Wasserlochklamm Waterfalls

Palfau / Landl, Styria (Steiermark), Austria

About Wasserlochklamm Waterfalls

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The Wasserlochklamm Waterfalls were a series of waterfalls tumbling within a steep and narrow gorge in a pretty out-of-the-way (as far as the typical tourist route is concerned) part of North Central Austria.

It turned out that Austria was full of these waterfall-laden gorges (i.e. -schlucht or -klamm).

Wasserlochklamm_103_07062018 - Schleierfall, which was one of five signposted Wasserlochklamm Waterfalls
Schleierfall, which was one of five signposted Wasserlochklamm Waterfalls

And this was one such excursion that yielded not only many waterfalls but also a view over the Salzatal as well as a natural bridge.

According to the trail maps and brochures here, there was said to have been at least five signed waterfalls though there were additional surprise waterfalls throughout the excursion.

This included one that faced the natural bridge at the very top of the hike!

The average flow was said to be about 5 cubic meters per second so it tended to consistently put on a show.

Wasserlochklamm_182_07062018 - Looking down at the hiking trail climbing alongside the Wasserlochklamm Waterfalls
Looking down at the hiking trail climbing alongside the Wasserlochklamm Waterfalls

The gorge apparently got its water from precipitation draining into the Hochkar at around 1800m in elevation.

The green karst was porous, which allowed the water to seep underground and emerge as a spring at about 810m in elevation.

It seemed that the trail went all the way to this source at the Riesenkarstquelle, which was beneath a shelter at the top of the hike.

In order to experience all the waterfalls and its surprises, I had to hike a modest 2km stretch of trail (or 4km round trip).

Wasserlochklamm_175_07062018 - Context of the Riesenkarstquelle and waterfall as seen from a lookout perched above a natural bridge well upstream from the Wasserlochklamm Waterfalls
Context of the Riesenkarstquelle and waterfall as seen from a lookout perched above a natural bridge well upstream from the Wasserlochklamm Waterfalls

However, the verticality of the trail in addition to the many stops along the way ensured that I would be spending at least three hours here.

Indeed, the gorge itself was said to be 900m in length and 325m in elevation change.

Wasserlochklamm Trail Description – hiking to the mouth of the gorge

From the roadside car park along the B24 (see directions below), I promptly got into the gift shift.

This was where I paid for my admission (about 6.50 euros per adult as of Summer 2018) then went out to the back.

Wasserlochklamm_267_07062018 - Looking back at the Hängerbrücke (suspension bridge) over the Salza River just beyond the turnstile for the Wasserlochklamm
Looking back at the Hängerbrücke (suspension bridge) over the Salza River just beyond the turnstile for the Wasserlochklamm

There was a video and some interpretive signs in German behind the gift shop as well as a trail passing by the neighboring cafe.

Then, the trail crossed a suspension bridge (Hängerbrücke) spanning the gorge over the Salza River.

Despite the moderate rain during my visit, there were still plenty of hikers as well as people tubing or rafting on the river itself!

Indeed, this seemed to be quite the popular place amongst Austrian visitors.

Wasserlochklamm_265_07062018 - Beyond the turnstile, I followed a trail that paralleled the Salza River en route to the mouth of the Wasserlochklamm Gorge while rafters were joyriding on the colorful river itself
Beyond the turnstile, I followed a trail that paralleled the Salza River en route to the mouth of the Wasserlochklamm Gorge while rafters were joyriding on the colorful river itself

Anyways, once I was on the other side of the bridge, I used the purchased ticket to scan the bar code at the automated turnstile, which then let me through.

Next, the trail descended briefly before following along the Salza for about 300m further.

Then, the trail veered inland as it followed the interior of the Wasserlochklamm Gorge.

Wasserlochklamm Trail Description – experiencing the signposted waterfalls

At roughly 20 minutes into the hike from the turnstile (500m or so according to my GPS logs), I encountered the first signed waterfall.

Wasserlochklamm_044_07062018 - Approaching the first signed waterfall within the Wasserlochklamm Gorge
Approaching the first signed waterfall within the Wasserlochklamm Gorge

This one was said to be 22m tall though it had a nice plunge before continuing its tumble beneath the ledge trail.

Shortly above the first waterfall, the trail then passed by a very narrow section of the Wasserlochklamm labeled “Canyon”.

This was where more intermediate waterfalls and cascades were crashing within the depths of the gorge below the trail.

Continuing on with the ascending trail, I then encountered waterfall #2 at roughly 200m further on into the hike.

Wasserlochklamm_236_07062018 - Looking down into the Canyon section while hiking between the waterfall 1 and waterfall 2 in the Wasserlochklamm
Looking down into the Canyon section while hiking between the waterfall 1 and waterfall 2 in the Wasserlochklamm

Although the brochure said this waterfall was 26m tall, I never really got a good clean look at it.

That was because the trail climbed alongside it with some cliff and foliage obstructions along the way.

So this was really one that was better experienced in person than to try to capture in an awkward photo.

Shortly after the second waterfall, the trail continued its steep climb up steps alongside Waterfall 3, which was said to be 28m tall.

Wasserlochklamm_223_07062018 - The Wasserlochklamm Trail climbing alongside the third Wasserlochklamm Waterfall en route to the base of the Schleierfall
The Wasserlochklamm Trail climbing alongside the third Wasserlochklamm Waterfall en route to the base of the Schleierfall

It was hard to tell its height given that it didn’t seem to be its own individual entity.

Immediately above the third waterfall, I then reached the base of the fourth waterfall, where a signpost called it the Schleierfall.

This waterfall was said to have a height of 39m, but from the signpost, it didn’t seem like it.

It wasn’t until I continued climbing further up the trail did I realize that the Schleierfall had an upper component to it.

Wasserlochklamm_129_07062018 - This was the rest of the fourth waterfall, which was called the Schleierfall
This was the rest of the fourth waterfall, which was called the Schleierfall

Together, I could totally understand why they singled out this waterfall with a name, because it was very impressive.

After continuing its steep ascent yielding more impressive frontal views of the Schleierfall, the trail then petered out for a short while as the wooden trail was now hugging a cliff as it rounded a bend towards a minor gully.

Then, the trail continued its steep climb as it was climbing alongside the Schleierfall.

After another 300m or so from the base of Schleierfall, the ascent finally reached the fifth and final signposted waterfall 5, which was said to be 37m tall.

Wasserlochklamm_155_07062018 - Approaching the fifth signposted waterfall in the Wasserlochklamm
Approaching the fifth signposted waterfall in the Wasserlochklamm

I honestly thought that height figure was a little exaggerated compared to the Schleierfall.

Then again, maybe there were some hidden tiers.

While I was tempted to call it the end of the hike at waterfall 5, I went ahead and continued further up the trail.

Wasserlochklamm Trail Description – continuing to the top

The Wasserlochklamm Trail ascended even more switchbacks and was on more of a conventional surface as opposed to the constant cliff-hugging boardwalks.

Wasserlochklamm_165_07062018 - The trail ascending to a shetler by the Wasserlochklamm, where there was a natural bridge as well as a spring
The trail ascending to a shetler by the Wasserlochklamm, where there was a natural bridge as well as a spring

After reaching a trail junction, I then kept right and continued the ascent until I finally got up to a shelter at the Wasserloch.

Up at this shelter, there wasn’t a whole lot to see.

However, if not for the opaque walls, it might have been the best spot to peer towards the natural bridge further downstream.

Anyways, I continued on the hike, which skirted then went above the natural bridge.

Wasserlochklamm_169_07062018 - Crossing over a bridge above the natural bridge (unseen) on the way up to the Salzatalblick (overlook of the Salzatal Valley)
Crossing over a bridge above the natural bridge (unseen) on the way up to the Salzatalblick (overlook of the Salzatal Valley)

The path went up a long flight of steps towards the Salzatalblick (an overlook).

Along the way, I noticed a surprise waterfall tumbling beneath the shelter, and it seemed to be coming out of a cave as a spring, and thus this was the namesake Wasserloch itself!

At the very top, the Salzatalblick was supposed to be the reward for such a long climb up.

However, it was raining pretty hard on the day of my visit so there were low rain clouds everywhere and the views weren’t as expansive as they could have been.

Wasserlochklamm_261_07062018 - Making it back out of the Wasserlochklamm and approaching the suspension bridge in the distance to end my wet adventure
Making it back out of the Wasserlochklamm and approaching the suspension bridge in the distance to end my wet adventure

There was also a trailhead register up here so you can write down your name, the time, where you’re from, and a brief comment.

Once I had my fill of this spot (it took me about 2 hours and 15 minutes to make it up here), I then headed back down the way I came.

The return journey only took me around an hour though given the slick conditions, I managed to take a spill on one of the wooden ramps alongside the Salza River.

Even with sturdy hiking boots, I still should have made sure that my steps were sure and not hastily done.


The Wasserlochklamm Waterfalls reside near the town of Palfau in the state of Styria (Steiermark), Austria. It may be administered by the Palfau government. For information or inquiries about the area as well as current conditions, you can try visiting their website.

Maps and Routing Content are for annual subscribers. See Membership Options.
Content is for subscribers. See Membership Options.
Tagged with: wasserlochklamm, palfau, gorge, styria, austria, waterfall, natural bridge, salzatal

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Johnny Cheng is the founder of the World of Waterfalls and author of the award-winning A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls. Over the last 2 decades, he has visited thousands of waterfalls in over 40 countries around the world and nearly 40 states in the USA.
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