
Stormdalen / Stormdalshei / Bjollanes / Svartisen-Saltfjellet National Park, Nordland County, Norway

About Bredekfossen

Hiking Distance: about 6km round trip (view near Granneset); 9km round trip (base of falls); about 10km loop (Bredekrunden)
Suggested Time: 2-3 hours (view near Granneset); about 3-4 hours (base of falls); about 3-5 hours (Bredekrunden)

Date first visited: 2005-07-05
Date last visited: 2019-07-09

Waterfall Latitude: 66.52003
Waterfall Longitude: 14.87988

Waterfall Safety and Common Sense

Bredekfossen was one of those confounding waterfalls that haunted me since our first trip to Norway in early Summer of 2005.

Back then, even though I had witnessed the waterfall, I only realized after the fact that I didn’t see it properly.

Bredekfossen_181_07092019 - Bredekfossen backed by what I think is the Ørtfjellet
Bredekfossen backed by what I think is the Ørtfjellet

As with most worthwhile attractions in Norway, you really can’t rush a visit here, and that was my fatal mistake on that first trip.

When I finally had a chance to devote more time on a more recent visit in July 2019, I did what I could to make sure I experienced it as best I could.

But even with more favorable conditions and time constraints, it still wasn’t an easy waterfall to visit, which I’ll get to below.

So what’s the big deal with Bredekfossen anyways?

Bredekfossen_297_07092019 - Direct view down towards Bredekfossen just in time to see a partial double-rainbow
Direct view down towards Bredekfossen just in time to see a partial double-rainbow

First and foremost, the waterfall dropped about 40m, but I found that its raw power combined with its surroundings provided the scenic allure.

Indeed, the raging Stormdalsåga River that provided the waterfall its power drained the snow accumulations on the mountains of Saltfjellet as well as possibly the melting ice of Svartisen.

Because of the river’s name, I’ve also seen this waterfall called Stormdalsfossen.

Such fury in a waterfall this tall was not typical of many of the waterfalls we’ve encountered in Norway.

Bredekfossen_203_07092019 - Looking up at the gushing Bredekfossen from its base
Looking up at the gushing Bredekfossen from its base

And in surroundings as undisturbed as the reserve of the Saltfjellet-Svartisen National Park, Bredekfossen was as raw and naturesque a waterfalling experience as you can have in Norway.

Experiencing Bredekfossen

In order to come face-to-face with this waterfall, there were a few options available, but I’ll only describe the two different ways that I did this hike.

The first time I went here, I did an out-and-back hike that went to the top of Bredekfossen before turning back.

The second time I went here, I did a loop hike that took in the Bredek Farm as well as the same part of the trail that I did the first time around.

Bredekfossen_218_07092019 - Idyllic pastures and views from the Bredek Farm
Idyllic pastures and views from the Bredek Farm

According to my GPS logs, the out-and-back hike that I did back in early July 2005 was about 6km round trip, and it took me between 2-3 hours.

The loop hike (also called Bredekrunden) that I did the second time around in mid-July 2019 was about 9km round trip as suggested by my GPS track logs.

Perhaps this hike might be closer to 10km long if you include the side visit to Granneset, which I did do on my adventure.

That entire experience the second time around took me on the order of 4.5 hours to complete.

Bredekfossen_244_07092019 - One of a handful of swinging bridges that comprised part of the Bredekrunden Loop Trail
One of a handful of swinging bridges that comprised part of the Bredekrunden Loop Trail

The rest of this page will go over each of these ways of experiencing Bredekfossen in more detail.

Experiencing Bredekfossen – The Bredekrunden Loop Trail from Bjøllånes to the Tespa

First, I’m going to describe the longer loop trail since this covers pretty much the entire experience of what you can see and do here using Bredekfossen as the target attraction.

I began the hike at a fairly large car park before a road bridge at the hamlet of Bjollanes (or more accurately Bjøllånes).

The signs here suggested that this was also the trailhead for the Telegrafsruta (or The Telegraph Way) because the first telegraph of the North was said to have been laid out here in 1866-1867.

Bredekfossen_032_07082019 - The continuation of the Bredekrunden as well as the Telegrafsruta near the start of the counterclockwise loop hike from Bjøllånes
The continuation of the Bredekrunden as well as the Telegrafsruta near the start of the counterclockwise loop hike from Bjøllånes

In any case, I then walked across the road bridge over the wide Ranelva River (or Ranelva) before walking to the left at the intersection on the other side of the bridge.

After about 250m along the small road, I then encountered signs pointing the way to the right, where both the Bredekrunden and the Telegrafsruta continued through a semi-overgrown and narrow path.

Next, I walked for about 1.3km along the shared path of the Telegrafsruta and Bredekrunden as the trail passed through some clear-felled areas.

I encountered a handful of false trails, which I believed were makeshift logging roads or paths. So I had to keep straight and ignore these false paths.

Bredekfossen_045_07082019 - The Bredekrunden and Telegrafsruta shared this part of the trail, which passed through an area impacted by logging
The Bredekrunden and Telegrafsruta shared this part of the trail, which passed through an area impacted by logging

Eventually, I reached a sign where the Bredekrunden veered to the left and deviated from the Telegrafsruta.

At that point, the trail narrowed even more as it initially descended through some light forest groves backed by snowy mountains of Saltfjellet yielding the odd cascade or two.

Then, the trail made an even steeper descent all the way down to the Tespa (or Disspa) River.

The descent almost bordered on scrambling in places, and felled logs acted as footholds in the muddiest and steepest parts of the descent.

Bredekfossen_111_07092019 - My first glimpse at the front of Bredekfossen was a distant one during the steep descent to the Tespa, but it also seemed to be framed in the back by the Ørtfjellet
My first glimpse at the front of Bredekfossen was a distant one during the steep descent to the Tespa, but it also seemed to be framed in the back by the Ørtfjellet

Right at the river, there was a one-person suspension bridge crossing over it (about 700m after leaving the Telegrafsruta according to my logs).

Experiencing Bredekfossen – The Bredekrunden Loop Trail from the Tespa to the Bredek Farm

Beyond the footbridge over the Tespa, the path then climbed steeply before the ascent eventually flatted out.

As the trail started to peer towards Stormdalsåga again, I finally started to get my first teasing glimpses of the front of Bredekfossen from a distance.

Unfortunately, the views were mostly obstructed by foliage so it wasn’t easy to pause.

Bredekfossen_120_07092019 - A shelter placed by a signed trail junction between the Bredek Farm and the bridged Tespa River crossing
A shelter placed by a signed trail junction between the Bredek Farm and the bridged Tespa River crossing

Eventually at roughly 400m since the suspension bridge, the Bredekrunden then reached a trail junction where there was also some kind of shelter.

Keeping right at this trail junction to head towards the Bredek Farm, I then encountered another one-person suspension bridge, but this time it traversed a smaller stream with a long cascade tumbling on it.

Beyond this crossing, I then walked another 350m before I finally arrived at the idyllic Bredek Farm.

Situated in an open amd grassu clearing with expansive views in almost all directions, the small groups of farm buildings and residences made this place seem like one of those idyllic mountain pastures you might find in Switzerland or Austria.

Bredekfossen_173_07092019 - Approaching the idyllic Bredek Farm backed by the mountain that I believe was called Ørtfjellet
Approaching the idyllic Bredek Farm backed by the mountain that I believe was called Ørtfjellet

Nonetheless, the main trail continued to cut through the farm, but Bredekfossen was so tantalizingly close (yet difficult to see from here) that it just begged the question whether it was possible to get closer to the falls.

Well, according to our Adventure Roads in Norway book, we saw that the author did take the steep path to get to the bottom of Bredekfossen.

So that turned me onto the idea that it was definitely possible.

However, it seemed like the farmers here went a little out of their way to conceal or de-emphasize the scramble leading down the cliffs and towards the bottom of Bredekfossen.

Experiencing Bredekfossen – Unsanctioned Access to the Base of Bredekfossen?
Bredekfossen_176_07092019 - The steep grassy slope beneath the Bredek Farm pastures, where there was a faint scrambling path at the very bottom
The steep grassy slope beneath the Bredek Farm pastures, where there was a faint scrambling path at the very bottom

After trying to find the least impactful way of treading lightly through the farm in pursuit of the path to the base of Bredekfossen, I eventually reached a grassy slope towards the bottom of the farm’s pastures.

The hill itself didn’t appear to have crops, but even getting to that slope did require some degree of trying to go around what was being grown there (not that easy to do when you don’t know where you’re supposed to go).

At the very bottom of the grassy slope, I then spotted a faint path going right into the thicket of trees as the trail quickly descended rapidly.

With a steep enough slope to make pebbles slide down with every step, I could see why perhaps the Bredek Farm residents didn’t want the general public going here.

Bredekfossen_206_07092019 - A small cascade that I noticed while scrambling towards the bottom of Bredekfossen from beneath the Bredek Farm
A small cascade that I noticed while scrambling towards the bottom of Bredekfossen from beneath the Bredek Farm

The further I went down, the steeper the faint path became as it appeared to have followed some kind of steep gully.

Towards the bottom of the descent, I spotted a small cascade to the right.

However, the prized view of Bredekfossen was right in front of me, and that was where the photo you see at the top of this page came from.

At the very bottom of the descent, there were some hairy moments where I’m not sure if certain rocks or roots to step onto (let along hang onto) would be there anymore.

Bredekfossen_208_07092019 - Right at the turbulent base of Bredekfossen as seen from its plunge pool
Right at the turbulent base of Bredekfossen as seen from its plunge pool

Once I was able to set foot onto the riverbank, I had to do some rock scrambling to get closer to the Bredekfossen, where it appeared a lot smaller from this perspective than from above.

Apparently, it might be possible to go downstream (when Stormdalsåga would have low enough flow to safely continue) to reach the Marmorgrotten, which was a marble cave perched above the river.

I couldn’t do that on my visit given the high water levels of the river.

After having my fill of Bredekfossen, I then scrambled my way back up to the Bredek Farm and the continuation of the Bredekrunden.

Bredekfossen_179_07092019 - Context of the steep descent leading down from the Bredek Farm to the base of Bredekfossen
Context of the steep descent leading down from the Bredek Farm to the base of Bredekfossen

This side trip to the bottom of Bredekfossen was roughly 500m, but it was the steepness of the terrain as opposed to the distance that made it more difficult.

Experiencing Bredekfossen – From the Bredek Farm to the Granneset Junction

Continuing on the Bredekrunden, after crossing a small stream, I then hiked about 700m to a suspension bridge over the raging Stormdalsåga.

By the way, that small stream was the one responsible for the cascade that I saw near the bottom of Bredekfossen.

Since the long bridge was upstream from Bredekfossen, I couldn’t get a good look at it.

Bredekfossen_231_07092019 - After continuing on the Bredekrunden past the Bredek Farm, I then encountered this footbridge over the Stormdalsåga just upstream from Bredekfossen
After continuing on the Bredekrunden past the Bredek Farm, I then encountered this footbridge over the Stormdalsåga just upstream from Bredekfossen

In fact, I wouldn’t get a good look at the falls for this entire stretch.

However, after crossing the bridge, I remembered on my first visit back in July 2005 finding an unsanctioned and precarious view closer to the cliff’s edge overlooking the waterfall.

When I came back here 14 years later, it appeared that there was a fallen tree (felled intentionally, maybe?) that now kind of blocked the view down towards the waterfall.

However, if I looked further downstream from this vantage point, I did clearly see the marble cave called Marmorgrotten.

Bredekfossen_012_07052005 - Bredekfossen when I first saw it from the top down back in July 2005
Bredekfossen when I first saw it from the top down back in July 2005

Continuing another 250m or so, I then reached the signposted junction with the trail to Granneset.

Experiencing Bredekfossen – The Granneset Side Excursion

From the trail junction, I did a brief out-and-back side excursion out to Granneset, which was basically a group of houses and shelters along with a picnic area.

I’m not sure what its significance was since it seemed to have enough upkeep here to suggest active habitation and use.

Granneset was about 300m from the trail junction, and the path was mostly downhill, especially towards the end.

Bredekfossen_274_07092019 - Cabins and shelters at the tranquil Granneset, which was a short side excursion from the Bredekrunden
Cabins and shelters at the tranquil Granneset, which was a short side excursion from the Bredekrunden

So that meant you’d have to climb your way back up to regain the main Bredekrunden Trail.

However, the real gem of this side excursion was a more sanctioned (dare I say, safer) view down towards both Bredekfossen as well as across the gorge towards the Bredek Farm.

This side path leading to the overlook was less than 100m from the Granneset Trail Junction.

I did notice some felled trees that crossed the faint path near the end of this side path (perhaps discouraging getting the nice view I’m talking about).

Bredekfossen_287_07092019 - Satisfying view of Bredekfossen with rainbows from a short spur off the side detour to Granneset
Satisfying view of Bredekfossen with rainbows from a short spur off the side detour to Granneset

Nevertheless, I’d say this view would be the suitable reward if all you’re wanting to do is to visit Bredekfossen without scrambling to its bottom.

Experiencing Bredekfossen – From the Granneset Junction to the Other Trailhead

Back on the Bredekrunden, the remainder of the trail pretty much made a long descent.

Along the way, I managed to get distant views towards the hamlets of Bjøllånes and Storvollen.

I also encountered a handful of signed trail junctions.

Bredekfossen_333_07092019 - Looking in the distance down towards the E6 and the Ranelva as I was making the long descent back into the valley from the Granneset Junction
Looking in the distance down towards the E6 and the Ranelva as I was making the long descent back into the valley from the Granneset Junction

The first of these junctions when doing the long descent was one that connected with the Stormdalen Trail Junction at roughly 450m from the Granneset Junction.

The next trail junction that I encountered was for Dunderland at another 750m beyond the Stormdalen Trail Junction.

And I encountered the National Park boundary another 400m after that.

Continuing on the descending trail, it would eventually flatten out near someone’s private property, where the trail continued to skirt outside of the private area as much as possible.

Bredekfossen_349_07092019 - Looking towards a field of wildflowers fronting a private farm by the west side of the Bredekrunden
Looking towards a field of wildflowers fronting a private farm by the west side of the Bredekrunden

Eventually after nearly 900m from the National Park boundary sign, I reached the long suspension bridge spanning the width of the Ranelva.

And just beyond the bridge, there was the more western trailhead, where it appeared that they had built a new side road connecting Bjøllånes with this trailhead. This new road also had more pullouts or spaces to park.

When I was first here back in 2005, this trailhead was right on the E6 itself!

Anyways, to finish the Bredekrunden, I walked the remaining kilometer along the paved side road to regain the parked car at the Telegrafsruta Trailhead in Bjøllånes.

Experiencing Bredekfossen – The Shorter Out-and-Back Option
Bredekfossen_002_07052005 - The long swinging bridge over Ranelva and towards private property on the way to Bredekfossen as seen during my first visit back in 2005
The long swinging bridge over Ranelva and towards private property on the way to Bredekfossen as seen during my first visit back in 2005

This out-and-back hike started at the western trailhead right before the suspension bridge over the Ranelva.

As I mentioned earlier, this trailhead used to be a pullout right on the E6, but I’ve noticed that they had been doing lots of road improvements throughout a big chunk of the E6 (especially trying to straighten out the road).

In any case, this side road ensured that the traffic around this trailhead wouldn’t be dangerous and it would be much quieter than before.

This shorter hike would essentially follow the hike back uphill towards the Granneset Junction about 2.7km from the suspension bridge over the Ranelva.

Bredekfossen_005_07052005 - Signed trail junction near Granneset as seen on my first visit back in early July 2005
Signed trail junction near Granneset as seen on my first visit back in early July 2005

At that point, you have a choice of going to Granneset (or at least the nice view of Bredekfossen in 250m) or hiking towards the Bredek Farm another 1.3km.

The choice is up to you.


Bredekfossen resides in the Rana Municipality near the city of Mo i Rana in Nordland County, Norway. For information or inquiries about the area as well as current conditions, visit their website or Facebook page.

Bredekfossen_010_07082019 - Looking across the wide car park for the Telegrafsruta at Bjøllånes
Bredekfossen_019_07082019 - Walking the road bridge over the Ranelva
Bredekfossen_022_07082019 - Looking along the wide Ranelva as I was on the road bridge in Bjøllånes spanning the river
Bredekfossen_026_07082019 - Looking back in the direction of the Telegrafsruta car park at Bjøllånes
Bredekfossen_031_07082019 - Walking the narrow road towards this farm before a sign intercepted me and directed me onto the Telegrafsruta
Bredekfossen_033_07082019 - Initially, the trail to Telegrafsruta was a little on the overgrown side as well as uphill
Bredekfossen_040_07082019 - For the first kilometer, the Telegrafsruta followed what appeared to be a logging road with some red Ts to keep me on track
Bredekfossen_042_07082019 - A small waterfall on a side stream that crossed the Telegrafsruta
Bredekfossen_044_07082019 - A part of the Telegrafsruta, where it appeared that some logging activity had gone on here
Bredekfossen_051_07082019 - A signed junction where I left the Telegrafsruta and onto continuing the Bredekrunden
Bredekfossen_053_07082019 - The Bredekrunden was now considerably narrower than the Telegrafsruta
Bredekfossen_056_07092019 - Looking towards some snow-capped mountains of Saltfjellet while on the Bredekrunden
Bredekfossen_057_07092019 - Some kind of cascade draining the snowmelt into Stormdalen
Bredekfossen_059_07092019 - In some of the muddier parts of the trail, a boardwalk was put in place on the Bredekrunden
Bredekfossen_064_07092019 - The Bredekrunden starting to make a descent eventually bottoming out at Tespa
Bredekfossen_074_07092019 - As the descent became steeper, there were these cut up logs to help with the footing in the muddier spots on the Bredekrunden
Bredekfossen_088_07092019 - Context of the steep and overgrown descent as the Bredekrunden eventually bottomed out at the Tespa Stream
Bredekfossen_094_07092019 - Approaching the footbridge over Tespa as it feeds the Ranelva
Bredekfossen_102_07092019 - This ought to give you an idea of why the signs suggest no more than one person stand on this bridge (over the Tespa) at a time
Bredekfossen_106_07092019 - Looking back at the bridge over the Tespa River as the Bredekrunden made a steep climb
Bredekfossen_115_07092019 - Obstructed and partial view towards Bredekfossen as I was headed west on the Bredekrunden towards the Bredek Farm
Bredekfossen_121_07092019 - Looking inside a log shelter at a trail junction on the Bredekrunden
Bredekfossen_129_07092019 - Approaching a footbridge over a side stream with a long cascade on it as part of the Bredekrunden en route to the Bredek Farm
Bredekfossen_140_07092019 - Looking back at the second swinging bridge on the Bredekrunden to show how steep the cascades on that stream were
Bredekfossen_142_07092019 - The grassy trail past the second swinging bridge on the Bredekrunden as I was getting closer to the Bredek Farm
Bredekfossen_154_07092019 - Passing through the idyllic Bredek Farm
Bredekfossen_175_07092019 - This was the tantalizing partial view of Bredekfossen from the Bredek Farm, which really made me want to see if there was a way to see it better
Bredekfossen_177_07092019 - Looking back up at the steep grassy hill that I had to descend in order to access the scrambling path down to the base of Bredekfossen
Bredekfossen_191_07092019 - Looking downstream on the rocky stream banks of the Stormdalsåga
Bredekfossen_210_07092019 - The steep scramble to get out of the base of Bredekfossen and back up to the Bredek Farm
Bredekfossen_232_07092019 - Crossing a footbridge traversing the Stormdalsåga
Bredekfossen_248_07092019 - Unusual perspective looking down over the brink of Bredekfossen
Bredekfossen_258_07092019 - This was where I think the old unsanctioned viewpoint that I had in 2005, but now there was a felled tree here
Bredekfossen_270_07092019 - Some people chilling out at Granneset. These people were the first ones that I encountered throughout the Bredekrunden to this point
Bredekfossen_306_07092019 - It looked like with the way this log was positioned, they didn't want you to see Bredekfossen from this lookout
Bredekfossen_307_07092019 - Context of the view of Bredekfossen
Bredekfossen_319_07092019 - Continuing the final stretch of the Bredekrunden as the trail was about to transition from undulating to a long descent
Bredekfossen_331_07092019 - One of the trail junctions that I saw on the long descent as I was wrapping up my Bredekrunden hike
Bredekfossen_340_07092019 - Looking back at the National Park boundary for Svartisen-Saltfjellet National Park
Bredekfossen_345_07092019 - Finally making it to the bottom of the long descent on the west side of the Bredekrunden
Bredekfossen_366_07092019 - Encountering other hikers going in the opposite direction on the Bredekrunden
Bredekfossen_376_07092019 - Looking back at the swinging bridge over the Ranelva towards the conclusion of my Bredekrunden loop hike
Bredekfossen_385_07092019 - Walking along what seemed like a newly-built local road connecting the two trailheads of the Bredekrunden
Bredekfossen_387_07092019 - The E6 motorway paralleling this local access road connecting the two Bredekrunden Trailheads
Bredekfossen_396_07092019 - Finally making it back to the Telegrafsruta Trailhead
Bredekfossen_001_07052005 - The car park along the E6 that I ultimately started the Bredekfossen hike from. As you can see lots has changed since 2005 when this photo was taken
Bredekfossen_004_07052005 - One of the signs pointing the way to Stormdalen and away from the private farmlands as seen back in 2005
Bredekfossen_006_07052005 - Another 10 minutes later, I reached another signposted junction
Bredekfossen_007_07052005 - Another 5 minutes after the previous junction, I reached yet another signposted junction
Bredekfossen_008_07052005 - The upper tiers of Bredekfossen as seen back in 2005
Bredekfossen_015_07052005 - Unofficial path leading to a cliffside view of Bredekfossen as seen at the top of this page. Note that the orientation of the logs made me think that they didn't want me to go out to the cliff's edge which this path led to
Bredekfossen_011_07052005 - Looking over the main plunge of Bredekfossen with the Bredek Farm way in the distance to the topright (as seen in 2005)
Bredekfossen_014_07052005 - Some waterfall coming out of a cave. I believe this cave could very well be the Marmorgrotten
Bredekfossen_016_07052005 - Back at the trail junction where I could have continued towards Stormdalen during my first visit in 2005
Bredekfossen_017_07052005 - Looking along the river towards a swinging bridge that might have taken me closer to the more sanctioned views of Bredekfossen and the Bredek Farm from back on my first visit in 2005
Bredekfossen_018_07052005 - Looking at the narrow trail alongside the river near the swinging bridge as seen in 2005
Bredekfossen_020_07052005 - The trail as it started to get dark as I was returning to the trailhead at nearly 11pm during my first visit here back in July 2005

In order to visit Bredekfossen, there are two trailheads that I’ve encountered.

But since they’ve essentially re-done the E6 road and the local access road (Bjøllånesveien), the directions are shared until the signed turnoff to leave the E6 near Bjøllånes.

From the E6/E12 junction in the city of Mo I Rana, we drove north on the E6 for roughly 49km.

Bredekfossen_002_07082019 - This was the trailhead on the western side of the Bredekrunden, which was now at the end of a local road instead of along the busy E6 motorvei
This was the trailhead on the western side of the Bredekrunden, which was now at the end of a local road instead of along the busy E6 motorvei

Note that the E6 appeared to have been considerably straighter than when I last came here in 2005 so both the drive times and driving distances may have changed since the time I first did this write-up.

In any case, the E6 eventually reached a signed road junction for Storvollen on the left.

Once off the E6, there was a four-way intersection, where turning left would lead 900m to the western trailhead above the suspension footbridge. There were also other parking spaces or pullouts further up the road if the one nearest to the trailhead would be full.

On the other hand, you can also go straight on the four-way intersection for another 100m before reaching the larger car park for the Telegrafsruta.

Bredekfossen_014_07082019 - The trailhead for the Telegrafsruta, which was also where I parked to do the Bredekrunden in a counterclockwise direction
The trailhead for the Telegrafsruta, which was also where I parked to do the Bredekrunden in a counterclockwise direction

Overall, this drive took me 45 minutes.

For some geographical context, Mo I Rana was 176km (about 2.5 hours drive) south of Fauske, 229km (over 3 hours drive) south of Bodø, 425km (about 6.5 hours drive with a ferry crossing) south of Narvik, 358km (over 5 hours drive) north of Steinkjer, and 477km (under 7 hours drive) north of Trondheim.

Find A Place To Stay

Sweep starting with a distant cave before repositioning over to a regal view over the falls with rainbow as well as the Bredek farm across the canyon

Elevated view of the elusive falls while also checking out some of the smaller cascades flanking the main one

Sweep showing the falls looking a bit squashed right at its base

About 180 degree sweep starting with a side cascade before panning over to the main waterfall

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Tagged with: mo I rana, narvik, stormdalen, rana, nordland, norway, waterfall, hjartasen, bredek

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Johnny Cheng is the founder of the World of Waterfalls and author of the award-winning A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls. Over the last 2 decades, he has visited thousands of waterfalls in over 40 countries around the world and nearly 40 states in the USA.
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