Hong Kong Waterfalls
This Hong Kong Waterfalls page focuses on just the waterfalls within this special autonomous region (SAR) of China. Following the Opium Wars, it was leased by China to Britain for 99 years from 1898-1997, and that’s the main reason why Hong Kong has a very different look and feel to the rest of mainland China (though there’s definitely an ongoing transformation going on right now for full integration). Like with how we treated Taiwan, this is the main reason why we dedicated a special page for this region (regardless of what will happen politically in the future).
In any case, it may be very surprising to know that Hong Kong does indeed have waterfalls. And it took us our second visit to finally get to visit them in person. Yet, there are more to visit in this part of China’s SAR, and hopefully with more return visits, we might get a chance to get to those for a more full survey of what’s here.
If you’re interested in seeing a more extensive listing of waterfalls throughout China and Taiwan, then have a look at our China page and our Taiwan page. Otherwise, have a look around this page and explore the waterfalls we’re sharing with you in the Hong Kong SAR.
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