
Hoylandet, Trondelag County, Norway

About Grongstadfossen

Hiking Distance: roadside
Suggested Time:

Date first visited: 2005-07-05
Date last visited: 2019-07-10

Waterfall Latitude: 64.62764
Waterfall Longitude: 12.26283

Waterfall Safety and Common Sense

Grongstadfossen (I’ve also seen it spelled Grungstadfossen) was said to be the tallest waterfall in the Høylandet municipality at 75m.

From the picnic area where we parked the car and got the view that you see at the top of this page, it was clear that the falls was very impressive.

Grongstadfossen_001_07052005 - Grongstadfossen when we first saw it in higher flow in early July 2005
Grongstadfossen when we first saw it in higher flow in early July 2005

Unfortunately, the view was very limited from where we were standing, and it left me wanting more out of the experience.

When I first showed up to this waterfall in July 2005, it was further complicated by the swarms of wasps that were also sharing the lookout and picnic area with Julie and I.

As Julie stayed in the car, I was fortunate that none of them stung me (it actually took me a while to figure out that these were indeed wasps), but it was nerve-wracking to say the least.

When I returned to Grongstadfossen in July 2019, I didn’t have a wasp issue, but I went looking around for a possible trail that might have led to the base of this impressive waterfall.

The Grongstadfossen Experience

On my first visit, there was a picnic table right at the overlook peering straight down at the sloping face of Grongstadfossen.

Grongstadfossen_008_07102019 - Context of Grongstadfossen when we saw it again in July 2019, but this time it had lower flow than the first visit
Context of Grongstadfossen when we saw it again in July 2019, but this time it had lower flow than the first visit

On my second visit, the picnic table was still there and the trees didn’t seem to block as much of the falls as before, but I did see signage around the overlook suggesting that there was a “tursti” (tourist path) around here.

At first, I thought all I needed to do was to go down the rough road that I was walking on, which would ultimately lead to level of the river Nordåa.

However, when I got down to some house or farm at the bottom of the road, it seemed like there was no other sanctioned way to go.

Further encouraged by a website feedback comment years ago suggesting there was a better and closer way to reach the falls, I probably spent a good hour or so looking for where this “tursti” was supposed to be.

Grongstadfossen_011_07102019 - Continuing down the rough road beyond the Grongstadfossen overlook where it pretty much ended at that house towards the bottom of the road
Continuing down the rough road beyond the Grongstadfossen overlook where it pretty much ended at that house towards the bottom of the road

Unfortunately, I didn’t have any luck, and I started to wonder if the farm below had obscured an old trail (especially with the clear-fell logging adjacent to the house) or if this trail ever existed in the first place!

So for all intents and purposes this was basically a nearly roadside waterfall to look at with little else on offer here despite the relics suggesting otherwise.

Thus, I can easily imagine a visit here taking no more than 15 minutes.


Grongstadfossen resides in the Høylandet Municipality near Grong in Trøndelag County, Norway. For information or inquiries about the area as well as current conditions, visit their website or Facebook page.

Grongstadfossen_002_07102019 - Following this road from the car park towards the overlook of Grongstadfossen
Grongstadfossen_010_07102019 - Context of the overlook of Grongstadfossen fronted by a picnic table and what appeared to be a container for a guest book
Grongstadfossen_016_07102019 - A sign suggesting there was a trail or a path extending the visit to Grongstadfossen
Grongstadfossen_017_07102019 - A closer look at the guest book (or tour book) at Grongstadfossen
Grongstadfossen_018_07102019 - While snooping around the Grongstadfossen overlook, I wondered what this arrow was supposed to be pointing at
Grongstadfossen_015_07102019 - While looking around for a way to get to the bottom of Grongstadfossen, I stumbled upon this area of clear-fell logging adjacent to this house at the bottom of the road
Grongstadfossen_019_07102019 - Another look at the pretty severe clear-fell logging around Grongstadfossen
Grongstadfossen_006_jx_07052005 - The signed car park for Grongstadfossen as seen back in July 2005
Grongstadfossen_005_07052005 - The picnic table we didn't use during our first visit to Grongstadfossen in July 2005
Grongstadfossen_004_07052005 - When I stood on the weather-worn picnic table, this was the view of Grongstadfossen that I got back in 2005.  I had to zoom in to avoid the fence in the foreground
Grongstadfossen_002_jx_07052005 - Contextual look at Grongstadfossen when we first saw it in July 2005
Grongstadfossen_004_jx_07052005 - Checking out some signage talking about some history behind Grongstadfossen on our first visit in July 2005

Even though Grongstadfossen was a short detour off of the Fv17 (the famous slow-drive up the Atlantic Coast or Kystriksveien) at the town of Høylandet, I will describe the driving directions from the closest town along the E6, which was at Grong.

From Grong, we drove a little over 9km to the signed turnoff on the left for the Fv775.

We then turned left onto the Fv775 and followed this road (once shared with lots of sheep back in 2005) for about 14km to the junction with the Fv17 in the town of Høylandet.

Grongstadfossen_001_07102019 - The car park for Grongstadfossen
The car park for Grongstadfossen

We then turned left onto the Fv17 (i.e. the famous Kystriksveien) where after about 800m, we followed the Grungstadfossen sign and turned right onto a local road.

We continued following the signs on this local road (a good chunk of it was unsealed) until we reached the car park on the left at about 1.4km.

For geographical context, the town of Grong was 49km (under an hour drive) east of Namsos, 80km (about an hour drive) north of Steinkjer, 200km (under 3 hours drive) north of Trondheim, 192km (under 3 hours drive) south of Mosjøen, and 279km (about 4 hours drive) south of Mo I Rana.

Find A Place To Stay

Sweep covering the sanctioned lookout from the picnic table.

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Tagged with: hoylandet, nord-trondelag, central norway, norway, waterfall, atlantic road, trondelag

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More on Grongstadfossen September 22, 2008 10:09 am by Lene - I live in Høylandet and find it interesting that you added Grongstadfossen on your website. I'm sorry that you didn't know this when you visited the place, but there's a better lookout place where you can see the whole waterfall from a much closer place. The waterfall was also important during the industrialization because it… ...Read More

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Johnny Cheng is the founder of the World of Waterfalls and author of the award-winning A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls. Over the last 2 decades, he has visited thousands of waterfalls in over 40 countries around the world and nearly 40 states in the USA.
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