Tannery Falls

Savoy Mountain State Forest, Massachusetts, USA

About Tannery Falls

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Tannery Falls was perhaps the one waterfall in the New England area that I had to go through the most trouble to visit.

Whether it was by circumstance or it was just the way it was and will be for the foreseeable future, I had my doubts about whether I’d be able to visit this waterfall given the challenges that I had to overcome to get here.

Tannery_Falls_025_09302013 - Tannery Falls
Tannery Falls

Of course with that said, it was still relatively easy to access once I got to the trailhead.

However, the kicker was that it involved some rough driving (very risky with a low clearance rental car) to access that trailhead, which I’ll get into in the directions.

Given the real off-the-beaten-path feel of the Tannery Falls, it didn’t surprise me that it felt like I was the only one enjoying this serene reserve.

After all, I didn’t encounter another soul on the trail nor on the roads to get here in the Savoy Mountain State Forest.

In any case, Tannery Falls was really a series of small waterfalls on the Ross Brook.

Tannery_Falls_013_09302013 - One of the cascading tiers of Parker Brook Falls, which was on a separate stream than that of Tannery Falls
One of the cascading tiers of Parker Brook Falls, which was on a separate stream than that of Tannery Falls

It culminated in a thin but attractive 60ft drop into a dark and densely forested area.

In an adjacent brook called Parker Brook, there was also the multi-tiered Parker Brook Falls, which was just a few paces from Tannery Falls.

Since I visited this waterfall in the Autumn (mostly for the Fall colors), the waterflow was a little on the light side.

I’d imagine that during the Spring or early Summer, this waterfall would be far more powerful and take on a much thicker appearance than what you see on this web page.

At least the silver lining to the low waterflow was that the trail was pretty easy to navigate as muddiness and fast-moving stream crossings were a non-issue.

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Tannery_Falls_007_09302013 - On the primitive forest trail leading downstream to the Tannery Falls
On the primitive forest trail leading downstream to the Tannery Falls

From the trailhead, I followed a narrow but fairly obvious dirt trail flanked by blue blazes (or hashes).

The path followed some fencing that kept me from getting too close to the Ross Brook and its dropoffs.

There were some tiny upper waterfalls en route so the constant sounds of gurgling streams and rushing water, which helped to break the stillness of the morning air during my hike.

The trail then descended a series of steps eventually reaching its bottom between both Tannery Falls and Parker Brook Falls.

Tannery_Falls_010_09302013 - Descending steps that followed alongside the slope of the Tannery Falls. Such steps made the descent easier and less prone to erosion
Descending steps that followed alongside the slope of the Tannery Falls. Such steps made the descent easier and less prone to erosion

I was able to see the latter waterfall after scrambling a short distance off the trail to the right (facing the base of the descent) where there were multiple thin tiers in succession.

Given the low light of the morning when I showed up, it was tricky to photograph without a tripod (which I didn’t bring for this hike).

But just a few paces going in the other direction, I was able to see some rock cairns stacked up next to some fallen tree that I used as a pseudo-tripod to take photos of the main Tannery Falls itself.

Although I had noticed some trails that led further downstream (even crossing the stream) towards some trees that had some faint blue blazes on them, I couldn’t figure out where they went by the time the trails eventually disappeared.

Tannery_Falls_020_09302013 - Looking right at the main tier of the Tannery Falls
Looking right at the main tier of the Tannery Falls

So I was content to just turn around and go back up to the trailhead parking.

Overall, the time I spent away from the car was roughly a little under an hour, but this included my fruitless meanderings so this hike could consume even less time.


Tannery Falls resides in the Savoy Mountain State Forest near Florida in Berkshire County, Massachusetts. It is administered by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. For information or inquiries about the area as well as current conditions, visit their website.

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Content is for subscribers. See Membership Options.
Tagged with: savoy mountain, state forest, massachusetts, waterfall, berkshire, north adams, ross brook, parker brook, florida, eastern summit, new england

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About Johnny Cheng

Johnny Cheng is the founder of the World of Waterfalls and author of the award-winning A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls. Over the last 2 decades, he has visited thousands of waterfalls in over 40 countries around the world and nearly 40 states in the USA.
Read More About Johnny | A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls.