Texas Waterfalls
The Texas Waterfalls page is where we showcase the waterfalls that we’ve personally visited in the Lone Star state. Thus far, our waterfall survey has largely been comprised of those in the hill country in the south and central parts of Texas, especially within a day trip from the state capital of Austin.
While we thought the state of Texas had been largely dominated by plains, we did manage to find a fair concentration of waterfalls (and caves) in the Austin Hills, which you might notice in the waterfall map above. While we have a humble sampling of waterfalls, of those we did visit, we’ve shared a lot of detailed information to help you with your hiking or trip planning needs should you wish to pursue such waterfalls.
Indeed, I’m sure we’ll make repeated trips to augment our waterfall survey of Texas while letting the state surprise us just by engaging in our waterfalling addiction here.
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