About Pollfoss and the Waterfalls along the Otta River
The Waterfalls along the Otta River was really my attempt at trying to devote a page to the many waterfalls we saw as we drove the Rv15 along the Otta River towards the town of Otta in Oppland County (after leaving the Geiranger area).
We originally intended to look for the waterfalls Pollfoss and Dønnfossen, but we ended up seeing a bunch of rapids along the Otta River itself.
In fact, I don’t even think we managed to see the waterfalls we had originally targeted.
Instead, the greater surprise were the numerous waterfalls we saw coming down the mountains in the valleys carved out by the Otta River.
Since we couldn’t really find official names of the waterfalls we did find (let alone pinpoint their correct watercourse names), all we could really do was to show the photos and hope something in the literature comes up that might help shed light to our understanding of what we saw.
The result was this page.
So until we can say anymore more precise about what we captured on this page, we’ll have to be fairly cryptic about the locations of the photos shown.
Most of the waterfalls on this page straddle both the Lom and Skjåk Municipalities. For information or inquiries about these areaa as well as current conditions, visit the Skjåk website or Skjåk Facebook page, or visit the Lom website or Lom Facebook page.
This page covers a stretch of the Rv15 (probably the fastest speed limit at 90km/h that we had ever seen while driving in Norway) from the Road 63/Rv15 junction through Billingsdalen to Otta (primarily in the Skjåk municipality of Oppland county). This covered about 133km, which we acknowledge is a lot of real estate, but that’s the best we could do given how little we knew about this area yet couldn’t dismiss what we saw.
For context, Otta was 157km (2.5 hours drive) east of Geiranger, 291km (over 3.5 hours drive) north of Oslo, and 244km (under 3.5 hours drive) south of Trondheim.
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