Lower Oneonta Falls

Columbia River Gorge / Oneonta Gorge, Oregon, USA

About Lower Oneonta Falls

Hiking Distance: 0.6 miles round trip; scramble
Suggested Time: 45-60 minutes

Date first visited: 2009-08-21
Date last visited: 2009-08-21

Waterfall Latitude: 45.58598
Waterfall Longitude: -122.0729

Waterfall Safety and Common Sense

Lower Oneonta Falls was one of those waterfalls where I had to go on a bit of an adventure to see.

So why go through all the trouble if the Columbia River Gorge was already so full of impressive waterfalls?

Lower_Oneonta_Falls_019_08212009 - Lower Oneonta Falls and people at its base for a sense of scale
Lower Oneonta Falls and people at its base for a sense of scale

Well, as you can see in the photograph above, the Lower Oneonta Falls probably dropped just under 100ft in a backdrop surrounded by steep vertical-walled cliffs and fronted by clear pools.

The water was so clear that I even noticed fish swimming amidst the submerged rocks.

The falls sat roughly in the back of a narrow, almost slot-canyon-like gorge that reminded me a lot of the Narrows hike in Zion National Park.

The big difference here was that the walls were green whereas Zion’s were more reddish.

Another big difference was that instead of a long river hike like in Zion, I had to go on a roughly 0.3-mile scramble (in each direction) that included a series of obstacles.

Columbia_River_Gorge_363_03302009 - Oneonta Creek looking swollen when we first showed up in late March 2009, which aborted any aspirations we had of making this attempt at the time
Oneonta Creek looking swollen when we first showed up in late March 2009, which aborted any aspirations we had of making this attempt at the time

I definitely didn’t think this would be doable when the waterflow would be high so I was glad we didn’t make the attempt in the Spring given the high water, rain, and bitterly cold temperatures.

The Elusive Lower Oneonta Falls

It turned out that the Lower Oneonta Falls haunted us a bit especially after doing the Oneonta Trail, which went past such waterfalls as Middle Oneonta Falls and Triple Falls.

For it was during that hike that we heard but didn’t get to see what promised to be an impressive waterfall down below us in the Oneonta Gorge.

After all, the loud sound of rushing water certainly supported the theory that there must have been something significant down there.

Lower_Oneonta_Falls_038_08212009 - Context of the Lower Oneonta Falls fronted by the clear waters of Oneonta Creek
Context of the Lower Oneonta Falls fronted by the clear waters of Oneonta Creek

However, with all the thick forest and the sheer dropoff that we knew was downstream of the Middle Oneonta Falls, there was no way we’d be able access that waterfall in a sanctioned and satisfying manner from that trail.

Moreover, we were well aware of the direct stream scramble going up the mouth of the Oneonta Creek itself, which we’ll get to later on this page.

Speaking of which, that scramble would have to wait because all the watercourses were swollen from the bad weather that we had encountered most of that week in late March 2009.

That opportunity didn’t come until about 5-6 months later when we came back here in late August (though I ended up doing this hike solo).

Scrambling to the Lower Oneonta Falls – The Log Jam

Lower_Oneonta_Falls_002_08212009 - Approaching the infamous logjam
Approaching the infamous logjam

I began with an informal creek-side scramble and crossing from beneath the road bridge over Oneonta Creek (see directions below).

A few minutes thereafter, I was then faced with the infamous log jam traverse, where fallen logs that tumbled into the Oneonta Gorge would get stuck in a particularly narrow part as the creek would try to wash them away.

I could see why it gained notoriety because it could get pretty dangerous here.

There were plenty of gaps between the logs where a fall in there could’ve been real bad news.

As I was doing the traverse, I was very cognizant of how far down the dropoffs were as I was certain they could easily cause broken bones or even death.

Lower_Oneonta_Falls_004_08212009 - Closer look at people carefully trying to make their way through the logjam traverse
Closer look at people carefully trying to make their way through the logjam traverse

Not only that, but there was also running water down there so even if I could have survived a fall, there was a pretty high likelihood that I might’ve drowned or that I would not even have a way back up!

It also dawned on me that the likelihood of an accident here could’ve really shot up had the logs been slippery and wet due to rain and/or mist.

Even with that said, there were lots of people (including some fearless kids) who were doing the scramble pretty easily.

Many came prepared in spider rubber sandals and shoes, which I thought was a good idea.

For even if the weather was dry, hikers would track water onto the logs I had to rely on to get across (thus making them slippery).

Lower_Oneonta_Falls_005_08212009 - Finally making it to the other side of the logjam traverse within the Oneonta Gorge
Finally making it to the other side of the logjam traverse within the Oneonta Gorge

The spider rubber shoes would provide just that extra grip to lessen the chances of a nasty fall.

Scrambling to the Lower Oneonta Falls – The Slot Canyon

Finally once I made it by the rather scary log jam, I then had to wade across a series of deep pools.

During my visit in late August 2009, the pools only got up to my waist.

However, I could envision if the water level was higher, then it might even require swimming!

Since I was carrying my DSLR), I had to make sure that I held the electronics high above my head during the deep crossings while making sure I kept my balance.

