Dajin Waterfall (大津瀑布 [Dàjīn Pùbù])

Sandimen Township / Maolin National Scenic Area / Kaohsiung / Tainan, Pingtung County, Taiwan

About Dajin Waterfall (大津瀑布 [Dàjīn Pùbù])

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The Dajin Waterfall (大津瀑布 [Dàjīn Pùbù]) was a pleasantly tall waterfall directly east of the busy cities of Kaohsiung and Tainan right on the border of the Kaohsiung and Pingtung Counties.

The pretty typical tall and slender falls was where the Dalu Guanliao Stream (大路關寮溪 [Dàlùguānliáo Xī]) dropped some 25-30m into a shady cove.

Dajin_Waterfall_048_10292016 - Dajin Waterfall
Dajin Waterfall

We were able to see this waterfall from a lookout shelter at the apex of the trail as well as from its shady base.

Apparently, there were also more drops further downstream of this waterfall, but we saw some locals trying to erect fences and tape to prevent visitors from getting too close to the edge and falling over.

In any case, Mom and I enjoyed a pretty serene experience at the Dajin Waterfall as we came here first thing on a Sunday morning pretty much before the crowds had started to show up.

Even though Mom and I started this hike early, we still shared the falls with many locals and elders either doing their morning routines.

Dajin_Waterfall_072_10292016 - A couple of guys getting pummeled by the force of the Dajin Waterfall
A couple of guys getting pummeled by the force of the Dajin Waterfall

These routines ranged from calesthenics-type exercises to deliberate tai-chi-type exercises.

We even noticed a pair of guys psyching themselves up before standing beneath the base of the Dajin Waterfall where they’d get a jolt of pressure and cold water.

Hiking to the Dajin Waterfall

Our Dajin Waterfall hike began from a temple right across from a small car park (see directions below).

After a few minutes of walking on a somewhat flat or gently upsloping paved track, the hike then started climbing in earnest.

Dajin_Waterfall_005_10292016 - The temple at the trailhead for the Dajin Waterfall
The temple at the trailhead for the Dajin Waterfall

Most of this climb was over a series of steps amidst some fern-draped foliage as well as bamboo stalks (attesting to the tropical environment here).

Given how muggy it was during the morning of our hike, this uphill induced a lot of sweat from us as we persisted on.

Eventually as we got closer to the top of the ascent, we were able to look back over the valley in the direction of Dajin.

The skies were hazy but we could still see the rooftops of a temple that was much larger than the one we walked past by the trailhead.

Dajin_Waterfall_016_10292016 - Mom ascending the trail flanked by bamboo and lots of jungle bush en route to the Dajin Waterfall
Mom ascending the trail flanked by bamboo and lots of jungle bush en route to the Dajin Waterfall

After about 700m of walking (with about 100m of elevation gain), we reached the apex of the trail where there was a shelter as well as some hazy views back down towards the Dajin Township.

On the inland side of the hill, we could catch a partial view of the Dajin Waterfall, which left us wanting more.

There was also a trail junction here, where it was possible to continue up this trail deeper into the forest.

We didn’t do the other trail so we can’t say anything more on that.

Dajin_Waterfall_080_10292016 - Mom checking out the Dajin Waterfall from the lookout shelter
Mom checking out the Dajin Waterfall from the lookout shelter

However, we did take the path that descended towards the base of the Dajin Waterfall, where we chilled out for a bit while soaking in the cool air before heading back.

My Mom and I wound up spending about an hour and 15 minutes away from the car on this excursion.

The hike covered a distance of about 1.6km round trip (or 800m in each direction).

Of course, the nice thing about a hike like this was that the return was that it was all downhill.

Dajin_Waterfall_087_10292016 - Looking back towards the basin from the lookout shelter at the apex of the hike to the Dajin Waterfall
Looking back towards the basin from the lookout shelter at the apex of the hike to the Dajin Waterfall

Moreover, along the way, we got another opportunity to enjoy the elevated views towards the Dajin Township and its surrounding valleys.


The Dajin Waterfall resides in the Dajin Scenic Area (part of the Maolin National Scenic Area) near the town of Sandimen in the Pingtung County, Taiwan. It is administered by the Taiwan National Government. For information or inquiries about the area as well as current conditions, you can try visiting the Maolin NSA website.

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Tagged with: sandimen, dajin, township, kaohsiung, gaoxiong, southern taiwan, taiwan, waterfall, swimming, temple

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Johnny Cheng is the founder of the World of Waterfalls and author of the award-winning A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls. Over the last 2 decades, he has visited thousands of waterfalls in over 40 countries around the world and nearly 40 states in the USA.
Read More About Johnny | A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls.