
Medja, Trondelag County, Norway

About Formofossen

Hiking Distance: 500m round trip
Suggested Time: 20-30 minutes

Date first visited: 2005-07-05
Date last visited: 2019-07-11

Waterfall Latitude: 64.40013
Waterfall Longitude: 12.34033

Waterfall Safety and Common Sense

Formofossen was a powerful river waterfall on the Sanddøla River with a reported cumulative drop of 34m over its entire run.

I doubted that the waterfall’s main plunge was that tall based on what we were able to see, which the photo at the top of this page might attest.

Formofossen_010_07052005 - Formofossen when we first saw it back in July 2005
Formofossen when we first saw it back in July 2005

In fact, I looked at the topographic maps and measured the elevation drop, which was more like 10m if you only focus on that main drop.

But waterfall height aside, it seemed like this waterfall and the river itself might be more of a salmon fishing destination than a sightseeing attraction.

This was based on some of the infrastructure and signage that we saw during both of our visits – first in early July 2005 and later in July 2019.

Julie and I actually only knew of this waterfall as we chanced upon signage pointing the way to Formofossen.

Formofossen_025_07102019 - Context of Formofossen when we saw it again in July 2019
Context of Formofossen when we saw it again in July 2019

This was during our first trip to Norway in 2005 when we saw a blue sign indicating its presence as we were making the long drive north along the E6 from Trondheim to Mo I Rana.

Visiting Formofossen

From a paved clearing (see directions below), we followed an unpaved dirt path leading downhill towards a sheltered picnic area with a fenced view at the brink of Formofossen.

At the picnic area, we also looked further upstream towards the road bridge, where there were more minor cascades that probably helped to add to this waterfall’s overall elevation drop of 34m.

The trail continued to descend further downstream before reaching a set of steps as well as a ladder leading right down to the river.

Formofossen_014_07102019 - Looking upstream from the brink of Formossen towards some smaller upper cascades as seen in July 2019
Looking upstream from the brink of Formossen towards some smaller upper cascades as seen in July 2019

On our first visit, the ladder actually dropped right into the Sanddøla, but on our second visit, the river must have been lower because the rocks below were exposed.

Anyways, the steps ultimately led to a rock outcrop giving us a more distant profile view of the falls (as shown in the photo at the top of this page).

However, this stairway and outcropping felt dangerous since the river was flowing hard, and it seemed real easy to fall into the river if one were to slip and fall while on that rock.

Honestly, I couldn’t even believe that the ladder next to this outcrop leading right into the river existed.

Formofossen_009_jx_07052005 - Ladder going right into the turbulent waters responsible for Formofossen as seen back in 2005
Ladder going right into the turbulent waters responsible for Formofossen as seen back in 2005

That said, this fed my perception that this infrastructure was largely to support salmon fishers wishing to catch the salmon that would likely gather here (even if there might have been a salmon ladder to help them get over this obstacle).

Salmon Parasite at Formofossen

Now something that really got our attention while visiting Formofossen back in July 2005 was the presence of some signs indicating the presence of parasites that were wiping out a large portion of the salmon population in Norway.

Salmon fishing was said to comprise a large part of the Norwegian economy so I’m sure this was a devastating calamity at the time.

To my knowledge, it’s still not known what caused this parasite outbreak, but signage that we’ve seen in 2019 suggested that there were practices that could be done to contain or limit the spread of the parasite.

Formofossen_024_07102019 - Tahia going down to the rock outcrop with a more angled and upstream view of Formofossen as seen in July 2019. Notice the ladder on the lower right, which this time around didn't go right into the river
Tahia going down to the rock outcrop with a more angled and upstream view of Formofossen as seen in July 2019. Notice the ladder on the lower right, which this time around didn’t go right into the river

While it may be controversial, we’ve chatted with random Norwegians on that later trip to Norway where there was suggestion that salmon farming (as opposed to wild salmon) may have something to do with it.


Formofossen resides in the town and municipality of Grong in Trøndelag County, Norway. For information or inquiries about the area as well as current conditions, visit their website or Facebook page.

Formofossen_009_07102019 - Julie and Tahia walking on the short trail to Formofossen passing by the signs by the car park
Formofossen_011_07102019 - The shelter and picnic table near the brink of Formofossen
Formofossen_012_07102019 - Fencing keeping us back from the edges of the gorge carved out by the Sanddøla River
Formofossen_016_07102019 - Looking back at the picnic table and shelter towards the trail connecting the car park with Formofossen and the Sanddøla River
Formofossen_017_07102019 - Looking down towards some kind of gauge right beneath the picnic table and shelter
Formofossen_019_07102019 - Looking towards the brink of Formofossen from the shelter and picnic table
Formofossen_021_07102019 - Tahia making her way down the trail alongside the Sanddøla River downstream of Formofossen
Formofossen_022_07102019 - Tahia approaching the wooden steps leading to the rock outcrop below
Formofossen_028_07102019 - Profile view of Formofossen from the rock outcrop at the bottom of the wooden steps
Formofossen_029_07102019 - Another look at the Formofossen in full context from the rock outcrop
Formofossen_031_07102019 - Looking further downstream from the outcrop and wooden steps towards more cascades on the Sanddøla
Formofossen_032_07102019 - Looking down at that familiar metal ladder that went right into the Sanddøla on our first visit in 2005, but this time around in 2019, the river was not as high as it was back then
Formofossen_033_07102019 - Context of Julie and Tahia checking out Formofossen from the outcrop jutting above the Sanddøla
Formofossen_035_07102019 - Looking towards Formofossen as we were heading back to the car park
Formofossen_038_07102019 - Context of the railings keeping us away from Formofossen and the raging Sanddøla
Formofossen_001_07052005 - Double rainbow as we arrived at the first lookout for Formofossen back in 2005
Formofossen_003_07052005 - Julie tries to get a better view of Formofossen and the bold rainbows from our first visit back in 2005
Formofossen_006_07052005 - Profile of Formofossen seen from a different lookout further downstream in 2005
Formofossen_004_jx_07052005 - Another profile view of Formofossen as we gradually tried to improve our view of it further downstream in 2005
Formofossen_014_07052005 - Julie decides it's better not to go any closer to the rushing water towards the bottom of the wooden steps during our first visit here in 2005. I suppose we could have gotten a more frontal look at Formofossen from on that rock, but we felt the risks weren't worth it
Formofossen_007_jx_07052005 - Looking upstream towards Formofossen from those wooden steps during our first visit back in 2005
Formofossen_012_jx_07052005 - As Julie and I walked back to the car, we noticed this sign.  However, we don't quite know what it's referring to.  This was in 2005, but we didn't see this sign again in 2019

Formofossen was just to the south of the small town of Grong.

From Grong, we drove south on the E6 for about 9km to a signed turnoff for the Fv74 on the left (note that this road leads to the Swedish border).

Formofossen_001_07102019 - The car park for Formofossen
The car park for Formofossen

Once on the Fv74, we then took it for a little over a kilometer before turning left (following the signs for Formofossen).

We then followed this road for about a kilometer before keeping left at the next fork to go past the railroad and drive the remaining 300m to the car park on the right.

This drive would take on the order of about 15 minutes.

Going in the opposite direction starting from Steinkjer, we would drive about 70km north on the E6 before turning right onto the Fv74.

Then, we’d follow the directions as above to reach the car park for Formofossen.

Formofossen_041_07102019 - Back at the car park for Formofossen where another car showed up.  Apparently, this place wasn't as obscure or as unknown as I was once thought
Back at the car park for Formofossen where another car showed up. Apparently, this place wasn’t as obscure or as unknown as I was once thought

This drive would take about an hour without stops.

For geographical context, the town of Grong was 49km (under an hour drive) east of Namsos, 80km (about an hour drive) north of Steinkjer, 200km (under 3 hours drive) north of Trondheim, 192km (under 3 hours drive) south of Mosjøen, and 279km (about 4 hours drive) south of Mo I Rana.

Find A Place To Stay

Checking out the falls from near its brink

Sweep from a bit downstream to reveal a more profile view of the falls

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Tagged with: formofoss, nord-trondelag, grong, central norway, norway, waterfall, salmon, parasite, sanddola, e6, trondelag

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Formofoss, Grong, Norge (Salmon Disease) January 16, 2009 8:16 pm by Charles - Hello, I think the parasite which is very dangerous for the salmons is GYRODACTYLUS SALARIS. If I remember, I will take many pictures of the place and I send them to you, on the summer . Take care all of you and an Happy New Year. Charles ...Read More

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Johnny Cheng is the founder of the World of Waterfalls and author of the award-winning A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls. Over the last 2 decades, he has visited thousands of waterfalls in over 40 countries around the world and nearly 40 states in the USA.
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