Lower_Oneonta_Falls_008_08212009 - Context of the tall vertical walls seen in the reflections almost creating a slot canyon-like effect within the Oneonta Gorge
Context of the tall vertical walls seen in the reflections almost creating a slot canyon-like effect within the Oneonta Gorge

Beyond the pools, I eventually made it to the impressive Lower Oneonta Falls.

Yet despite the glorious waterfall in such rugged yet beautiful settings, I still had to be fearful of falling rocks and flash floods.

During my visit, I heard one such rock snap as it crashed to the ground behind me.

And the flash flood danger was very real because there was no high ground to escape to within this gorge.

Yet with all the very real dangers that existed in an adventure like this, it made the reward for reaching Lower Oneonta Falls that much sweeter.

Lower_Oneonta_Falls_039_08212009 - This couple attempted to avoid the inevitable of getting too deep into Oneonta Creek.  Yep, you're gonna get wet!
This couple attempted to avoid the inevitable of getting too deep into Oneonta Creek. Yep, you’re gonna get wet!

It was most certainly one of the more photogenic waterfalls in the Columbia River Gorge, and thus I found it well worth the effort.

So given some of the hazards on this hike and scramble, if you have stuff that you don’t want to get wet or risk losing (like camera, wallet, keys, etc.), it might be wise to leave those things behind.

Preferably, you’d leave those things with someone trustworthy who’s not willing to do the adventure.

That’s because if you intend to leave stuff in your parked car, Julie and I noticed there was broken glass from car break-ins at the pullouts and car parks around this area.

Lower_Oneonta_Falls_035_08212009 - Context of me trying to get close to the Lower Oneonta Falls
Context of me trying to get close to the Lower Oneonta Falls

Thus, I took advantage of the fact that Julie didn’t want to do the scramble to Lower Oneonta Falls so I left my stuff with her while she waited for me (though I held onto my DSLR).


Lower Oneonta Falls resides in the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area near Portland in Multnomah County, Oregon. It is administered by the USDA Forest Service. For information or inquiries about the area as well as current conditions, visit their website.

Lower_Oneonta_Falls_003_08212009 - Approaching the logjam and the people who were already on it when we came back to attempt to hike to Lower Oneonta Falls in late August 2009
Lower_Oneonta_Falls_007_08212009 - Steep vertical walls lining the Oneonta Slot on the way to the Lower Oneonta Falls beyond the logjam during our late August 2009 visit
Lower_Oneonta_Falls_010_08212009 - Continuing deeper among the vertical walls of the Oneonta Gorge on my August 2009 visit. So it's understandable how the creek can get deep in spots and how there are both flash flood and rockfall hazards as well
Lower_Oneonta_Falls_011_08212009 - A couple slowly goes through waist-deep water of Oneonta Creek en route to Lower Oneonta Falls during my August 2009 visit
Lower_Oneonta_Falls_015_08212009 - One of the deeper wading pools in the Oneonta Gorge during my visit in August 2009, but notice how clear the creek is, which makes the deeper parts appear shallower than they really are
Lower_Oneonta_Falls_021_08212009 - Finally approaching Lower Oneonta Falls on my August 2009 visit
Columbia_River_Gorge_367_03302009 - Sign warning of the logjam hazard in the Oneonta Gorge as seen during our aborted attempt in late March 2009
Columbia_River_Gorge_368_03302009 - Looking ahead at the logjam in late March 2009 conditions, which were clearly unsuitable at this time

The nearest car park to start the scramble is at the one for the Oneonta Trail.

See the page for Triple Falls for specific driving directions.

Lower_Oneonta_Falls_001_08212009 - The parking situation along the Old Columbia River Highway near the mouth of the Oneonta Gorge where the scramble to Lower Oneonta Falls would begin
The parking situation along the Old Columbia River Highway near the mouth of the Oneonta Gorge where the scramble to Lower Oneonta Falls would begin

That said, the trailhead (or start of the scramble) was around 31 miles (roughly 45 minutes drive) east of Portland and 30 miles (well under 45 minutes drive) west of Hood River.

Once you’ve parked the car, you walk briefly eastwards along the Old Scenic Highway towards the bridge over Oneonta Creek.

There are stairs leading down into the creek level of the gorge, and that’s where the scramble begins.

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Tagged with: columbia river gorge, multnomah, oneonta gorge, oregon, waterfall, portland, mt hood, mount hood

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Lower Oneonta Falls January 19, 2021 6:07 pm by Brian Jeppesen - Over the years, I have done this wade many times, including before the logjam and after the logjam. Every time, we would climb behind the Falls and jump out thru it. Exhilarating. For those who don't like cold water, don't try this. The water comes from glaciers on Mt Hood. I remember carrying my kids… ...Read More

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Johnny Cheng

About Johnny Cheng

Johnny Cheng is the founder of the World of Waterfalls and author of the award-winning A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls. Over the last 2 decades, he has visited thousands of waterfalls in over 40 countries around the world and nearly 40 states in the USA.
Read More About Johnny | A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls.