Shoshone Falls

Snake River Canyon / Magic Valley, Idaho, USA

About Shoshone Falls

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Waterfall Safety and Common Sense

Shoshone Falls was a waterfall that Julie and I anticipated seeing immensely as it promised big dimensions and volume.

With potential dimensions of 212ft tall, 900ft wide, and with average spring flows at 10,000-12,000 cubic feet per second, we wanted to see for ourselves why it was given the nickname the “Niagara of the West.”

Shoshone_Falls_032_20130424 - Shoshone Falls and double rainbow
Shoshone Falls and double rainbow

Indeed, when we managed to see it on an unseasonably warm Spring day in late April 2013, we saw rainbows arcing across the flowing part of the falls.

We even saw some kayakers on the large plunge pool at the base of the falls giving us a sense of the size of the waterfall itself!

Shoshone Falls Timing and Regulation

Unfortunately, during our visits, Shoshone Falls seemed to have lost much of its luster given hydroelectric developments immediately upstream of it.

Much of the water in the Snake River drainage had been diverted to support the agricultural industry while much of the remainder of the water was diverted to generate power.

Shoshone_Falls_117_20130424 - Looking towards the buildings adjacent to the Snake River harnessing Shoshone Falls as seen from the entrance kiosk
Looking towards the buildings adjacent to the Snake River harnessing Shoshone Falls as seen from the entrance kiosk

All that remained of the Snake River that managed to escape diversion resulted in the waterfall itself.

Even though we came during the peak period of the snow melt on our first visit in late April 2013, the gauge indicator at the entrance kiosk ($3 vehicle entree fee during our visit in 2013 and $5 in 2021) said the water level was “low”.

On our second visit in early April 2021, the entrance kiosk wasn’t manned (probably due to COVID-19) and we didn’t see the indicator, but it seemed to have less flow than on our first visit.

On our third visit, which happened on successive days in mid-June 2021, we actually witnessed Shoshone Falls surprisingly still having flow that was similar to how we saw it just two months prior.

Shoshone_Falls_064_06192021 - Shoshone Falls was actually turned off when we visited early on a Saturday morning in mid-June 2021!
Shoshone Falls was actually turned off when we visited early on a Saturday morning in mid-June 2021!

It was on that third visit that we saw the falls with water on one evening, then we saw it turned off the following morning!

Lucikly, the waterfall was turned back on just as we were about to leave later that morning!

Anyways, in all of our visits, we were left with the impression that Shoshone Falls could have been so much more than what we saw.

However, if we had to time our visit, perhaps the sweet spot would be from late April through mid May, but this depends on a variety of factors like the snow accumulations upstream and how quickly the Spring thaw occurs.

Shoshone_Falls_007_04012021 - Contextual view of Shoshone Falls during our second visit in early April 2021
Contextual view of Shoshone Falls during our second visit in early April 2021

That said, our experiences suggest that such displays of higher flows were more of a rare event that required both serious timing and circumstance.

If anything, it had all the makings of a waterfall that ought to belong on our Top 10 Best USA Waterfalls List.

Historical photos of the waterfall from the interpretive signs at the main lookout suggested that it would have been horseshoe-shaped.

However, during our visits, it seemed like the far right side of the horseshoe was split into trickling segments though most of the left side of the falls had satisfactory flow.

Shoshone_Falls_057_20130424 - Contextual view of Shoshone Falls revealing a good deal of hydroelectric artifacts around the waterfall as seen from our first visit in late April 2013
Contextual view of Shoshone Falls revealing a good deal of hydroelectric artifacts around the waterfall as seen from our first visit in late April 2013

In fact, when viewed from further downstream, I was able to see that the rock wall itself had a bit of a horseshoe shape corroborating this notion that the falls once possessed that signature shape characteristic of powerful high-volume waterfalls.

I’d imagine that as the season progressed towards late Spring and Summer, the flow would be even lower or go dry.

So despite the Snake River being a major river system, the window to see Shoshone Falls was still limited to the April and May months (give or take).

Experiencing Shoshone Falls

Regardless of its shortened flow window, Shoshone Falls turned out to be a very easy waterfall to see.

Shoshone_Falls_003_20130424 - Context of Julie standing on one of the many lookouts for Shoshone Falls, which wasn't as busy on our first visit in 2013 as opposed to our second visit in 2021
Context of Julie standing on one of the many lookouts for Shoshone Falls, which wasn’t as busy on our first visit in 2013 as opposed to our second visit in 2021

From the large parking area (see directions below), we went down a short flight of steps and onto a fair-sized viewing platform protruding out from the immediate cliff face.

This was by far the most common way to experience the falls, especially as we noticed the steady of stream of people coming to this spot to get their photos.

However, there were more (less crowded) views further downstream from the primary viewpoint along a mostly paved walkway.

These other views provided slightly different viewing angles, and we found them to be appealing mostly because most visitors didn’t bother going beyond the immediate viewpoint nearby the parking lot.

Shoshone_Falls_033_20130424 - A pair of kayakers approaching the base of Shoshone Falls beneath a pair of rainbows
A pair of kayakers approaching the base of Shoshone Falls beneath a pair of rainbows

The paved walkway continued to go further away from the Shoshone Falls until it ended near a fence erected to prevent access to some stairs leading down into the gorge.

