
Fjaerland, Sogn og Fjordane County, Norway

About Svedalsfossen

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Svedalsfossen was an obscure waterfall that I had previously thought of as one of those miscellaneous waterfalls that probably didn’t have a real name.

It was Julie who noticed it as I was busy concentrating on the road as we were driving through Fjærland between Sogndal and the E39 by Skei.

We had trouble trying to characterize the region that this drive covered because it didn’t seem to be well known in the tourism literature and so we were stuck with photos of seemingly nameless places.

Fjaerland_002_jx_06292005 - Svedalsfossen

That all changed when I looked up the latest version of Norgeskart (formerly Norgesglasset) for candidate place names and watercourses.

Then, I correlated our photos, GPS waypoints (label “021” on our trip logs), and trip notes with the latest internet literature that might be associated with the possible place names.

That was when I finally realized that indeed Svedalsfossen was the officially-named waterfall that we ended up seeing back in our late June-early July 2005 trip to Norway.

That said, this was really my waterfalling excuse to showcase some of the lakes and glacier scenery that we didn’t expect to see while doing this drive.

On top of the gorgeous alpine scenery, we also basked in the gorgeous weather that further amplified the scenic allure of a part of the country that seemed to have slipped under the tourism radar.

Indeed, we saw numerous lakes and glaciers in the general vicinity of this waterfall, including the attractive and easily-seen Bøyabreen Glacier as well as the reflective Dalavatnet.


Svedalsfossen resides in the Sogndal Municipality. For information or inquiries about the area as well as current conditions, visit their website or Facebook page.

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Tagged with: sogndal, fjaerland, boyabreen, dalavatnet, sogndalsfjora, sognefjorden, luster, forde, skei, sogn og fjordane, norway, waterfall, gaular, sunnfjord

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Johnny Cheng is the founder of the World of Waterfalls and author of the award-winning A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls. Over the last 2 decades, he has visited thousands of waterfalls in over 40 countries around the world and nearly 40 states in the USA.
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