Glen Alpine Falls

Fallen Leaf Lake / South Lake Tahoe, California, USA

About Glen Alpine Falls

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Waterfall Safety and Common Sense

Glen Alpine Falls (or Glen Alpine Creek Falls) was definitely one of the big waterfall surprises of our trip to South Lake Tahoe.

It featured an impressive drop that was about as wide as it was tall at 75ft.

Glen_Alpine_Falls_007_06232016 - Glen Alpine Falls (or Lower Glen Alpine Falls)
Glen Alpine Falls (or Lower Glen Alpine Falls)

It also had underlying reddish rocks contrasting the bright whites of the rushing cascade making it photogenic.

Moreover, there were lots of people playing around the calmer parts of the Glen Alpine Creek for that interactive experience.

Heck, this was also a drive-to waterfall while neighboring other attractive sights like Fallen Leaf Lake and Lily Lake.

Indeed, Glen Alpine Falls pretty much had it all, except for the limited parking spaces along the narrow road to get here.

It was hard to believe that we almost skipped doing this waterfall due to waterfall fatigue from having seen so many other waterfalls in the Lake Tahoe vicinity during our June 2016 trip.

Glen_Alpine_Falls_030_06232016 - Trying to capture as much of the Glen Alpine Falls as I could in a single shot
Trying to capture as much of the Glen Alpine Falls as I could in a single shot

Good thing we pushed through the waterfall saturation and persisted!

Experiencing Glen Alpine Falls

We were able to experience the Glen Alpine Falls both from near its base as well as from viewing areas in more elevated spots directly across from Glen Alpine Creek.

While the main falls was what most people paid attention to, the creek continued its cascading course wrapping around the viewing area and proceeding mostly unseen further downstream.

At the tops of the gorge were some private homes getting a prime view of the falls and the people enjoying themselves around it.

We were also able to walk up the road a short distance to another viewing spot, where we got closer to the brink of the falls and better appreciate just how big it was.

Glen_Alpine_Falls_002_06232016 - Mom descending towards a spot where we could view the Glen Alpine Falls
Mom descending towards a spot where we could view the Glen Alpine Falls

Some people were a bit daring and found “islands” in the middle of the falls though I wouldn’t recommend it given the potential for a fatal fall.

Nevertheless, it was easy to see why this appeared to be a very popular spot though not quite as crushing as some of the other attractions along Hwy 89 like Cascade Falls, and the Upper and Lower Eagle Falls.

Timing Glen Alpine Falls

As for the timing of a visit to the Glen Alpine Falls, apparently we were lucky.

As much of Northern California made somewhat of an El Nino comeback in 2016, much of the Sierra Nevada mountains had a pretty good snowpack (though it wasn’t as above average as was hoped).

Following an abysmal couple of years of drought even in these typically moist parts of the drought-stricken state, I guess we take what we could.

Glen_Alpine_Falls_052_06232016 - Looking further upstream from the Glen Alpine Falls along Glen Alpine Creek which had great flow during our visit
Looking further upstream from the Glen Alpine Falls along Glen Alpine Creek which had great flow during our visit

In any case, we showed up at a time when the Summer weather started to assert itself with full force, which meant that the snows were rapidly melting thereby swelling all drainages, including Glen Alpine Creek.

And as you can see from the photos on this page, this waterfall was probably about as photogenic as well as refreshing as it could be.

Given the hard bedrock containing the large drainage area, the waterflow can diminish drastically over the hot Summer months, especially in July and August.

It’s kind of like the Yosemite Falls effect, where it too had a very large drainage area and can have a forceful display in the Spring and early Summer months.

However, it would eventually go dry typically by August and definitely by Labor Day.


Glen_Alpine_Falls_049_06232016 - Looking across the brink of the Glen Alpine Falls with some house perched by the cliff opposite the Glen Alpine Creek
Looking across the brink of the Glen Alpine Falls with some house perched by the cliff opposite the Glen Alpine Creek

Finally, because there happened to be another waterfall a bit further upstream on Glen Alpine Creek, we’ve seen this waterfall referred to as the Lower Glen Alpine Falls.

That said, the maps often label this waterfall as the Glen Alpine Falls.

I could have combined the writeups for both of the waterfalls on Glen Alpine Creek.

However, since they started from different trailheads or parking areas, I figured that it made more sense to keep them separate.

You can read the other writeup for the Upper Glen Alpine Falls (more formally known as Modjeska Falls) here.


Glen Alpine Falls resides in the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit near South Lake Tahoe in El Dorado County, California. It is administered by the USDA Forest Service. For information or inquiries about the area as well as current conditions, visit their website.

Maps and Routing Content are for annual subscribers. See Membership Options.
Content is for subscribers. See Membership Options.
Tagged with: fallen leaf lake, south lake tahoe, eldorado, sierra nevada, northern california, california, waterfall, glen alpine creek

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Johnny Cheng is the founder of the World of Waterfalls and author of the award-winning A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls. Over the last 2 decades, he has visited thousands of waterfalls in over 40 countries around the world and nearly 40 states in the USA.
Read More About Johnny | A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls.