
Kirkjubaejarklaustur, South Region (Suðurland), Iceland

About Stjornarfoss

Hiking Distance: almost roadside
Suggested Time:

Date first visited: 2007-07-03
Date last visited: 2007-07-03

Waterfall Latitude: 63.79989
Waterfall Longitude: -18.0616

Waterfall Safety and Common Sense

Stjornarfoss (more accurately Stjórnarfoss; meaning “Government Falls”?) is a small but attractive waterfall flanked by rugged volcanic hills.

We noticed this waterfall as we were headed to our accommodation at a farm stay in Geirland by Kirkjubæjarklaustur (pronounced “KIRK-hew-bye-yar-kloi-stur”; or Klaustur [“KLOI-stur”] for short).

Stjornarfoss_029_07032007 - Stjórnarfoss

This waterfall appeared to have a bit of a rounded shape and probably had a height of about 15m in its main section.

There was also another sloping tier above the main rounded drop that we noticed only when we were seeing the falls from far away.

We saw there was a faint walking path to get right up to the waterfall’s base (though I didn’t go all the way there).

The walking path started next to a camping site near the bridge over its stream.


Stjórnarfoss resides in the South Region near Kirkjubæjarklaustur, Iceland. It is administered by the municipality of Skaftárhreppur. For information or inquiries about the general area as well as current conditions, you may want to try visiting their website.

Stjornarfoss_032_07032007 - View of Stjornarfoss from the bridge over its stream
Stjornarfoss_001_07032007 - Walking closer to Stjornarfoss
Stjornarfoss_003_07032007 - Closeup look at Stjornarfoss
Stjornarfoss_009_07032007 - Another closeup look at Stjornarfoss though in long exposure
Kirkjugolf_002_07032007 - Julie on the footpath leading to the nearby Kirkjugólf
Kirkjugolf_004_07032007 - About to get onto Kirkjugólf
Kirkjugolf_005_07032007 - Almost seems like it's fake
Kirkjugolf_007_07032007 - One last look at Nature's way of doing hexagonal basalt flooring
Klaustur_005_07032007 - On the Ring Road between the turnoff for Fjaðrargljúfur (or Laki for that matter) and Kirkjubæjarklaustur, we noticed this interesting waterfall

Take the Ring Road to Kirkjubæjarklaustur (about 259km east of Reykjavík).

Once at the four-way intersection near town, head about 1km north towards Geirland.

Stjornarfoss_001_jx_07032007 - A sign near the bridge we stopped at that pointed the way to get closer to Stjornarfoss
A sign near the bridge we stopped at that pointed the way to get closer to Stjornarfoss

We stopped the car just beyond the bridge.

And while you’re making your way over towards Geirland, check out some attractive natural hexagonal flooring called Kirkjugólf (or Church’s Floor).

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Tagged with: geirland, kirkjubaejarklaustur, klaustur, southern iceland, sudurland, iceland, waterfall, ring road

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Johnny Cheng is the founder of the World of Waterfalls and author of the award-winning A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls. Over the last 2 decades, he has visited thousands of waterfalls in over 40 countries around the world and nearly 40 states in the USA.
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