Souita Falls

Atherton Tableland / Far North, Queensland, Australia

About Souita Falls

Hiking Distance: 440m round trip
Suggested Time: 25-30 minutes

Date first visited: 2008-05-18
Date last visited: 2008-05-18

Waterfall Latitude: -17.56522
Waterfall Longitude: 145.64537

Waterfall Safety and Common Sense

Souita Falls was another one of the more obscure waterfalls in the Atherton Tablelands area.

This was probably due to the fact that it was situated in a quieter part of the Atherton Tablelands near the hamlet of Middlebrook, which was really more of an agricultural area than a town.

Souita_Falls_019_05172008 - Souita Falls
Souita Falls

Julie and I happened to kill time going to Souita Falls in between visits to the nearby Millaa Millaa Falls as we were waiting for the right time of day to go back there for better photos.

Given the relative obscurity of this waterfall, we were told that platypus could be found in Souita Falls’ watercourse (though it wasn’t the case during our visit).

In any case, when Julie and I arrived at Souita Falls, we quickly learned that this was actually a pair of small waterfalls within close proximity of each other.

We easily reached both waterfalls from the same walking track.

So Julie and I spent about 25 minutes away from the car despite there being two waterfalls.

We were able to reach the first waterfall within about 150m of walking.

Souita_Falls_002_05172008 - The first tier of the Souita Falls
The first tier of the Souita Falls

There was an overlook platform letting us see a bit of the falls from its top.

However, most of its drop was hidden from us as the creek dropped into the shadowy depths of the mini-ravine away from our line-of-sight from the lookout.

From what we could tell, there was no safe way of getting a better look at it.

Next, we continued another 70m on the short walking track towards the second waterfall.

We were able to get sideways views of it through some overgrowth though we never really got a totally clean look.

Nevertheless, we still thought this section was the more scenic of the two drops.

Souita Falls and Pepina Falls Confusion

Finally, there seemed to be a little bit of confusion between this waterfall and Pepina Falls.

That was because we found a sign at Millaa Millaa Falls that had the two waterfalls mixed up.

As you can see from the signage shown in some of the photos on this page, we’re pretty sure we have correctly identified both waterfalls.


Souita Falls resides in the Atherton Tablelands Region near Millaa Millaa, Queensland. It is administered by the Tablelands Regional Council. For information or inquiries about the area as well as current conditions, visit their website or Facebook page.

Souita_Falls_001_05172008 - At the trailhead for Souita Falls along the now-unpaved Middlebrook Rd
Souita_Falls_001_jx_05172008 - Signage indicating we had finally found the correct place for Souita Falls
Souita_Falls_008_05172008 - Julie checking out the Souita Falls from an overlook
Souita_Falls_013_05172008 - Looking through some overgrowth at the second Souita Falls

From the town of Millaa Millaa, the Palmerston Hwy stopped becoming Hwy 25 as it turned left from the centre of town.

Note that Hwy 25 would then continue as the Millaa Millaa-Malanda Rd.

We then went south from this junction for about 7.3km until we reached a turnoff for Middlebrook Rd on our left.

Turning left onto this road, we then continued for the next 4.7km.

However, we had to make sure we didn’t incorrectly take any of the side roads as we were going on the Middlebrook Rd.

Indeed, finding this place was not trivial.

For the last 500m, the road became gravel just past a signed fork.

Eventually, we would arrive at the easy-to-miss pullout adjacent to the trailhead.

The Palmerston Hwy continuation in Millaa Millaa was about 55km west of the Bruce Hwy (A1) in Innisfail.

For geographical context, Innisfail was 88km (over an hour drive) south of Cairns and 260km (3 hours drive) north of Townsville.

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Fixated on the upper falls

Top to bottom sweep of the longer, lower waterfall

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Tagged with: atherton, far north queensland, queensland, australia, waterfall, tablelands, waterfall circuit, millaa millaa, ravenshoe, middlebrook creek

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Johnny Cheng is the founder of the World of Waterfalls and author of the award-winning A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls. Over the last 2 decades, he has visited thousands of waterfalls in over 40 countries around the world and nearly 40 states in the USA.
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