Cedar Creek Falls Jan 2008

Hi, my name is Phil and I just wanted to share a photo of Cedar Creek Falls in full flow. Had you been there a few months earlier you would have seen it too. We had been staying in Proserpine for about 9 months. I lived full time traveling with my family in a motor […]

Toorongo Falls

Thank you Johnny & Julie for such a beautiful website!! Here are some pics of the waterfall as it was on 21 November 2010. My partner and I visited these falls on Sunday 21 November 2010 (last weekend), and they were magnificent. The writer is correct that the drought had an impact in the photos […]

Sailor Falls – Photography Excursion, August 2010

A couple of friends and I stopped off at Sailor Falls on the way home from a photo excursion in the Bendigo area in August 2010. Recent rains meant the falls flowed nicely. Although it was too hazy and sunny to get decent shots, I did snap this one. 0 CommentsOnly logged in users can […]

Strath Falls recovery following 2009 fires

Strath Falls was severely burnt during the 2009 fires in Victoria. Almost 2 years on, and after a year of almost record rain, the falls are recovering well. 2 CommentsOnly logged in users can post a comment (login at topright corner of your screen) Please login or sign up to comment

The most awesome place I have ever been!

I visited Iguazu Falls the first time back in 1978. I stayed in a hostel that was just outside the park where international travelers stayed – no electricity and no plumbing in the rooms. The falls were so fantastic that I went back another three times, staying at the same hostel. The natural beauty is […]

Snug Falls, 2009.

My girlfriend and I visited Snug in October of last year. It was a bit of a hike up through muddy and uneven ground, and it rained a lot. Keeping that much water off a 10mm super wide lens with a 77mm filter diameter is tricky at best. Lovely spot though, would highly recommend. 0 […]

Malibu Grotto (“The Grotto Falls”)

Small falls but a great hike with lots of Malibu mountain scenery and tons of boulder hopping. I think this made the hike. The hike is all downhill so be aware that you will be going back up when it is time to leave. The trail seems to stop at boulders, but if you take […]

CMarie (Escondido Falls)

This hike is AMAZING! I was happy going through this trail with a few friends as it was quite pretty. The road up is a long one and there were a few small stream crossings. It is dog friendly so that was nice because we had a small dog with us. We mainly hike trails […]

Yes, Seals Do Frequent Ohau Falls

Joyce and I first visited Ohau Falls late in March 2008, after reading about them in Anna & Andrew Jameson’s book “Accessible Walks”. After passing under the railway viaduct, we heard some splashes and saw seal pups moving towards the sea. A little way further along the track we met a NZ couple taking movies […]

Waihi Falls: Access Update March 2010

Joyce and I approached this waterfall from the south via Masterton, where we had camped after a rough crossing from South Island,(other passengers were using the paper bags). I remember Johnny & Julie had a similar crossing a few months earlier. While driving from Masterton we passed through a lot of sheep country, but while […]

Mt Damper Falls: Strange Creature and Changes..

Joyce and I first visited this waterfall in early March 2006. It was a showery day and we were about to return to our transport when we experienced an extreme shower. It felt like we had got too close to the falls! We used the little shelter provided by the tree ferns at the top […]

Wentworth Falls: Access Update April 2010

My wife Joyce and I visited this waterfall on 7th April 2010. Do not be be deterred by Johnny’s mention and pictures of stream crossings. The track has been upgraded since his visit. It is to DOC’s walking path standard throughout. All stream crossings are either avoided or bridged. This was good as we are […]

Sheoak Falls Aug 2010

Sheoak Falls at moderate flow 0 CommentsOnly logged in users can post a comment (login at topright corner of your screen) Please login or sign up to comment

Hopkins Falls at full flow

We visited this falls in August 2010. The recent wet weather had the falls at a very high flow, and the spectacle was bringing in many of the locals to come and gawk at the sight. The park was full, and visitors were parking along the main road outside the park to get a look. […]

Nigretta Falls at full flow

Visited in August 2010, and Nigretta Falls was flowing very well – some of the trees at the base were submerged in the river. 0 CommentsOnly logged in users can post a comment (login at topright corner of your screen) Please login or sign up to comment

Wannon Falls High Flow

In August 2010, Wannon Falls was flowing very well, creating quite an impressive sight. 0 CommentsOnly logged in users can post a comment (login at topright corner of your screen) Please login or sign up to comment

The Wet Season (Sailors Falls)

I visited Sailors Falls in August 2010, during a seasonal wet pattern. Both sides were flowing, with the western drop in a segmented form. 1 CommentOnly logged in users can post a comment (login at topright corner of your screen) Please login or sign up to comment

Ingalalla Falls

I have recently found a passion for photography, so I have been touring around South Australia with my wife, practicing away and came across these Ingalalla Falls. We went not long after a small amount of rain had fallen, maybe a day before, and it was mid winter. So attached are a couple of pics […]

Rearguard Falls, August 2010

I was at Rearguard Falls as a tourist in August 2010. I stumbled into rafters who told me I could not go down the path they were on, to the base of the falls, but they did pose for a picture. I also saw someone canoe-ing at the base of the falls. The falls were […]

Iguazu Falls – Exceeds Expectations

I visited Iguazu Falls in 2003 and, based upon what I had read and what I had been told, I had high expectations for the falls. That said, after getting off of the bus, while I was walking to the falls, I heard a tremendous roar of the water. I got chills, the roar of […]