Shiretoko Waterfalls

Shiretoko National Park, Hokkaido, Japan

About Shiretoko Waterfalls

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Waterfall Safety and Common Sense

The Shiretoko Waterfalls page is a place where I’m clumping the many waterfalls (both named and unnamed) that Julie and I saw during our boat tour along the northern coast of Shiretoko-hanto from Utoro to the Shiretoko Cape.

Some of the falls were seen even beyond Kamuiwakka-no-taki so that might provide some added motivation to do the longer 4-hour tour instead of the shorter 2-hour tour to just the rotemburo.

Shiretoko_tour_251_06072009 - One of the impressive waterfalls that we saw on our boat tour of the western side of the Shiretoko Peninsula
One of the impressive waterfalls that we saw on our boat tour of the western side of the Shiretoko Peninsula

But then again (as in our case) it might be a choice that’s not entirely up to you as the tours generally have a minimum passenger requirement of 7 people.

Otherwise, it’s not worthwhile for the operators to burn the fuel for fewer passengers.

In case you get waterfalled out, we also got to see many wildlife from birds (including cormorants and even the Stellars Eagle) to the forest lords otherwise known as the Asiatic Brown Bear.

We even spotted some elusive dolphins that typically only reveal their fins as they take a breath of fresh air before diving again.

Shiretoko_tour_213_06072009 - Another one of the attractive and possibly named waterfalls seen on the boat tour. I think this one might be called Iou Falls
Another one of the attractive and possibly named waterfalls seen on the boat tour. I think this one might be called Iou Falls

If you do decide to go on the boat ride, realize that the Sea of Okhotsk experiences quite a frigid Siberian climate so you may want to dress in a few layers of something that’ll keep you warm.

Even as the tour gave us another pair of layers (one to cover our torso and the other to use like a blanket over our legs), it was still bitterly cold as our noses would run nonstop and our faces were quite numb.

This was further exacerbated when the boat was moving and we got the wind chill on top of all that.

You definitely don’t want to be underprepared for this excursion. Trust us!

Shiretoko_tour_119_06072009 - Wildlife sightings were one of the big highlights of the boat tour of the western side of the Shiretoko Peninsula. This one was of a Stellar's Eagle
Wildlife sightings were one of the big highlights of the boat tour of the western side of the Shiretoko Peninsula. This one was of a Stellar’s Eagle

One final note: since we’ve already put up dedicated pages for Kamuiwakka-no-taki and Furepe-no-taki we won’t put them on this page.


The Shiretoko Waterfalls on this page reside in the Hokkaido Prefecture. They are administered by the Shiretoko National Park. For information or inquiries about the area as well as current conditions, you can try visiting the Ministry of the Environment website.

Maps and Routing Content are for annual subscribers. See Membership Options.
Content is for subscribers. See Membership Options.
Tagged with: shiretoko, utoro, shiretoko go-ko, five lakes, national park, hokkaido, okhotsk, japan, waterfall, boat, tour

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About Johnny Cheng

Johnny Cheng is the founder of the World of Waterfalls and author of the award-winning A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls. Over the last 2 decades, he has visited thousands of waterfalls in over 40 countries around the world and nearly 40 states in the USA.
Read More About Johnny | A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls.