Bujagali Falls

Jinja, Jinja Province, Uganda

About Bujagali Falls

Hiking Distance: roadside
Suggested Time:

Date first visited: 2008-06-17
Date last visited: 2008-06-17

Waterfall Latitude: 0.48255
Waterfall Longitude: 33.15541

Waterfall Safety and Common Sense

Bujagali Falls was really more of a series of rapids than a waterfall.

That said, it had been world famous for thrilling Class V Rapids attracting adrenaline junkies looking to run them.

Bujagali_Falls_002_06172008 - Context of the rapids of the Bujagali Falls before being destroyed by the Owen Falls Dam project
Context of the rapids of the Bujagali Falls before being destroyed by the Owen Falls Dam project

The waterfalls were also near the so-called Source of the Nile, where there once existed a waterfall known as Rippon Falls before the Owen Falls Dam flooded it out.

During our June 2008 visit, it certainly seemed like this was a real popular spot as we saw more than our share of non-locals in the area.

Sadly, this “waterfall” ultimately suffered the same fate as Rippon Falls.

During our visit, plans had moved forward to essentially drown out this attraction for hydroelectricity as the Owen Falls Dam was no longer efficient.

Meanwhile, at the same time, the area’s energy demands had increased.

So tours were still running the rapids while they still could, but everyone knew that the fate of Bujagali Falls had been sealed.

Bujagali_Falls_013_06172008 - Bright and broad view of some of the small waterfalls comprising what was left of the Bujagali Falls in June 2008
Bright and broad view of some of the small waterfalls comprising what was left of the Bujagali Falls in June 2008

In the years since our visit, adrenaline junkies and nature lovers had to look elsewhere to get their fix because the falls were inundated by the new dam.

Judging by the size of the city of Jinja and the city of Kampala further to the west, we could appreciate the need for more energy in order to support their attempts at industrializing.


Bujagali Falls resided in the Jinja District of Uganda. It is administered by the local government of the Jinja District. For more information or inquiries about the area as well as current conditions, you can try visiting their website or Facebook page.

Jinja_001_06172008 - Sign talking about Jinja and the Source of the Great River Nile
Jinja_007_06172008 - The flooded Source of the Nile
Bujagali_Falls_010_06172008 - Looking across the Nile towards another cascade on the Bujagali Falls
Bujagali_Falls_015_06172008 - Looking across the Nile at one of the cascades. We couldn't tell if this used to be part of something taller (possibly hidden beneath the human-induced flooding)

Bujagali Falls is about 2 hours drive east of Kampala near the town of Jinja. Since we were driven to this falls, I can’t provide specific directions other than the time duration to budget for your own itinerary.

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Left to right sweep following the direction of the water as it rushes over several rapids

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Tagged with: jinja, source of the nile, dam, hydro, uganda, africa, waterfall

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My experience! (Bujagali Falls) November 24, 2011 8:22 pm by Liza Bennett - Hello, My experience was amazing!!! I accually did the white-water rafting, and although it was the most wet and scary thing i could ever do it was the best thing I have ever done in my life! I plan to visit this waterfall again soon and in the future for me to see other waterfalls!… ...Read More

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Johnny Cheng is the founder of the World of Waterfalls and author of the award-winning A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls. Over the last 2 decades, he has visited thousands of waterfalls in over 40 countries around the world and nearly 40 states in the USA.
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