
Spildo / Granvin, Hordaland County, Norway

About Skarvefossen

Hiking Distance: roadside
Suggested Time:

Date first visited: 2005-06-26
Date last visited: 2019-06-25

Waterfall Latitude: 60.58201
Waterfall Longitude: 6.6862

Waterfall Safety and Common Sense

Skarvefossen was a waterfall that we happened to have noticed on our way to Skjervsfossen, but we never realized that it had this name until we did some post-trip research of what we experienced.

Such is the dilemma that we often faced in Norway as the country possessed to many waterfalls, that we weren’t sure if we had stumbled upon a named one.

Skorvofossen_002_06252019 - Skarvefossen

And such was the case here, where I had to look at the time stamps of my photos, and then look at our GPS waypoints captured during the trip, and finally correlate all that information with the updated Norgeskart (formerly Norgesglasset).

In addition to Skarvefossen, I’ve also seen this waterfall referred to as Skorvofossen and Skorvefossen.

For all intents and purposes, I viewed this waterfall as pretty much a roadside attraction.

In fact, the photos you see from this page were primarily taken from bus stops near the town of Spildo.

Skorvofossen_008_06252019 - The Skjervsvegen Road going through green pastures while passing by roadside waterfalls like Skarvefossen and Skjervsfossen
The Skjervsvegen Road going through green pastures while passing by roadside waterfalls like Skarvefossen and Skjervsfossen

While our distant views left much to be desired, we didn’t pursue nor did we see any signage suggesting that it was possible to get even closer to the falls and feel its spray.

Finally, Skarvefossen sat by the town of Spildo, which was where the first shots were fired between Nazi Germany soldiers and the Norwegian resistance.

What ensued were a series of bloody battles over a period of nearly two weeks in April 1940.

Although Nazi Germany would eventually occupy Norway, the battles that took place here and the neighboring Skjervet demonstrated that Norway wasn’t giving up without a fight.


Skarvefossen resides near the town and municipality of Granvin in Hordaland County, Norway. For information or inquiries about the area as well as current conditions, visit their website.

Skorvofossen_004_06252019 - Zoomed in look at Skarvefossen on our latest visit in June 2019
Skorvofossen_005_06252019 - More contextual look at Skarvefossen when we returned here in June 2019
Espelandsfossen_003_jx_06262005 - How Skarvefossen looked when we first saw it back in late June 2005
Espelandsfossen_002_06262005 - A closer look Skarvefossen

Skarvefossen pretty much followed the same driving directions as that of Skjervsfossen. So see that page for the turn-by-turn instructions.

The only difference is that Skarvefossen was roughly 3.3km east of Skjervsfossen along the Skjervsvegen Road.

For context, Granvin was 26km (under 30 minutes drive) east of Voss, 29km (over 30 minutes) west of Eidfjord, 66km (a little over an hour drive) north of Odda, 134km (over 2 hours drive) east of Bergen, and 342km (over 5 hours drive) west of Oslo.

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360 degree sweep showing the falls and the farms surrounding the area as well as a couple of ephemeral falls partially obscured by clouds

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Tagged with: granvin, skarvefossen, skervsfossen, hordaland, ulvik, norway, waterfall, voss, vossevangen, spildo

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Almost Unseen, The Skarvefossen July 3, 2021 12:45 am by Scott Schwartz - As you pass Lake Granvin and the bridge over Skervetsfossen between those rugged cliffs, it is easy not to notice Skarvefossen, rather further away, but a strong, higher, and very powerful waterfall that deserves a closer look than most of us get a chance to do. ...Read More

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Johnny Cheng is the founder of the World of Waterfalls and author of the award-winning A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls. Over the last 2 decades, he has visited thousands of waterfalls in over 40 countries around the world and nearly 40 states in the USA.
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