The World of Waterfalls Itineraries Page is where we share our experiences and provide logistical information regarding the duration of activities and an overall trip. If you’re looking for ideas on making plans for your own adventure, browse through these pages and get a sense of how we made our trips happen.
We’ve assembled a variety of itineraries to give you a realistic sense of what can be accomplished on limited time while also giving you a head start on your trip plans.
The itineraries that we’ve written up are split into two categories – Our Itineraries and Travel Guides (formerly Suggested Itineraries).
You can delve into each group of itineraries down below.
These are basically summaries of the trips that we’ve personally done. They are the most thorough and detailed of the itineraries since we’ve managed to plan out and execute them ourselves. For each of our itineraries, you get a summary of our trip highlights, some trip advice, a day-by-day rundown of what we did and where we stayed, singled out the best places we’ve stayed, and suggested things to bring.
These itineraries also contain links to the supporting travel journals, which goes into all the raw and gory details about what took place on that trip written in a diary-like format. [more]
These are essentially itineraries that we would suggest based on our own personal experiences. With hindsight being 20/20, they’re basically things we realized after-the-fact or that we would have done differently had we gotten a second chance at it. They’re also things we’ve recalled that we ended up doing right the first time.
The suggested itineraries here tend to range from short long-weekend-type trips to a typical 2- to 3-week trip somewhere farther away from home. Basically, we’re trying to help you get the most out of your limited time.. [more]
While these aren’t itineraries per se, our trip reports or trip journals are actual raw documentation of our travels and hikes as they happened. You can’t get any more detailed and accurate accounts of how things happened than this. Therefore, this may ultimately benefit your own trip planning depending on how much trip report gold you choose to dig out of these journals.
The trip reports range from waterfall day trips to multi-week long haul homerun trips, but I only do trip reports if a waterfall is involved in the excursion… [more]
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