Salto del Nervion

Salto del Nervion is a 222m plunging waterfall (the highest in the Iberian Peninsula) reached by a flat 3.2km walk to a lookout by the Basque Country border.

Cascada de Orbaneja del Castillo (Cascada de las Merindades)

Cascada de Orbaneja del Castillo (or Cascada de Merindades) is a set of karst waterfalls under a scenic town surrounded by rock walls with natural arches.

Cascada de la Mea

Cascada de la Mea (Cascada la Mea) is a plunge waterfall that formed a stalagmite mound at its base reachable by a short walk near the arch at Puentedey, Spain.

Cascada de Pedrosa de Tobalina

Cascada de Pedrosa de Tobalina is a 10-15m waterfall on the Río Jerea over a wide slab of bedrock next to the town of Pedrosa de Tobalina in Burgos, Spain.

Cascada de Penaladros

Cascada de Penaladros (Cascada de Peñaladros) is a 15m waterfall on the Río San Miguel surrounded by a forest backed by attractive cliffs near Cozuela, Spain.

Cascada de Nocedo (Cascada de Valdecesar or Cola de Caballo)

The Cascada de Nocedo is a waterfall on the Arroyo Valdecésar that spilled under a natural bridge in a secluded gorge after a 100m walk near Valdorria, Spain.

Pozo de los Humos

Pozo de los Humos is a 50m waterfall on the Río de las Uces where we experienced it on both sides from Masueco and Pereña de la Ribera in Salamanca, Spain.