Protesters Falls

Nightcap National Park / Byron Bay / Lismore, New South Wales, Australia

About Protesters Falls

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Protesters Falls (or Protestors Falls) was another tall, wispy waterfall in the lush Nightcap National Park near Lismore.

We witnessed this fairly light-flowing waterfall in May 2008, which plunged some 25-30m over what appeared to be a cliff with some evidence of basalt composition.

Protestors_Falls_030_05072008 - The full context of Protestors Falls
The full context of Protestors Falls

The waterfall appeared tall and wispy with a light enough flow that Julie and I watched the column of water bend with the wind.

Apparently, this waterfall got its name after a logging protest in 1979 to protect the ancient old growth rainforest.

Currently, this forest receives protection under the jurisdiction of Nightcap National Park, which itself integrated with the Gondwana Rainforests of Australia World Heritage Area.

Once we managed to reach the car park (see directions below), we had to find the trailhead, which surprised us with how tricky it was to find.

It turned out that the area around the car park surrounded by picnic tables and small clearings did not contain the trailhead.

Protestors_Falls_021_05072008 - Julie on the walking track to Protestors Falls, which skirted Terania Creek in stretches like this one
Julie on the walking track to Protestors Falls, which skirted Terania Creek in stretches like this one

Instead, the trail itself started back across the concrete ford before the end of the access road.

Once we found ourselves on the correct path, we then followed the signposts and walked amongst the old growth rainforest.

The lushness of the forest had enough density and thickness to even block out a lot of the midday sun.

The walk, which went over a combination of dirt and boardwalk (in the muddiest sections) took us a little over an hour round trip.

During our visit, we didn’t encounter anyone else for most of the way except for another party consisting of a local mother and two children.

Protestors_Falls_033_05072008 - Focused on the base of Protestors Falls
Focused on the base of Protestors Falls

So I reckon that this place would suit anyone desiring a quiet and naturesque experience.

Julie and I also checked out a handful of interpretive signs along the way to further educate ourselves about the area.

One of the things we found out through the interpretive signs was the presence of endangered frogs.

Since the track went alongside Terania Creek (on which the falls flowed) in stretches, I guess it made sense to expect some rare frogs to thrive here.

However, we didn’t spot any during our hike.


Protestors Falls resides in the Nightcap National Park near Byron Bay in New South Wales. It is administered by the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service. For information or inquiries about the area as well as current conditions, visit their website.

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Content is for subscribers. See Membership Options.
Tagged with: nightcap, national park, lismore, byron bay, new south wales, australia, waterfall

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Johnny Cheng is the founder of the World of Waterfalls and author of the award-winning A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls. Over the last 2 decades, he has visited thousands of waterfalls in over 40 countries around the world and nearly 40 states in the USA.
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