Allerheiligen Waterfalls

Oppenau / Black Forest / Ortenaukreis District, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany

About Allerheiligen Waterfalls

Hiking Distance: 0.8km round trip
Suggested Time: 1 hour

Date first visited: 2018-06-22
Date last visited: 2018-06-22

Waterfall Latitude: 48.53141
Waterfall Longitude: 8.18933

Waterfall Safety and Common Sense

The Allerheiligen Waterfalls were actually a series of small all-season waterfalls tumbling over apparently seven drops within the Schwarzwald National Park.

It’s said that the cumulative height of all these drops was about 83m.

Allerheiligen_077_06222018 - One of the Allerheiligen Waterfalls
One of the Allerheiligen Waterfalls

We were able to experience the falls along a steep but well-made series of steps that climbed alongside each of the waterfall’s drops.

It turned out that the English translation of Allerheiligen meant “All Saints”.

That was apparently due to the Allerheiligen Monastery that dated back to Roman times, which was well upstream of the Allerheiligen Waterfalls.

Apparently, lots of stories and legends were said about the falls due to its inaccessibility as a result of the steep terrain.

Allerheiligen_143_06222018 - The Allerheiligen Monastery ruins further upstream from the Allerheiligen Waterfalls
The Allerheiligen Monastery ruins further upstream from the Allerheiligen Waterfalls

The steepness and the stair-stepped nature of the trail (described below) certainly attested to that.

This waterfall also assumed many different names in German over the years.

Such names included Büttensteiner Wasserfälle (“Tub Stone Waterfalls”), die Sieben Bütten (“Seven Tubs”), Lierbachfälle, and of course die Wasserfälle Allerheiligen and Allerheiligen Wasserfälle.

Allerheiligen Waterfalls Trail Description

From the spacious car park (see directions below), we crossed the road being careful due to the blind hairpin turn.

Allerheiligen_033_06222018 - Initially, the trail follows the east bank of the Lierbach Creek
Initially, the trail follows the east bank of the Lierbach Creek

Then, we proceeded beneath the procession of man-made archways before getting onto the trail.

The path followed along the Lierbach’s east bank for roughly the first 250m before encountering the first waterfall (or third if you count the two tiny cascades beneath it).

Beyond this diminutive yet intimate waterfall, the path continued over a bridge across the front of this falls.

Then, it continued up a steep series of steps on the west bank of the Lierbach.

Allerheiligen_060_06222018 - Context of the top of the second long climb up steps after a brief descent from the first series of steps along the Allerheiligen Waterfalls
Context of the top of the second long climb up steps after a brief descent from the first series of steps along the Allerheiligen Waterfalls

Indeed, at the top of the first steps, the path then rounded a bend and momentarily descended as it revealed the next waterfall drop.

At the same time, it also revealed an even longer series of steps going up.

On this next round of steps, we were able to glimpse more partial views of the Allerheiligen Waterfalls.

The higher we went along these steps, the more the trail continued to reveal more waterfalls with even longer drops.

Allerheiligen_088_06222018 - Julie and Tahia climbing above some of the uppermost of the Allerheiligen Waterfalls
Julie and Tahia climbing above some of the uppermost of the Allerheiligen Waterfalls

It was hard to tell when one drop stopped and the next one started.

However, the highest drops of the waterfall series appeared to be more towards the upper middle of the entire waterfall ensemble.

The uppermost pair of drops were each a bit shorter.

Once we were beyond the top of the last two drops, the path flattened out and continued back along the east bank of the Lierbach along the so-called Legends Trail.

Allerheiligen_096_06222018 - One of the wild strawberries that Julie and Tahia spotted on the Legends Trail above the Allerheiligen Waterfalls
One of the wild strawberries that Julie and Tahia spotted on the Legends Trail above the Allerheiligen Waterfalls

Apparently, it was so named because this place had been steeped in legends over the centuries.

Along the way, we noticed some wild strawberries growing within the greenery flanking the path.

When we realized there were no more waterfalls continuing up this way, we decided to turn around and head back the way we came.

This entire excursion only took us an hour covering the entirety of the 0.4km stretch of trail alongside the waterfalls (or 0.8km round trip).

Allerheiligen_091_06222018 - Looking back down at the steps leading up to the top of the Allerheiligen Waterfalls
Looking back down at the steps leading up to the top of the Allerheiligen Waterfalls

It would have been an additional 1.3km further (one-way) to the Allerheiligen Monastery Ruins further upstream, which itself had a separate car park and cafe in addition to the Roman ruins themselves.


The Allerheiligen Waterfalls resides in the Black Forest National Park near the town of Oppenau in the state of Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany. It may be administered by the Department of Environmental Education and Visitor Care. For information or inquiries about the area as well as current conditions, you may try visiting their website.

