
Mo i Rana / Helgeland / Selfors, Nordland County, Norway

About Revelforsen

Hiking Distance: roadside; can also do short walk to it
Suggested Time: up to 30 minutes

Date first visited: 2019-07-09
Date last visited: 2019-07-09

Waterfall Latitude: 66.31819
Waterfall Longitude: 14.17063

Waterfall Safety and Common Sense

Revelforsen was a waterfall that I once dubbed the “Mo i Rana Waterfall” because I had no idea that it even had a name.

The distinguishing feature of this waterfall was the interesting flume that ran above and across the Tverråga right at the falls.

Mo_i_Rana_050_07092019 - Revelforsen

As much as I wanted to dismiss Revelforsen as an ugly urban waterfall riddled with runoff and pollution from passing through an industrial city, its position right off the E6 kept drawing stares from us.

There was just something about this falls that I couldn’t put my finger on why it was so mesmerizing.

Maybe that flume triggered imaginations of what it might be hauling.

It also had a significant enough of a flow with a natural cliff to make me believe it was a legitimate waterfall and not some man-made or man-modified contraption.

Mo_i_Rana_059_07092019 - Revelforsen as seen from the side with the picnic tables and some light mist
Revelforsen as seen from the side with the picnic tables and some light mist

In any case, according to the topo maps, this waterfall had a drop of about 12m, but it was wider than it was tall.

Indeed, across its span, the waterfall had at least four distinct segments though I could totally imagine the falls congealing into one in flood or in higher flow.

Experiencing Revelforsen

To my knowledge, there didn’t seem to be a sanctioned place to park the car around the waterfall.

However, there seemed to be plenty of pedestrian walkways on both sides of the E6 so it was almost as if visiting this waterfall was meant for pedestrians, anyways.

Mo_i_Rana_044_07092019 - Context of Revelforsen and the pedestrian and bike path paralleling both the E12 and E6
Context of Revelforsen and the pedestrian and bike path paralleling both the E12 and E6

I ended up finding parking at a construction area (see directions below), where I’m pretty certain that it may not be available once that area gets cleaned up.

But from there, I basically walked along the walkway on the south side of the E12 approaching the roundabout with the E6.

Throughout this walk, I was able to see the Revelforsen from different angles already.

As I continued walking south along the east side of the E6, I got more frontal views of the Revelforsen as well as the flume above it.

Mo_i_Rana_004_07082019 - Morning view of Revelforsen in Mo i Rana
Morning view of Revelforsen in Mo i Rana

Eventually, I reached a part of the walk where there was a sign as well as some picnic tables well situated to stare at the falls.

That was pretty much all there was to my visit as I turned back and returned to the spot where I had parked.

Overall, my visit lasted about 15 minutes, and I only walked a modest 600m round trip.


Revelforsen resides in the Rana Municipality in the city of Mo i Rana in Nordland County, Norway. For information or inquiries about the area as well as current conditions, visit their website.

Mo_i_Rana_003_07082019 - Briefly stopping for Revelforsen in the morning on my way to a different hike for Bredekfossen
Mo_i_Rana_046_07092019 - Looking towards Revelforsen from the clearing where I momentarily parked the car
Mo_i_Rana_053_07092019 - View towards Revelforsen as I was walking underneath the flume
Mo_i_Rana_056_07092019 - On the side of Revelforsen fronted by picnic tables and some light mist
Mo_i_Rana_067_07092019 - Another look at Revelforsen from a little past the picnic tables
Mo_i_Rana_073_07092019 - Last look back at the segmented Revelforsen before returning to the car

Revelforsen sat right by the roundabout at the junction of the E6 and the E12 in the town of Mo i Rana.

This roundabout pretty much sat to the northeast of the Mo i Rana sentrum.

As for the parking situation, I managed to find a clearing on a road signposted as “Saga” that was the first right turn east of the E6/E12 roundabout.

Mo_i_Rana_078_07092019 - This was the clearing where I momentarily parked the car before Revelforsen, then I walked from here to get a closer look
This was the clearing where I momentarily parked the car before Revelforsen, then I walked from here to get a closer look

That clearing was where I parked the car, but as I mentioned earlier on this page, there’s no guarantee that this pullout would be there as it appeared to be in the midst of development.

I also noticed car parks for shopping closer to the Rema 1000 on the Fv12 as you approach the E6/E12 roundabout from the north on Nesnaveien.

If it is ok to park there, then you’d have to walk to the roundabout and take advantage of the crosswalks there to get closer to Revelforsen.

For some geographical context, Mo I Rana was 176km (about 2.5 hours drive) south of Fauske, 229km (over 3 hours drive) south of Bodø, 425km (about 6.5 hours drive with a ferry crossing) south of Narvik, 358km (over 5 hours drive) north of Steinkjer, and 477km (under 7 hours drive) north of Trondheim.

Find A Place To Stay

Short sweep covering part of the flume and panning across each of the waterfalls

The full experience of this waterfall by walking from a picnic area before checking out the falls from just about all the angles

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Tagged with: selfors, helgeland, rana, mo i rana, norway, nordland, tverraga, waterfall, urban

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Johnny Cheng is the founder of the World of Waterfalls and author of the award-winning A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls. Over the last 2 decades, he has visited thousands of waterfalls in over 40 countries around the world and nearly 40 states in the USA.
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