Category: Trip Reports
“Mothers Day in September” (Grand Staircase National Monument, Utah – September 15, 2006 to September 17, 2006)
With simultaneously growing anticipation and doubt, mom and I took the apparent advice from the pair of hikers we talked to and scrambled down the slickrock and into the bushy depths of Calf Creek…
“A Roo’d Encounter” (Perth, Margaret River, and Albany, WA, Australia – June 17, 2006 to June 22, 2006)
While my thoughts were on the task ahead as we had planned to see at least three waterfalls around the city’s suburbs, I increased the cruise control to 100km/h. Suddenly…
“Something in the Middle of Nothing” (North of Western Australia – June 10, 2006 to June 16, 2006)
Still, we didn’t know what it was nor did we know if it was life threatening. So once we got into the visitor center, Julie asked the Aboriginal woman behind the cashier if she had ever seen…
“The Bungle Bungle Bumble” (Kununurra, WA, Australia – June 8, 2006 to June 9, 2006)
As the helicopter landed, Julie and I gave each other a very confused and puzzled look. We weren’t sure what had happened, but the sinking feeling of being ripped off and not being able to see…
“No 4WD Access” (Top End, Australia – June 3, 2006 to June 7, 2006)
The receptionist then told us that they would substitute the Jim Jim Falls/Twin Falls excursion with a trip out to Gunlom Falls. Julie and I knew this was unacceptable since we had just driven there..
“Roughing It In The Desert” (Death Valley – March 24, 2006 to March 26, 2006)
It was too late in terms of the impact the camera made with the ground, but I also had to wipe away all that sand and salt that was suddenly all over the newly-bought expensive device…
“Chasing the Firefall” (Yosemite – February 24, 2006 to February 26, 2006)
Driven by the thought of trying to get that sought-after firefall, my wife and I went on another spontaneous Yosemite trip. I was concerned about my old 1990 Legend making it…
“A Day at the Blue Lagoon” (Taveuni, Fiji – January 1, 2006)
It had been over an hour since the last Tavoro Waterfall we had seen. The footing was slippery with almost every step we took and we had to endure three rope-assisted stream crossings…
“The Circle Island Tour of Viti Levu” (Viti Levu Island, Fiji – December 28, 2005)
When I walked over to the bridge, it was clear there was a waterfall down there. The problem was that I wasn’t sure how to safely get down there. After a few minutes of looking around for a way…
“High Tide? Or Low Tide?” (Namosi Highlands, Fiji – December 27, 2005)
For some reason, I kept thinking about dirty dishes when I laid my eyes on the liquid before me. But my sense of curiosity was every bit as strong as strong as well. Besides, everyone was looking…
“A Boxing Day Adventure” (Abaca, Fiji – December 26, 2005)
As we started to leave the base of the Savu-i-One Waterfall, Julie started to notice that her left arm was starting to feel numb. We weren’t quite sure what had happened…
“Du må snakke mer norsk!” (Northern Norway – July 6, 2005 to July 9, 2005)
By now, I was getting tired of driving. Just how much longer did we have to drive until we arrive at Storslett? Complicating the situation was that I badly needed a restroom break…
“Unfamiliar Territories” (Central to Northern Norway – July 2, 2005 to July 5, 2005)
As I was taking the best photos that I could of Muldalsfossen (foliage in the way and all), I realized that something kept touching my behind – and it was breathing…
“Nearly Without A Place To Stay” (South Central Norway – June 27, 2005 to July 1, 2005)
Just then, a police car with a pair of officers pulled up from behind us and had its high beams flashed onto us. Clearly, they must’ve thought we were up to no good…
“The Hunt for Red Ts” (Hordaland County, Norway – June 24, 2005 to June 26, 2005)
It seemed that the further I went, the trail got progressively muddier, overgrown, and less defined. I kept thinking that I must be doing something wrong, but I swear I couldn’t find another way…
“Regrets” (Southern Norway – June 21, 2005 to June 23, 2005)
It was almost 6pm when we finally arrived at the visitor center at the mouth of Lysefjorden. From my travel research, I knew this fjord featured the famous Preikestolen and Kjerag…
“Marmots and Ticks” (Mineral King, CA – May 28, 2005)
My dad guarded the car as he was armed with a trekking pole. He was determined not to let the radiator-hose-eating marmots underneath the vehicle and possibly disable the car…
“Cramps and Thunderstorms” (Upper Yosemite Falls Hike – April 30, 2005)
Of all the waterfall hiking and viewing I’ve done up to this point, the one thing missing was getting to the top of Yosemite Falls. My inner voice kept nagging at me to do the hike…
“Going Full Circle” (Catlins and Auckland, New Zealand – December 2, 2004 to December 3, 2004)
Complicating things were that parking in the Octagon was very temporary at best and we kept a close eye on our car in case the parking enforcer would come by and issue tickets, which we witnessed…
“The Soggy Sojourn” (Milford Track – November 27, 2004 to December 1, 2004)
With the rain coming down harder, we had beat a hasty retreat into the Pass Hut Shelter. I knew this region was one of the rainiest in the world and they sure weren’t kidding…