Glassmine Falls

Blue Ridge Parkway, North Carolina, USA

About Glassmine Falls

Hiking Distance: roadside
Suggested Time:

Date first visited: 2012-10-19
Date last visited: 2012-10-19

Waterfall Latitude: 35.73508
Waterfall Longitude: -82.33463

Waterfall Safety and Common Sense

Glassmine Falls is a thin waterfall seen right off the Blue Ridge Parkway, which made it very convenient to experience.

Despite its decent flow when we witnessed it in mid-October, it’s said to be an ephemeral waterfall (i.e. it doesn’t last long) so we considered ourselves lucky for being able to see it.

Glassmine_Falls_009_20121019 - Glassmine Falls
Glassmine Falls

There’s a sign by the pullout nearest to the overlook of this falls proudly proclaiming it’s 800ft.

Generally, we’d make a big deal out of waterfalls this tall, but given its fickle nature and how it almost blends into the scenery it’s a part of, I’m only including a writeup of it since it has been given such infrastructure for easy visitation.

The overlook area extends towards the top of a hill, but I don’t think the view is all that different from up there.

Whether you see water in Glassmine Falls or not is dependent on how soon you visit after a significant rainfall event has occurred.

Glassmine_Falls_013_20121019 - More contextual look at the Glassmine Falls surrounded by beautiful Autumn colors
More contextual look at the Glassmine Falls surrounded by beautiful Autumn colors

Wait too long, and this falls disappears while revealing only the bare rock over which it plunges.

I can only speculate that perhaps the last rain event that revived this waterfall was three or four days prior to our visit.


Glassmine Falls resides in the Blue Ridge Parkway near Asheville in Buncombe County, North Carolina. It is administered by the National Park Service. For information or inquiries about the area as well as current conditions, visit their website.

Glassmine_Falls_001_20121019 - The sign fronting the distant overlook of the Glassmine Falls
Glassmine_Falls_016_20121019 - Context of the railing infrastructure and the Glassmine Falls starting to get smaller as we zoom out the camera's lens
Glassmine_Falls_017_20121019 - Full context of the overlook at Glassmine Falls. Can you spot the waterfall now?

The overlook area for Glassmine Falls is on the Blue Ridge Parkway by the 361.2 mile post between Asheville and Crabtree Falls.

It was about 21 miles northeast of Asheville taking us around 45 minutes of driving.

As for some geographical context, Asheville was 35 miles (under an hour drive) north of Brevard, 63 miles (about 90 minutes drive) north of Greenville, South Carolina, and 130 miles (over 2 hours drive) west of Charlotte, and 247 miles (4 hours drive) west of Raleigh.

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Zoomed in on the falls before zooming out to show its context, then panning from left to right to show the context of the valley below

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Tagged with: blue ridge, parkway, buncombe, asheville, north carolina, waterfall, national park

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About Johnny Cheng

Johnny Cheng is the founder of the World of Waterfalls and author of the award-winning A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls. Over the last 2 decades, he has visited thousands of waterfalls in over 40 countries around the world and nearly 40 states in the USA.
Read More About Johnny | A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls.