Solstice Canyon Falls

Santa Monica Mountains / Malibu, California, USA

About Solstice Canyon Falls

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Waterfall Safety and Common Sense

Solstice Canyon Falls (also called Roberts Ranch Falls) is a tiny 30ft waterfall in the coastal Santa Monica Mountains.

This was one of the easier waterfalls to visit as we pretty much hiked along a paved driveway for almost the entire length of the trail to this waterfall.

Solstice_Canyon_Falls_030_03142010 - Solstice Canyon Falls in early Spring flow
Solstice Canyon Falls in early Spring flow

In fact, this trail was so easy that we had enough confidence to bring our daughter here multiple times (once as early as three or four months old).

I think the most challenging thing about this excursion might be trying to find a parking spot, especially if you got a late start on the weekend (like we did on our last few visits).

Julie and I have done this hike multiple times, and it didn’t seem like the trail had changed much over those years.

The Solstice Canyon Stroll

We say this was one of the easier hikes even though it involved walking around 2 miles round-trip from the official trailhead (see directions below).

Solstice_Cyn_036_03272011 - The Solstice Canyon Falls walk was easy enough that we even tried bringing a baby stroller when our daughter was barely three months old
The Solstice Canyon Falls walk was easy enough that we even tried bringing a baby stroller when our daughter was barely three months old

That said, we’ve had occasions where we had to add an additional half-mile or so each way because we had to park in one of the overflow spaces or pullouts.

In any case, most of the walk was flat and on pavement, and I’d argue calling it a hike might be a stretch.

The hikes felt really more like a stroll, and that allowed us to pay attention to the surroundings, where we got a sense of the tug-of-war Mother Nature has with developers and homeowners.

There was evidence of fires that had run through this canyon in the past (not unsual in the Santa Monica Mountains).

Solstice_Canyon_Falls_006_03142010 - Looking up towards some expensive homes perched atop the ridges overlooking Solstice Canyon, which exhibited lots of signs of fires in its past
Looking up towards some expensive homes perched atop the ridges overlooking Solstice Canyon, which exhibited lots of signs of fires in its past

Yet at the same time, we witnessed expensive homes perched atop the ridges overlooking this canyon.

Sometimes we wondered if these homes were going to survive the next fire that would come through here.

And in between all that, we managed to see lots of blooming wildflowers on the canyon slopes as well as right besides the mostly paved trail.

At about the half-way point, there was Keller House, which was a hunting abode built of tin and stone (in an attempt to thwart destruction by fire) by Henry Keller.

Solstice_Canyon_Falls_14_033_04132014 - This was the remnants of the Keller House at about the half-way point of the trail
This was the remnants of the Keller House at about the half-way point of the trail

Over the years, even this structure eventually succumbed to fire despite the more fireproof design, and only the supports stood now.

A bridge that went straight to the front of the house was closed, but the road/trail swung around a sturdy concrete bridge towards the backside of the house where we took a closer look.

Beyond the Henry Keller hunting house, the trail kind of split up beyond the bridge.

At first, we weren’t sure if we were going the right way, but we eventually figured out that these trails converged later on so as long as we kept heading in the same general direction upstream, we were fine.

Solstice_Canyon_Falls_14_106_04132014 - Julie and Tahia crossing a creek where we chose not to take the driveway and went with the narrower path instead (where the trail had split) en route to Solstice Canyon Falls
Julie and Tahia crossing a creek where we chose not to take the driveway and went with the narrower path instead (where the trail had split) en route to Solstice Canyon Falls

The path nearest the stream actually crossed it twice in easy boulder hops.

However, the leftmost path climbed a bit before descending back to where the trails joined up once again.

The latter path was probably where the well-developed almost-concrete path persisted, but it undulated a bit more than the lower path, and I’d imagine it was noticeably longer as well.

Anyways, that undulating paved path was meant more for vehicles as opposed to foot traffic.

Solstice_Canyon_Falls_14_092_04132014 - What's left of the Roberts Ranch home
What’s left of the Roberts Ranch home

At the end of the main trail, we saw what was left of the home of Fred Roberts who once made his fortune off the Roberts Public Market grocery chain (apparently it flourished before our time).

The home was designed by an African American architect Paul R. Williams who was directed to put all sorts of fireproof features into the design of the home since Roberts encountered many fires here.

But it was ultimately destroyed in 1982 after Roberts’ death when the property was no longer maintained.

Around Solstice Canyon Falls

Right behind the remnants of the home was the Solstice Canyon Falls.

Solstice_Canyon_Falls_020_03142010 - Context of the Solstice Canyon Falls as seen from around the Roberts Ranch area, including some intermediate cascades fronting the main drop
Context of the Solstice Canyon Falls as seen from around the Roberts Ranch area, including some intermediate cascades fronting the main drop

Given the proximity of the falls to the remnants of the home, it made us wonder whether this was like a private waterfall to the Roberts’.

The path did get a little rough around the falls so I’m sure you’d have to keep an eye out on the kids who may not be cognizant of the mild drop-off hazard here.

Even Julie and I were nervous about carrying our daughter right up to the falls when she was barely four months old.

On the opposite side of the stream, we noticed some primitive paths (which were just as rocky and rough) going by some chimney-looking remnant.

Solstice_Canyon_022_09032012 - Some kind of chimney-like structure opposite the Solstice Canyon Falls
Some kind of chimney-like structure opposite the Solstice Canyon Falls

This afforded us an unusual view of the falls and the usually busy viewing area down below.

We saw people continue higher up the trail, but we had never gone past the falls so we can’t say anything more about what would be up there.

Finally, something that surprised both Julie and I on a Labor Day visit here in 2012 (which was a very dry year) was that Solstice Canyon Falls was still flowing even this late into the Summer!

While the flow wasn’t impressive, it did have significant enough flow to be able to tell it was a waterfall.

Solstice_Canyon_034_09032012 - Contextual look back at the Solstice Canyon Falls and the people checking it out as seen from a higher vantage point in September 2012
Contextual look back at the Solstice Canyon Falls and the people checking it out as seen from a higher vantage point in September 2012

It also made us wonder whether this could be counted as another one of the few year year-round waterfalls in Southern California based on this observation!

That said, we also showed up in April 2014 when Solstice Canyon Falls had a similar trickle, which didn’t give us much hope that it’d flow into Summer.


Solstice Canyon Falls resides in the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area near Malibu in Los Angeles County, California. It is administered by the National Park Service. For information or inquiries about this area as well as current conditions, visit their website.

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Content is for subscribers. See Membership Options.
Tagged with: santa monica mountains, los angeles, malibu, california, southern california, waterfall, roberts ranch, corral canyon, pacific coast, point dume

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Johnny Cheng is the founder of the World of Waterfalls and author of the award-winning A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls. Over the last 2 decades, he has visited thousands of waterfalls in over 40 countries around the world and nearly 40 states in the USA.
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