Silver Cascade

White Mountain National Forest / Crawford Notch, New Hampshire, USA

About Silver Cascade

Hiking Distance: roadside
Suggested Time:

Date first visited: 2013-10-02
Date last visited: 2013-10-02

Waterfall Latitude: 44.20741
Waterfall Longitude: -71.39873

Waterfall Safety and Common Sense

Silver Cascade was one of the few true roadside waterfalls we managed to see during our New England trip in the Autumn of 2013.

Given its ease of accessibility, Julie and I remembered seeing numerous other people flanked on both sides of Hwy 302 to get their photos of this attractive 250ft waterfall.

Silver_Cascade_NH_005_10022013 - Silver Cascade surrounded by Autumn foliage near the peak of their color turn
Silver Cascade surrounded by Autumn foliage near the peak of their color turn

While the falls had a lofty height figure, it tumbled in multiple cascading stages as suggested by its name.

Nevertheless, it was pretty clear that this waterfall was a must see photo stop, especially in light of the peak of Fall colors during our visit.

As a result, the lemmings effect was very evident as many motorists would pull over and see what the commotion was about.

However, as I tout Silver Cascade’s convenient access, I did find the sound of cars whooshing by (probably going above the speed limit) a bit unnerving as we stood so close to the highway itself.

Silver_Cascade_NH_014_10022013 - Closer look at Silver Cascade including some people chilling out by its lower sections
Closer look at Silver Cascade including some people chilling out by its lower sections

So that fear of becoming roadkill tempered our desire to linger here a bit longer.

We ended up spending about 10 minutes away from the car, which was enough time to snap a few photos with as many different compositions as we could think of.


Silver Cascade resides in the White Mountain National Forest near North Conway in Carroll County, New Hampshire. It is administered by the US Forest Service. For information or inquiries about the area as well as current conditions, visit their website or Facebook page.

Silver_Cascade_NH_001_10022013 - Contextual look at the impressive Silver Cascade flanked by Autumn foliage with some people near the base for a sense of scale
Silver_Cascade_NH_008_10022013 - Broad look towards the Silver Cascade flanked by Autumn foliage and a couple of people who scrambled closer to the bottom of the upper tiers of the waterfall
Silver_Cascade_NH_010_10022013 - Focused look at the upper tiers of the Silver Cascade surrounded by attractive Autumn colors
Silver_Cascade_NH_018_10022013 - Looking at the full height of Silver Cascade from the road bridge crossing over its creek
Silver_Cascade_NH_021_10022013 - Context of the road bridge belonging to Hwy 302 and the Silver Cascade with Autumn foliage in the background
Silver_Cascade_NH_023_10022013 - Another focused in look at the upper tiers of the Silver Cascade while being accentuated by the beautiful Autumn foliage

Silver Cascade was about 2.7 miles north of the Ripley Falls turnoff and about 5 miles north of the Arethusa Falls turnoff along Hwy 302.

There was a large parking area on the left side of the highway before the bridge over the creek as we faced north.

Silver_Cascade_NH_024_10022013 - Looking downhill (south) from the bridge over the creek responsible for Silver Cascade towards a parking lot
Looking downhill (south) from the bridge over the creek responsible for Silver Cascade towards a parking lot

From North Conway (where we were staying), we drove about 8 miles to the north towards the Hwy 320/Hwy 16 junction at Bartlett.

We then kept left and continued driving another 19.5 miles on Hwy 320 until we’d eventualy reach the parking lot for Silver Cascade.

For geographical context, North Conway was 11 miles west of Fryeburg, Maine, 42 miles (over an hour drive) east of Lincoln, 63 miles (90 minutes drive) northwest of Portland, Maine, 136 miles (over 2.5 hours drive) north of Boston, Massachusetts, and 214 miles (over 3.5 hours drive) southeast of Montreal, QC, Canada.

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Right to left sweep of the roadside falls

Tagged with: white mountain, white mtn, national forest, crawford notch, carroll county, north conway, new hampshire, waterfall, new england, harts location, autumn colors, fall colors

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Johnny Cheng

About Johnny Cheng

Johnny Cheng is the founder of the World of Waterfalls and author of the award-winning A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls. Over the last 2 decades, he has visited thousands of waterfalls in over 40 countries around the world and nearly 40 states in the USA.
Read More About Johnny | A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls.