India Waterfalls

The India Waterfalls page highlight perhaps the most unsung attractions of subcontinental Asia. Given the size of India and the pace of travel around the country, we have a very humble sampling of the waterfalls that we’ve personally visited here, which you might have noticed from the waterfall map above.
That said, we do have enough of a waterfall sampling to come up with a Top 10 Best India Waterfalls List to show off our favourite ones that we’ve encountered so far. Nevertheless, we are keen to augment this page with more personal waterfall experiences when the opportunities present themselves. And if that happens, we’re hoping to at least spread out our Indian Waterfall survey to include other parts of the country.
In the mean time, have a look and browse around what Indian waterfalls we did manage to share with you. Perhaps this might inspire trips to the Subcontinent off the beaten path…
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