“A BLUE Hawaiian Helicopter Experience” (West Maui – February 25, 2007 to February 26, 2007)

Trying to kill time for the next flight I saw a picture book about the Big Island, which was the last major Hawaiian Island we had yet to visit. While I was busy flipping through the pages…

“Almost on the Wrong End of a Flash Flood” (Hana Highway – February 24, 2007)

This time however, the submerged rocks weren’t visible. I thought this was kind of strange and it immediately became apparent to me that the wide stream had risen…

“Raging Waters in East Maui” (Hana Highway – February 23, 2007)

Having been to the ‘Ohe’o Gulch (or the so-called Seven Sacred Pools) nearly four years ago, it was strange seeing the churning, brownish raging whitewater…

“Surprise Down the Pipeline” (Oahu, Hawaii – January 20, 2007 to January 22, 2007)

a black SUV passed by us as I was looking down to make sure no sand had gotten into the camera bag. Apparently Julie was paying attention because she immediately said, “Honey, that was Cameron Diaz!”

“A’ole La’au” (Molokai – January 19, 2007)

We returned to the car and headed back to the town of Kaunakakai. While we were there, we picked up some smoothies and pastries before filling up on…

“As Different As Night And Day” (Waimea, Kauai – December 27, 2006 to December 28, 2006)

I was already appreciating this pilot and the experience here was as different as night and day. This just reaffirmed my hunch that it’s the helicopter pilot that makes all the difference in the…

“A Nearly Black Christmas Day” (Na Pali Coast, Kauai – December 24, 2006 to December 25, 2006)

Heck, I was even desperate enough to drink from any stream I saw along the way – full of bacteria or not. Fortunately, there weren’t any flowing streams during this two mile stretch…

“A Risk Not Worth Taking” (Kauai – December 23, 2006)

Julie was already against the idea of doing this and the steepness of the gorge before us simply made it a rather unlikely proposition. She recalled…

“Strange Day in Kaua’I” (Kauai – December 22, 2006)

Julie got frustrated when all the lunch spots she wanted to try out were closed. And now the possibility of something bad happening in this rather unwelcome-feeling spot was palpable…

“The Home Stretch” (Western Tasmania, Australia – November 28, 2006 to November 30, 2006)

Upon closer inspection of the sign, someone marked “Mordor” next to Queenstown. This piqued our interest to see what exactly the perpetrating jokester was talking about…

“A Devil of a Time at Cradle Valley” (Cradle Mountain and Cradle Valley, TAS – November 26, 2006 to November 27, 2006)

I was anxious to see these endangered creatures as was Julie. Both of us knew they would look nothing like the WB’s whirling dervish Tasmanian Devil…

“Unforgettable Twilight Sight” (Northeast Tasmania, Australia – November 24, 2006 to November 25, 2006)

It beckoned us closer as if everyone was heading towards some spooky outdoor gathering. Of course we were curious to see what the source of the music was so we kept on walking further into the gorge..

“A Thanksgiving Leeching” (Southern Tasmania, Australia – November 22, 2006 to November 23, 2006)

Just as I unzipped the first leg, a black splotch landed on the pants and a pair of entry wounds on my shin were slowly bleeding. “Honey! Look at this!” I said with half amazement and half fear…

“Adel-aid” (South Australia – November 20, 2006 to November 21, 2006)

…I proceeded to put our day packs into the overhead locker when something didn’t feel right when it came time to take my last piece of equipment. “Where’s my camera?”

“Disappointment, Protests, and Family” (Melbourne, VIC, Australia – November 18, 2006 to November 19, 2006)

…we were eager to try some Singapore food for lunch at a restaurant we had noticed on Bourke Street earlier… the moment we left the hotel, there were hordes of people parading before us…

“Wild Weather in November” (Great Ocean Road, VIC, Australia – November 15, 2006 to November 17, 2006)

Julie wasn’t too crazy about the weather as she had hoped to see the long awaited Twelve Apostles without this cold, Antarctic storm being blasted our way…

“A Victoria Bitter Experience” (Grampians, VIC, Australia – November 13, 2006 to November 14, 2006)

The day had begun with a disappointing Trentham Falls as it barely had any flow over its impressive basalt cliff. Then, we had difficulty finding Sailors Falls because it had been bone dry and…

“Christmas in November” (Melbourne and Gippsland, VIC, Australia – November 10, 2006 to November 12, 2006)

…we were dismayed to find that the street we were supposed to take had closed… But when the next street came around, it too was closed. Then the next street and the next. What was going on?

“Waterfall Surprises and the Melbourne Cup” (ACT, Riverina NSW/VIC, Australia – November 7, 2006 to November 9, 2006)

As Julie and I strolled around the CBD of Canberra looking for a place to eat, we couldn’t quite figure out why so many people were dressed to impress. Complicating the scene was the menacing skies…

“Feeling Blue in the Blue Mountains” (Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia – November 3, 2006 to November 6, 2006)

Sometimes you get a little more than what you’ve bargained for. And it appeared to be the case here. While I welcomed the rain to enhance our waterfall viewing in the face of Australia’s drought…