About Paddys River Falls
Paddys River Falls (I’ve also seen it called Paddy’s River Falls) was a gushing waterfall that defied our Australian Drought pessimism during our November 2006 visit to the southeastern parts of the country.
We were especially surprised by how much flow the falls had after having been discouraged from attempting to visit the nearby Buddong Falls.
By the way, Paddys River Falls belonged to Kosciuszko National Park (pronounced “kos-zee-OOS-ko”), which featured Mt Kosciuszko – the highest point in Australia.
In fact, the western side of the Australian Alps (where we encountered this falls) seemed to be even harder hit by the drought than the regions we had visited between Sydney and Canberra.
So its fair volume probably said a lot about the size of the drainage and/or the relative health of the moisture-retaining vegetation surrounding the banks of the watercourse.
Nonetheless, adding to the allure of this pleasing waterfall was that somewhat rare opportunity to go behind the falls and see it from its backside.
Experiencing Paddys River Falls
From the car park (see directions below), we followed an obvious path that made one switchback in its descent from the upper lookouts at the top of the falls.
The end of the track a short distance before the base of the falls yielded a satisfying angled view.
However, beyond the railing, there was obviously a well-used path that continued further into the spacious alcove behind the falls.
We even saw a bench within the alcove attesting to its well-used nature.
However, Julie and I noticed there was plenty of unsightly graffiti all over the alcove walls, which kind of took away from the scenic allure of this spot.
Finally, Paddys River Falls was said to be 15m tall.
We had read in the literature prior to our trip here that the falls was 60m tall, but we honestly think they might have meant 60ft instead (which would have been an uncharacteristic utilization of non-metric units)!
Paddys Falls resides in the Kosciuszko National Park near Tumbarumba in New South Wales. It is administered by the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service. For information or inquiries about the area as well as current conditions, visit their website.
Since we came here from Tumut, we’ll describe the route we took (even though the maps made it seem pretty straightforward to get here from Wagga Wagga as well as Albury–Wodonga).
From Tumut, we took the Snowy Mountains Hwy (Hwy 18) west for about 7km. Then, we turned left onto Batlow-Tumut Road and followed this road for about 21km to the town of Batlow. Beyond Batlow, the road then became Trunk Rd. We followed Trunk Rd for the next 38km towards Tumbarumba (Trunk Rd became Adelong Rd near Tumbarumba). I believe there were signs for the falls from Tumbarumba.
In any case, we turned left onto Bridge St, then right onto Winton St, then left onto Regent St, which then eventually became William St. We followed William St for about 12.5km, then we turned right onto Paddys River Falls Rd. That road would eventually lead us to the car park for the falls.
For some added context, Tumut was 196km (nearly 2.5 hours drive) west of Canberra and 202km northeast of Albury–Wodonga on the border New South Wales border with Victoria.
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