
Ostersund, Jamtland County, Sweden

About Hallingsafallet

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Hallingsafallet (or more accurately Hällingsåfallet) was a spectacularly gushing waterfall where the Lilla Hällingsån dropped 43m right into the head of a deep canyon.

After having seen some modest waterfalls in Sweden up to this point on our 2019 trip to Scandinavia, this waterfall was the first one to really wow us.

Hallingsafallet_028_07112019 - Hällingsåfallet

Sure it had the volume and the dimensions to make it legitimate, but we thought it was its location at the head of the canyon that really made Hällingsåfallet stand out.

The canyon itself was said to be 15-60m wide and 800m long, which was also said to be the longest “living” one in Sweden (i.e. it still has water running through it).

Apparently, canyons like this weren’t common in Sweden, especially since it wasn’t necessarily formed by its watercourse but by a pre-existing crack eroded further by ice in the last Ice Age.

In fact, the Hallingsafallet Nature Reserve (Hällingsåfallet Naturreservat) was gazetted primarily for this waterfall and canyon.

Hallingsafallet_074_07112019 - The brink of Hällingsåfallet with mist producing a nice bold morning rainbow
The brink of Hällingsåfallet with mist producing a nice bold morning rainbow

Trivia aside, we experienced the falls from a variety of lookouts offering us the ability to have a look from various angles.

This included its brink where we witnessed a nice bold arcing morning rainbow in its wafting mist.

It was also quite a family-friendly excursion since the walk was pretty much all flat.

Also, all the overlooks had railings so we weren’t stressed out about our daughter getting too close to the edge.

Hallingsafallet_051_07112019 - Edge on view of Hällingsåfallet giving you a good idea of just how narrow this canyon was
Edge on view of Hällingsåfallet giving you a good idea of just how narrow this canyon was

We easily could have extended our visit by not only lingering at each of the overlooks, but we also could have chosen to walk a longer trail along the canyon instead of the short 800m walk we ended up doing (covering all overlooks).

However, the mosquitos were quite bad here during our mid-July 2019 visit (as they had been for every waterfall we had visited in Sweden so far).

So we pretty much had our fill of Hällingsåfallet and made it back to the car park (see directions below) in about 45 minutes.


Hällingsåfallet was near the town and municipality of Strömsund, which belonged to the county of Jämtland, Sweden. For information or inquiries about the area as well as current conditions, you may want to try the local municipality website.

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Content is for subscribers. See Membership Options.
Tagged with: stromsund, ostersund, sweden, waterfall, jamtland, lappland, lapland

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Johnny Cheng is the founder of the World of Waterfalls and author of the award-winning A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls. Over the last 2 decades, he has visited thousands of waterfalls in over 40 countries around the world and nearly 40 states in the USA.
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