Taylor Gill Force

Borrowdale Valley / Keswick / Lake District National Park, England, UK (Great Britain)

About Taylor Gill Force

Hiking Distance: 1 mile round trip
Suggested Time: 45-60 minutes

Date first visited: 2014-08-18
Date last visited: 2014-08-18

Waterfall Latitude: 54.49967
Waterfall Longitude: -3.19015

Waterfall Safety and Common Sense

The Taylor Gill Force Waterfall was said to be the tallest waterfall in the Lake District of Northern England.

It was said to have a 140ft drop, which made me wonder whether they were talking about a particular section of this cascade or if the name really did pertain to the entire cumulative drop.

Taylor_Gill_Force_004_08182014 - Looking directly at what I think is the Taylor Gill Force in context
Looking directly at what I think is the Taylor Gill Force in context

Whatever the case, I wasn’t sure if the mountain cascade pictured above was indeed the Taylor Gill Force or if there happened to be another nearby one that I somehow missed.

Nonetheless, I had read that this spot was the rainiest part of England, and perhaps fittingly, my visit was met with a pretty persistent rain as well.

Experiencing the waterfall

This cascade that I’m proclaiming to be the Taylor Gill Force was pretty easy to experience once we made it down the narrow roads from Keswick towards Borrowdale Valley by the Seathwaite Farm (see directions below).

From there, I was able to see the cascade from right off the end of the road, but there were lots of stone fences in the way.

Taylor_Gill_Force_005_08182014 - Walking along the Seathwaite Farm in pursuit of a way to get closer to the Taylor Gill Force
Walking along the Seathwaite Farm in pursuit of a way to get closer to the Taylor Gill Force

So that was what prompted me to explore the Seathwaite Farm for a bit until I found a gate that we could open and close.

That gate didn’t look like a public access route as it stumped a handful of other people also wishing to get a closer look at the falls.

Anyways, beyond the gate, the trail headed towards the base of the cascade while crossing a bridge over the start of the River Derwent.

By the way, that river ultimately made its way further down the valley towards the Derwent Water lake near Keswick.

Taylor_Gill_Force_029_08182014 - Looking upstream towards the head of Borrowdale Valley from the footbridge over the River Derwent
Looking upstream towards the head of Borrowdale Valley from the footbridge over the River Derwent

Up until the base of the Taylor Gill Force waterfalls, the walk was pretty short and flat as it passed right through the Seathwaite Farm.

As I looked in the upstream direction, I could see where the Borrowdale Valley stopped as the surrounding hills closed in on it.

However, the path then became a steep ascent after crossing over a stile (a steep pile of stones) before climbing quickly alongside the cascade.

Because it was raining pretty hard during my visit, this stone path became very slippery and dangerous.

Taylor_Gill_Force_042_08182014 - Looking across part of the Taylor Gill Force from as far up its trail as I was willing to go
Looking across part of the Taylor Gill Force from as far up its trail as I was willing to go

So I was only able to get roughly half-way to two-thirds of the way up before I was content with my partial view of the Taylor Gill Force waterfall as well as the gorgeous views looking back down towards Borrowdale Valley.

The trail kept going up, but given the dangerous conditions (thanks to the rain) I didn’t keep going.

In hindsight, perhaps I never got to see the 140ft section that the literature tended to show or talk about regarding the Taylor Gill Force.

In any case, I didn’t feel like I really missed out on much so I carefully made my way back down into the valley.

Taylor_Gill_Force_048_08182014 - Looking back down into Borrowdale Valley as I was carefully making my way back down alongside the Taylor Gill Force
Looking back down into Borrowdale Valley as I was carefully making my way back down alongside the Taylor Gill Force

After a little over an hour, I rejoined Julie and a napping Tahia who were sheltered from the rain in the parked car.


Taylor Gill Force resides near Keswick in Cumbria County, England. It is administered by the National Trust. For information or inquiries about the area as well as current conditions, visit their website.

