Black Swift Falls ("Ragged Point Waterfall")

Ragged Point / San Simeon, California, USA

About Black Swift Falls (“Ragged Point Waterfall”)

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The Black Swift Falls (or “Ragged Point Waterfall” as we tended to refer to it) was an intermittent waterfall on Young Creek that we had an opportunity to visit on our very first trip to Big Sur back around the late March 2001 time frame.

Unfortunately, we were neither well-researched nor well-prepared on that trip so we wound up not doing it.

Ragged_Point_109_11172018 - Black Swift Falls
Black Swift Falls

It wasn’t until over 17 years later that I finally had the opportunity to do this hike.

However, it was at the end of a particularly vicious Dry Season (yielding California’s deadliest and most damaging wildfires to date statewide) so it had no chance of flowing on this visit.

The course of the intermittent Young Creek actually went through the grounds of the Ragged Point Inn Property.

The trail leading down to the base of the waterfall began from a wedding gazeebo and lookout.

Ragged_Point_174_11172018 - Approaching the lookout of the Big Sur Coast from the Ragged Point Inn
Approaching the lookout of the Big Sur Coast from the Ragged Point Inn

It then steeply clung to the crumbly and rugged sea cliffs all the way to the small beach at the very bottom.

The Black Swift Falls was neither visible from the property nor from its cliffside lookouts.

Therefore, in order to experience it (let alone see it), I had to make the hike to the bottom where it was possible to look directly up the gully carved out by Young Creek.

Black Swift Falls Trail Description – the hazardous descent

Speaking of the trail, even though it was short from a distance standpoint (merely a quarter-mile or so in each direction), it was not easy by any stretch of the imagination!

Ragged_Point_171_11172018 - Context of the steep descent to the bottom of Black Swift Falls as this young couple (who admittedly said they weren't prepared for it) made their attempt
Context of the steep descent to the bottom of Black Swift Falls as this young couple (who admittedly said they weren’t prepared for it) made their attempt

Basically, after the first few wooden steps from the lookout, the trail quickly degenerated into a steep, slippery, and very rugged and worn path that seemed to haphazardly traverse eroding slopes.

In some parts, the trail even undulated to get around small landslips.

Thus, it was clear that there had been past evidence of trail infrastructure (e.g. a railing on a small bridge) that the current trail now avoided.

I got the feeling that the trail will continue to be a haphazard path where Nature will reclaim some parts thereby resulting in new trails being formed.

Ragged_Point_061_11172018 - Looking up at old trail infrastructure that was now no longer in use since the current 'trail' bypasses it. I'd imagine it's a constant tug-of-war between human access and Nature reclaiming it
Looking up at old trail infrastructure that was now no longer in use since the current ‘trail’ bypasses it. I’d imagine it’s a constant tug-of-war between human access and Nature reclaiming it

And this pattern will persist until the trail itself will become impassable from a safety standpoint (at which point Nature for sure will reclaim it).

In any case, after getting past a shaded section where I ducked under the branches of a windswept tree, the path then descended directly to the rocky base.

That was where the hike went from a rugged cliff-hanging hike into a degenerating four-limbed scramble down rocks with minor dropoffs.

It took me about 25 minutes to do this descent with a pair of hiking boots and hiking pants (as I was brushing up against some craggy bushes).

Ragged_Point_169_11172018 - Looking up at the barely-visible trail leading to the base of the Black Swift Falls
Looking up at the barely-visible trail leading to the base of the Black Swift Falls

While I took my time and other people took less time than I did on this descent, I was definitely glad in hindsight that I didn’t attempt to do this hike in Chacos or beach sandals.

That was something that I seriously considered back on our first stay in this part of Big Sur in 2001.

Black Swift Falls Trail Description – exploring the bottom

Anyways, once at the bottom, I did some rock scrambling to check out the small beach, where the lack of dry sand was an indicator that this area can be under water in high tide.

I also did other scrambling further upstream on the rocky gully towards a pond, where I’d imagine the base of the Black Swift Falls (or “Ragged Point Waterfall”) would be.

Ragged_Point_126_11172018 - Full context of the Black Swift Falls or the 'Ragged Point Waterfall'
Full context of the Black Swift Falls or the ‘Ragged Point Waterfall’

Further up the jumble of rocks (making the lower portions of this waterfall more of a cascade), there was a more classical vertical drop near the top of the cliffs.

The only evidence of the watercourse was a noticeable vertical trail of dry grass growing on the cliff itself.

It looked like a rather steep and dangerous scramble to even make it up that high to the base of this main drop so I was content to imagine the waterfall from the rocky pond just upstream from the beach.

After having my fill of this spot, I ascended back up to the Ragged Point Inn property, where it only took me around 10-15 minutes to finish the ascent.

Ragged_Point_084_11172018 - The small beach at the bottom of the steep descent to the base of Black Swift Falls
The small beach at the bottom of the steep descent to the base of Black Swift Falls

Indeed, this was one of the rare instances where going up seemed easier than going down given the steep ruggedness of this ever-evolving trail.


Black Swift Falls resides on the Big Sur Coast at Ragged Point near San Simeon in San Luis Obispo County, California. To my knowledge, it does not belong to a reserve or some kind of overseeing authority. However, if you’re looking to do this excursion and want to inquire about current conditions, you might have some success asking someone at the Ragged Point Inn. More information is available at their website.

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Content is for subscribers. See Membership Options.
Tagged with: san simeon, ragged point, san luis obispo, california, waterfall, big sur

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Black Swift Falls July 3, 2021 10:47 pm by Lew Lamar - I have a few photos of Black Swift Falls, taken Feb 24, 2017. We were staying at Ragged Point Inn, and Highway 1 was closed north of there. I discovered the falls just by walking around. That was a wet winter, so the falls were flowing real well. ...Read More

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Black Swift Falls July 3, 2021 10:47 pm by Lew Lamar - I have a few photos of Black Swift Falls, taken Feb 24, 2017. We were staying at Ragged Point Inn, and Highway 1 was closed north of there. I discovered the falls just by walking around. That was a wet winter, so the falls were flowing real well. ...Read More

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Johnny Cheng

About Johnny Cheng

Johnny Cheng is the founder of the World of Waterfalls and author of the award-winning A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls. Over the last 2 decades, he has visited thousands of waterfalls in over 40 countries around the world and nearly 40 states in the USA.
Read More About Johnny | A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls.