Thararak Waterfall (Nam tok Thararak)

Mae Sot District / Phop Phra District, Tak, Thailand

About Thararak Waterfall (Nam tok Thararak)

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The Thararak Waterfall (Nam tok Thararak; pronounced “tah-rah-RAHK”; though I’ve also seen it spelled Taralak) was one of the rare waterfalls where we saw it juxtaposed with a chedi (a particular style of Thai temple with a pointy top).

I believe that golden chedi was called the Chedi Kho.

Thararak_026_01012009 - The Thararak Waterfall
The Thararak Waterfall

And while the falls itself wasn’t all that tall nor all that impressive (especially given its diminished flow during our visit), I still thought it was memorable.

After all, how many waterfalls are there in Thailand (or southeast Asia for that matter) where you can see a chedi with it?

We thought of this waterfall as more of a locals waterfall because it was poorly signposted.

Our guide and driver had trouble finding it even though we were able to see the golden chedi from the Death Highway (Hwy 1090).

Thararak_010_01012009 - At a picnic area near the bottom of the Thararak Waterfall
At a picnic area near the bottom of the Thararak Waterfall

It wasn’t until after a couple times of doubling back along the Death Highway in the general vicinity did I finally notice part of the waterfall (it’s quite easy to miss) and alert our guide and driver.

Once at the base of the Thararak Waterfall, we got our best views from the end of some kind of man-modified pool directly opposite the falls.

It was from this vantage point that we were able to photograph the waterfall with the Chedi Kho as you can see at the top of this page.

There was also a short but steep scrambling path right up to the rushing water at the base of the falls.

Thararak_029_01012009 - People scrambling around the bottom of the Thararak Waterfall
People scrambling around the bottom of the Thararak Waterfall

I guess the point of that path was to get a little wet and cool off, which we saw quite a few locals do.

However, this path wasn’t for improving nor getting a different view of the Thararak Waterfall.

Anyways, given its relatively light flow, it’s conceivable that this waterfall can go dry deep into the Dry Season as it seemed well on its way to do during our visit.


The Thararak Waterfall resides in the Mae Sot District near Mae Sot in the Tak Province, Thailand. To my knowledge, there doesn’t appear to be a government entity administering this waterfall. However, for information or inquiries about the area as well as current conditions, you may want to try to visit the National Park, Wildlife, and Plants website.

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Tagged with: mae sot, phop phra, tak, death highway, death hwy, burmese refugees, burma, central thailand, thailand, waterfall, chedi, kho, taralak

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Johnny Cheng is the founder of the World of Waterfalls and author of the award-winning A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls. Over the last 2 decades, he has visited thousands of waterfalls in over 40 countries around the world and nearly 40 states in the USA.
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