Japan Waterfalls

Our Japan Waterfalls page showcases all the waterfalls that we have managed to personally experience over a handful of trips to the Land of the Rising Sun. As a result, we have a catalog in the form of this web page that we are quite proud of.
While Japan is more known for things not Nature related (let alone waterfalls), resources like this Japan Waterfalls page highlights more of the country’s Nature (especially its waterfalls). Therefore, if you pursue Japanese Waterfalls, you are likely to experience parts of Japan not commonly included in most tourist itineraries.
Something that’s worth mentioning is that the Japanese are very precise, and this is reflected in their public transportation system that’s second to none. In fact, we’ve managed to see many of the waterfalls (in addition to many of the non-waterfall sights) using their public transportation system.
Therefore, for the waterfalls that we did visit by public transport, we’re going to reflect our “driving” directions based on the routes and logistics that we’ve taken using their infrastructure. For those waterfalls that we did self-drive to, then we’ll describe the driving directions as usual.
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