21, 2010)
The lady told him that it was 16 miles round trip, and that number alone made it seem like a day outing there was a bit ambitious, especially since we were at altitude…
“Against Instincts” (Forest Falls, CA – August 8, 2010)
Mom had already scrambled up the stream and around the corner. Julie had suggested that I follow her and either take photos of her or see what else it was…
“Heidiland” (Switzerland – June 7, 2010 to June 16, 2010)
…he then tried to explain to me that what I was seeing was how the Swiss Celebrate their soccer team beating the supposed #1 team in the world in Spain. He then said, “Don’t be scared…”
“Croatian Sensations” (Croatia – May 30, 2010 to June 7, 2010)
The parking enforcement guy was also a bit cheeky and didn’t feel like helping us in that regard either other than to write tickets. So we ended up just paying for an hour. And we’d have to come…
“Never Far From History” (Greece – May 19, 2010 to May 30, 2010)
..I was lugging all of our luggage, a lady dressed in street clothes got off her cell phone and asked me, “Where from?” “US,” said I. And at that moment, the lady got in front of me and said, “Stop!”
“More Adventure Than We Bargained For” (Hermit Falls – April 25, 2010)
There was no obvious path to make it back up the vertical walls I had descended. When the father of the family saw my difficulties, he came over and we…
“You Are Your Environment” (Point Reyes and Big Basin Redwoods, CA – April 8, 2010 to April 10, 2010)
As we parked the car and got out, we could tell right away that we were in the mountains for the air was frigidly cold and there was a breeze that…