Allerheiligen_011_06222018 - Passing through these man-made columns and arches at the trailhead of the Allerheiligen Waterfalls
Allerheiligen_015_06222018 - Looking back at the context of the hairpin turn and the car park at the trailhead of the Allerheiligen Waterfalls
Allerheiligen_024_06222018 - Approaching the first bridge over the Lierbach Creek en route to the Allerheiligen Waterfalls
Allerheiligen_027_06222018 - The Allerheiligen Waterfalls Trail continued on a flat trajectory and followed the east bank of the Lierbach Creek after the first bridge
Allerheiligen_029_06222018 - Along the initial flat stretch of the Allerheiligen Waterfalls Trail, there were already some minor cascades and waterfalls on the Lierbach. I wondered if they counted towards the seven that were apparently here
Allerheiligen_031_06222018 - Julie continuing along the initial flat portion of the Allerheiligen Waterfalls hike
Allerheiligen_034_06222018 - Looking up at an interesting sign dedicated to Wilhelm Schulze along the Allerheiligen Waterfalls Trail
Allerheiligen_035_06222018 - Tahia and Julie approaching the second footbridge over the Lierbach Creek right in front of the lowermost of the Allerheiligen Waterfalls
Allerheiligen_056_06222018 - This was the first 'significant' waterfall that we encountered on the Allerheiligen Waterfalls series, which was fronted a bridge over the Lierbach Creek
Allerheiligen_057_06222018 - Beyond the first of the 'significant' Allerheiligen Waterfall, we then had to go up this long flight of steps
Allerheiligen_070_06222018 - Context of some of the Allerheiligen Waterfalls as we climbed up the next series of steps
Allerheiligen_071_06222018 - Looking back down at the bottom of the next set of Allerheiligen Waterfalls as we continued up the next long flight of steps
Allerheiligen_078_06222018 - This was the tallest and most impressive part of the Allerheiligen Waterfalls, which was probably in the upper two-thirds of the whole series
Allerheiligen_087_06222018 - This was the last pair of the Allerheiligen Waterfalls at the very top of the series of drops
Allerheiligen_093_06222018 - Julie and Tahia beyond the uppermost of the Allerheiligen Waterfalls, where the trail flattened out and followed the Lierbach on the east bank once again as part of the 'Legends Trail'
Allerheiligen_101_06222018 - Heading back down the long flight of steps after having had our fill of the Allerheiligen Waterfalls
Allerheiligen_107_06222018 - Making it all the way back to the trailhead for the Allerheiligen Waterfalls
Allerheiligen_108_06222018 - This was the car park that was closer to the Allerheiligen Klosterruine (Allerheiligen Monastery Ruins)
Allerheiligen_116_06222018 - Approaching the Allerheiligen Klosterruine (Allerheiligen Monastery Ruins)
Allerheiligen_123_06222018 - Walking amongst the Allerheiligen Klosterruine (Allerheiligen Monastery Ruins)
Allerheiligen_133_06222018 - This was the kiosk or cafe that was next to the Allerheiligen Klosterruine (Allerheiligen Monastery Ruins)
Allerheiligen_135_06222018 - Context of the Allerheiligen Klosterruine and the local road between the car park and the cafe
Allerheiligen_141_06222018 - Inside a neighboring church that was still in use next to the Allerheiligen Klosterruine

We’ll describe the driving directions from Oppenau since that was the nearest town and it was the way we did it.

There are lots of ways to get to Oppenau, which can easily be found using an app like Google Maps.

From the small town of Oppenau, all we had to do was to leave the B28 at the roundabout by the Lierbach and drive east on Straßburgerstraße.

We then followed this street through town as it became the Hauptstraße and then ultimately the Allerheiligenstraße at the east end of town.

Allerheiligen_001_06222018 - The car park for the Allerheiligen Waterfalls Trail, which was right at a hairpin turn next to these archways
The car park for the Allerheiligen Waterfalls Trail, which was right at a hairpin turn next to these archways

This road then became the Lierbachstraße after passing through town of Lierbach.

Eventually after 7.5km from the center of Oppenau, we arrived at the free car park for the Allerheiligen Waterfalls, which was on the right just before the hairpin turn.

This drive took us about 10 minutes.

For geographical context, Oppenau was 26km (under 30 minutes drive) east of Offenburg, 39km (over 30 minutes drive) east of Strasbourg, France, 63km (about 45 minutes drive) south of Baden Baden, 25km (under 30 minutes drive) west of Freudenstadt, and 90km (about an hour drive) north of Freiburg im Breisgau.

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Video showing all the major drops of the Allerheiligen Waterfalls

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Tagged with: oppenau, allerheiligen, all saints, monastery, klosterruine, black forest, schwarzwald, germany, waterfall, buttenstein, lierbach

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Johnny Cheng is the founder of the World of Waterfalls and author of the award-winning A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls. Over the last 2 decades, he has visited thousands of waterfalls in over 40 countries around the world and nearly 40 states in the USA.
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