Faux Falls

Kens Lake / Spanish Valley / Moab, Utah, USA

About Faux Falls

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Waterfall Safety and Common Sense

Faux Falls was another one of the waterfalling surprises during our return trip to Moab, Utah.

Like the name suggests the waterfall was technically not real (“faux” is French for something that’s not genuine).

Faux_Falls_049_04202017 - Faux Falls backed by scenic cliffs
Faux Falls backed by scenic cliffs

This waterfall was created by a diversion tunnel siphoning some of Mill Creek that eventually fed Ken’s Lake.

By the way, Mill Creek was the same stream responsible for the presence of Mill Creek Falls.

With water being such a precious resource, the state of Utah was no stranger to diversions resulting in waterfalls.

After all, we’ve seen at least two instances of this at the “Fremont River Falls” and the “Mossy Cave Falls”.

Faux_Falls_059_04202017 - A kid enjoying the base of Faux Falls in high flow during my April 2017 visit
A kid enjoying the base of Faux Falls in high flow during my April 2017 visit

However, Faux Falls had the scenery to augment its scenic allure, and we generally thought of it as on par with other diverted waterfalls like Cascata delle Marmore in Terni, Italy and Oxararfoss in Iceland.

Yet, perhaps what this waterfall had going for it in addition to scenic allure was the chance to beat the desert heat of Southeastern Utah by being refreshed from the waterfall’s spray or dipping the feet in a calm part of the diverted stream.

There were even campsites between Ken’s Lake and the waterfall trail (or road) making this one of the better recreational spots of this region.

Hiking to Faux Falls – walking the 4wd road

I began my hike from a little parking area right before an access road became 4wd (see directions below).

Faux_Falls_017_04202017 - Walking the half-mile 4wd road to get closer to Faux Falls
Walking the half-mile 4wd road to get closer to Faux Falls

The 4wd road was a very rocky and sandy half-mile stretch that I didn’t have the confidence to take a high-clearance passenger vehicle through.

I felt that I had to walk the 4wd road because it was a very rocky and sandy half-mile stretch that I felt was walkable.

Perhaps you can argue that with a lot of real slow and careful driving, this half-mile stretch was doable, but for the few minutes saved, legging this out suited me just fine.

Faux Falls was already visible from the start of the 4wd road, but it pretty much went in and out of view until I got towards the end of the road.

Faux_Falls_037_04202017 - Following a very sandy stretch of the 4wd road as Faux Falls was consistently visible up ahead
Following a very sandy stretch of the 4wd road as Faux Falls was consistently visible up ahead

That was where the falls became more consistently visible once again.

At the end of the road, there was a little sandy cul-de-sac where a wooden fence marked the beginning of the official trail.

Hiking to Faux Falls – the actual trail

Even though the view of Faux Falls was already pretty impressive from the end of the 4wd road, I continued on the short trail.

It descended to a junction where I first went left to access the base of the waterfall.

Faux_Falls_041_04202017 - Context of Faux Falls at the end of the 4wd road and the start of the official trail to get to the waterfall's base
Context of Faux Falls at the end of the 4wd road and the start of the official trail to get to the waterfall’s base

I saw people on the other side of the rushing stream so it was possible to cross, but it would require getting wet during my April 2017 visit.

Still, that would be a worthwhile trade if you came prepared to get wet, especially if the goal was to cool off by the falls in the first place.

Anyways, back at the trail junction, the main trail then ascended alongside the cascading waterfall, eventually reaching the brink of the main section of cascades.

The trail actually continued to ascend maybe less than 0.2 miles beyond the waterfall.

Faux_Falls_052_04202017 - Getting closer to the bottom of Faux Falls. Note the people standing further above for a sense of scale
Getting closer to the bottom of Faux Falls. Note the people standing further above for a sense of scale

It eventually reached some kind of pullout and gate near the diversion tunnel that was responsible for the existence of Faux Falls.

I was actually at that pullout earlier when I drove up there accidentally after missing the correct turnoff for the trailhead.

So I guess that could be a possibility in terms of shortening the hike or if parking was unavailable at the official trailhead.

Overall, I had spent about 75 minutes away from the car.

Faux_Falls_004_04202017 - Looking downstream from the top of Faux Falls towards Ken's Lake and Spanish Valley in the distance
Looking downstream from the top of Faux Falls towards Ken’s Lake and Spanish Valley in the distance

By choosing to walk the half-mile 4wd road, that made the 1/4-mile hike to get close to the falls become more like 1.25 miles round trip.

Timing a visit to Faux Falls

It was hard to say how seasonal or how often Faux Falls would flow, but it was definitely gushing during our trip in April 2017, which was a high rainfall year.

I had to believe that the amount of snow we saw that was still on the neighboring La Sal Mountains had something to do with it.

Either way, when the falls would flow, it was said to be the biggest waterfall in the Moab area.

Faux_Falls_078_04202017 - Looking further upstream at the stream, which was sourced from a diversion of Mill Creek eventually tumbling towards Faux Falls
Looking further upstream at the stream, which was sourced from a diversion of Mill Creek eventually tumbling towards Faux Falls

While there were a couple dozen people coming in and out of the waterfall’s vicinity, it didn’t feel like there was a big crush of people here.

As a result, this place could very well still be like a local’s secret.


Faux Falls resides in the town of Spanish Valley in San Juan County, Utah. It may be administered by the government of San Juan County. For information or inquiries about the area as well as current conditions, you can try visiting their website.

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Content is for subscribers. See Membership Options.
Tagged with: spanish valley, moab, kens lake, san juan county, utah, waterfall

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Johnny Cheng

About Johnny Cheng

Johnny Cheng is the founder of the World of Waterfalls and author of the award-winning A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls. Over the last 2 decades, he has visited thousands of waterfalls in over 40 countries around the world and nearly 40 states in the USA.
Read More About Johnny | A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls.