Cascata Tervela

Santa Cristina Valgardena, Trentino-Alto Adige (Sudtirol) Region, Italy

About Cascata Tervela

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Waterfall Safety and Common Sense

The Cascata Tervela (or Cascata di Tervela as well as Cascate a Santa Cristina) was kind of an obscure waterfall by the town of Santa Cristina di Val Gardena.

With hardly any signage informing visitors of its name nor where to park for a closer look, it almost seemed like this was a waterfall that was taken for granted.

Cascata_di_Tervela_036_07162018 - Cascata Tervela
Cascata Tervela

That said, lots of people would have at least seen or noticed this waterfall because you’d see it if you were driving east towards Val Gardena past the turnoff for Santa Cristina just before entering the tunnel!

Experiencing the Cascata Tervela up close

As for experiencing the Cascata Tervela Waterfall, I managed to do so by finding parking near the Monte Pana Cable Car Station (see directions below).

Because I had an early start, I didn’t have trouble finding parking here.

However, given how few spaces there were, I could easily envision that parking would be hard to come by later in the day.

Cascata_di_Tervela_013_07162018 - Looking back at the switchback or hairpin turn on the narrow road where I deviated onto a driveway or trail leading me closer to the Cascata Tervela
Looking back at the switchback or hairpin turn on the narrow road where I deviated onto a driveway or trail leading me closer to the Cascata Tervela

In any case, once I scored a parking spot, I then walked downhill on the street past the Monte Pana cable car station on the left.

Then, I crossed over a bridge above the Grodner Stream as I reached an intersection.

I then followed the road uphill to my right as it climbed up towards a switchback.

At that switchback, I left the road and followed what looked like someone’s driveway leading up to an accommodation.

Cascata_di_Tervela_039_07162018 - Looking across parts of Santa Cristina di Val Val Gardena from the base of the Cascata Tervela
Looking across parts of Santa Cristina di Val Val Gardena from the base of the Cascata Tervela

After passing beneath the accommodation, the trail continued as it hugged a ledge providing views back towards Santa Cristina and the surrounding Dolomite mountains.

Shortly after rounding a bend, I was face-to-face with the main drop of the Cascata Tervela, which probably dropped some 30m or so.

The hiking trail continued to climb eventually towards Monte Pana, but I was content to get my views from the base of this waterfall, especially by the bridge fronting it.

Looking downstream from the bridge and the trail, I couldn’t help but notice that there was a lower drop that couldn’t be seen from up here.

Cascata_di_Tervela_068_07162018 - This was the attractive Cascata Tervela in Santa Cristina di Val Gardena with an interesting climbing statue hanging onto the neighboring cliff
This was the attractive Cascata Tervela in Santa Cristina di Val Gardena with an interesting climbing statue hanging onto the neighboring cliff

However, it would have been quite visible by people driving east on the SS242 Road down below.

After having my fill of this spot, I walked back to the car.

The total time it took for me to do this short walk was on the order of 15-30 minutes.

Experiencing the entirety of the Cascata Tervela

While it was tempting to call the Cascata Tervela Waterfall excursion done at this point, I did want to see what drivers would see.

Cascata_di_Tervela_114_07162018 - Looking back down Via Paul Street as I made my way up to an informal spot to get a nice look at the Cascata Tervela with Monte Pana along with the road tunnel for SS242
Looking back down Via Paul Street as I made my way up to an informal spot to get a nice look at the Cascata Tervela with Monte Pana along with the road tunnel for SS242

So in order to do that, I walked past my rental car and towards the roundabout at Via Dursan.

Then, I followed this street west towards the uphill street called Via Paul.

It was along this narrow street that I manged to get a nice satisfying view of Cascata Tervela together with Monte Pana.

In addition, the view of Cascata Tervela from here also revealed its lower drop, which tumbled next to the road tunnel.

Cascata_di_Tervela_103_07162018 - Full context of Monte Pana together with Cascate Tervela and the SS242 entering the road tunnel
Full context of Monte Pana together with Cascate Tervela and the SS242 entering the road tunnel

This lower drop might actually mean the waterfall’s total height might be on the order of about 50m or so.

Indeed, this was the spot where I took the picture you see above as well as in the hero image at the very top of this page.

Adding this extra bit of walking probably added another 15-30 minutes to the overall excursion.


Cascata Tervela resides near the town of Santa Cristina di Val Gardena in the Bolzano-Alto-Adige Province within the Trentino-Alto Adige Region of Italy. For information or inquiries about the area as well as current conditions, visit the Val Gardena Tourism Board website.

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Content is for subscribers. See Membership Options.
Tagged with: santa cristina, val gardena, wolkenstein, dolomites, dolomiti, italy, waterfall, monte pana, mt pana

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Johnny Cheng is the founder of the World of Waterfalls and author of the award-winning A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls. Over the last 2 decades, he has visited thousands of waterfalls in over 40 countries around the world and nearly 40 states in the USA.
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