Taylor_Gill_Force_002_08182014 - First look at Taylor Gill Force from the end of the road at the Seathwaite Farm
Taylor_Gill_Force_006_08182014 - Looking across the Borrowdale Valley towards some fells on the east side while walking along the Seathwaite Farm
Taylor_Gill_Force_013_08182014 - Another look back towards the context of the Taylor Gill Force as seen from the Seathwaite Farm
Taylor_Gill_Force_016_08182014 - Looking towards the head of Borrowdale Valley where the fells closed in and seemingly formed a cirque as seen from the Seathwaite Farm
Taylor_Gill_Force_018_08182014 - Looking back towards some campers before the Taylor Gill Force
Taylor_Gill_Force_022_08182014 - Going through the Seathwaite Farm towards the base of Taylor Gill Force along with a group of other walkers
Taylor_Gill_Force_026_08182014 - About to cross the bridge over the River Derwent right in front of Taylor Gill Force
Taylor_Gill_Force_033_08182014 - Climbing up the steep and slippery stone path alongside Taylor Gill Force in the hopes of getting a closer and more intimate experience with the cascade
Taylor_Gill_Force_039_08182014 - The higher up the trail I went alongside Taylor Gill Force, the more dramatic were the views looking back down into Borrowdale Valley
Taylor_Gill_Force_041_08182014 - This was about as close to Taylor Gill Force as I was going to get before I decided to head back down into Borrowdale Valley given the rain
Taylor_Gill_Force_056_08182014 - Last look at Taylor Gill Force as I made it back down into the Borrowdale Valley

To drive to Taylor Gill Force from Keswick, we headed towards the west end of town where the Borrowdale Road (B5289) followed the eastern shores of Derwent Water.

We continued on the B5289 road for about 7.5 miles until we reached an obscure turnoff for Seathwaite on our left.

We then followed this road into the Borrowdale Valley, where the road ended after another 1.2 miles.

Note that we did not continue on the B5289 road past the Seathwaite turnoff onto the very narrow and steep Honister Pass Road.

Taylor_Gill_Force_060_08182014 - Context of the Taylor Gill Force as seen from the Seathwaite Farm at the end of the access road in Borrowdale Valley
Context of the Taylor Gill Force as seen from the Seathwaite Farm at the end of the access road in Borrowdale Valley

This drive took us about 30 minutes from the town centre of Keswick, which itself was about another 30 miles (an hour drive) northwest of Kendal.

The roads were all narrow so that’s something to consider if you’re caught behind a truck, tractor, or some other diesel-belching slow-moving vehicle.

The drive could be a bit quicker than 30 minutes without the traffic delays.

Bottom line is you have to be patient when driving in this area.

Finally, as for some geographical context, Kendal was 87 miles (over 2 hours drive) west of York, 73 miles (90 minutes drive) north of Manchester, 236 miles (4.5 hours drive) north of Bath, and 271 miles (over 5 hours drive or 3-4 hours by train) northwest of London.

Find A Place To Stay

Sweep of a more commanding view over the Borrowdale Valley as I was making my way up the slippery and rocky path alongside Taylor Gill Force

360 degree sweep from the camping area right in front of the falls. Reveals the entirety of the cascade as well as the head of the Borrowdale Valley

Right to left sweep of the slippery rocky trail and hints of Borrowdale Valley before ending with a side view of the Taylor Gill Force from as close to it as I was going to get

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Tagged with: borrowdale, keswick, lake district, national park, cumbria county, england, uk, united kingdom, waterfall, derwent, seathwaite, castlerigg

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Wrong waterfall, Sourmilk ghyll August 30, 2018 8:07 pm by Benjamin Foster - I'm pretty sure you've got the wrong waterfall here. This looks like sour milk ghyll. You started off correctly, through the farm, over the river, but then turn left and follow the river southwards. This provides the best view but becomes a serious scramble as you climb up the RIGHT hand side of the fall.… ...Read More

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Johnny Cheng

About Johnny Cheng

Johnny Cheng is the founder of the World of Waterfalls and author of the award-winning A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls. Over the last 2 decades, he has visited thousands of waterfalls in over 40 countries around the world and nearly 40 states in the USA.
Read More About Johnny | A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls.