
Maurangsfjorden, Hordaland County, Norway

About Furebergsfossen

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Furebergsfossen (I’ve also seen it spelled Furubergsfossen) was a waterfall that presented us quite the challenge to experience despite it being a roadside waterfall.

The problem was that the falls was so close to the road that whenever we attempted to get a full frontal view, we were bombarded with the waterfall’s mist thereby making it real hard to photograph.

Furebergsfossen_003_06242005 - Furebergsfossen

The photo you see above was probably my best attempt at capturing as much of the falls as I could from the road.

However, that only comprised a very small fraction of the overall drop of the falls.

Even then, I had to constantly struggle to keep wiping the water from the lens in between many unsuccessful shots.

The source of this spectacular waterfall was the melting ice of the Folgefonn Glacier (or Folgefonna), which was one of the larger icefields in the country.

In any case, this was said to be the Kvinnherad municipality’s star waterfall attractive as it was said to tumble some 108m in height (though I’m guessing we only saw perhaps 30m or so of its height).

The falls spilled right into the Maurang Fjord (Maurangsfjorden) so I’d imagine that perhaps the best views of the waterfall could very well be by boat from the fjord itself.

Furebergsfossen_001_06242005 - Looking towards the bridge at the base of Furebergsfossen where other tourists were literally soaking up the mist from the waterfall
Looking towards the bridge at the base of Furebergsfossen where other tourists were literally soaking up the mist from the waterfall

Even though we didn’t exercise this option, from looking at the maps, it looked like it was possible to walk along the Furebergselva (the river responsible for the falls) up into the Furebergsdalen Valley.

This trail ultimately would lead towards the Folgefonna Glacier.

Given its extensive drainage and glacial source, I’d imagine that Furebergsfossen would easily flow year-round.

We happened to see it in July 2005, which probably coincided with the season of peak flow.

During my research, I learned that it wasn’t until June 2001 (merely four years prior to our visit) when the falls could be reached easily by car from Odda. Previously, it was said to only be accessible by ferry ride.

The breakthrough was when the long Folgefonn Tunnel (Folgefonntunnelen) was completed, which passed through the mountain beneath the large ice field of Folgefonna.

Driving through that tunnel definitely left an impression on us given its length.


Furebergsfossen resides in the Kvinnherad Municipality. For information or inquiries about the area as well as current conditions, visit their website or Facebook page.

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Tagged with: odda, kvinnherad, maurangsfjord, maurangsfjorden, sorfjorden, sorfjord, tyssedal, folgefonn, folgefonna, furubergsfossen, furebergsfossen, hordaland

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Johnny Cheng is the founder of the World of Waterfalls and author of the award-winning A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls. Over the last 2 decades, he has visited thousands of waterfalls in over 40 countries around the world and nearly 40 states in the USA.
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