It appeared that erosion might have done in this access as it seemed like the stairs led to a sudden dropoff within the mostly concealed gorge below.

I wasn’t sure where these steps led to nor why they were there.

Nevertheless, at least exploring these alternate views revealed an interesting natural arch fronting the waterfall.

Shoshone_Falls_054_06182021 - Looking over an attractive natural arch backed by Shoshone Falls under even lighting during our late evening visit in mid-June 2021
Looking over an attractive natural arch backed by Shoshone Falls under even lighting during our late evening visit in mid-June 2021

There were even some marmot looking animals when we showed up one late Spring afternoon in 2021 so you never really know what surprises this place has in store.

Experiencing Shoshone Falls – The Centennial Trail

Perhaps the one view that yielded a truly different contextual perspective of Shoshone Falls was the furthest overlook that I was able to access.

However, this was only accessed from a paved walking path (a sign indicated it was named the “Centennial Trail”).

There used to be steps rising above the souvenir shop and restrooms in the main parking area, but erosion and maintenance hassles likely did in that access.

Shoshone_Falls_098_20130424 - Looking at the full width of Shoshone Falls in late April 2013
Looking at the full width of Shoshone Falls in late April 2013

Nevertheless, it was still possible to walk uphill on the sloped grassy picnic area until the paved Centennial Trail was reached.

From there, I found the paved walking path that seemed to roughly follow the path of the Snake River Canyon (likely connecting to the rest of the Canyon Rim Trail further to the west).

Compared to the overlooks closest to the parking lot, this trail received far less use so I found the experience to be quieter, more relaxing, and worth the extra effort

Indeed, I would imagine that this trail was mostly used by the local residents who would visit the falls or at least use the path as part of their exercise routine (possibly from the nearby town of Twin Falls).

Shoshone_Falls_113_20130424 - The hook-up with the Centennial Trail used to begin by going up these steps, which led to the paved trail, but I had to go a slightly longer route through a picnic area to reach the same trail on my second visit in early April 2021
The hook-up with the Centennial Trail used to begin by going up these steps, which led to the paved trail, but I had to go a slightly longer route through a picnic area to reach the same trail on my second visit in early April 2021

After roughly a quarter-mile, a spur path led to that last protruding viewing platform where I could get a direct look at Shoshone Falls itself backed by the butte nearest the parking lot.

It was only from this vantage point that both the width of the falls and the horseshoe-shape characteristic would be most apparent.

In addition, to this contextual viewpoint, I also noticed some interesting runoff springs alongside the Centennial Trail as well as other more obstructed views of Shoshone Falls the further away from the falls that I went.

Finally, it was interesting to note that I had come across a sign closer to the parking lot indicating that Evil Knievel made an unsuccessful attempt to jump the Snake River Canyon.

Shoshone_Falls_093_20130424 - The so-called Centennial Trail that took us to more distant lookouts for the Shoshone Falls, and it eventually led to the Evil Knievel Jump Site as well as Twin Falls
The so-called Centennial Trail that took us to more distant lookouts for the Shoshone Falls, and it eventually led to the Evil Knievel Jump Site as well as Twin Falls

Apparently, the furthest viewing spots of Shoshone Falls was close to one of the end points of his jump so I tended to think of this most distant view of Shoshone Falls as the “Evil Knievel Overlook.”

Overall, on each of our visits we spent about 1 hour and 30 minutes to take in all the overlooks.

However, I could imagine if the initial overlook was enough, a visit here could take no longer than 5 or 10 minutes.


Shoshone Falls resides near Twin Falls in Twin Falls County, Idaho. It is administered by the city of Twin Falls. For information or inquiries about the area as well as current conditions, visit their website.

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Content is for subscribers. See Membership Options.
Tagged with: snake river, twin falls, idaho, magic valley, waterfall, hydroelectric, regulated, centennial trail

Visitor Comments:

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Shoshone Falls May 2019 April 27, 2021 4:39 pm by Steve Gillett - It was flowing well in mid-May '19 when I was there (after picking up the new dog at the Twin Falls shelter!) Alas, it was a gray day and the lighting wasn't good. The Bonneville flood, which scoured the Snake River Canyon about 18K years ago, wasn't exactly analogous to the Spokane/Missoula floods that created… ...Read More

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Shoshone Falls (Idaho) October 11, 2021 4:50 am by Rick A. Ludwig (aka Trip T. Akers) - One of my favorite falls! If you are ever near Idaho, you gotta go see this one. Also visit the falls in Twin Falls, Idaho. ...Read More
Shoshone Falls May 2019 April 27, 2021 4:39 pm by Steve Gillett - It was flowing well in mid-May '19 when I was there (after picking up the new dog at the Twin Falls shelter!) Alas, it was a gray day and the lighting wasn't good. The Bonneville flood, which scoured the Snake River Canyon about 18K years ago, wasn't exactly analogous to the Spokane/Missoula floods that created… ...Read More
Shoshone Falls Valentines Day 2015 October 21, 2015 6:37 pm by Louis Ruth - Valentines Day of 2105 Shoshone Falls had 32,000 feet per sec running for a spectacular water showing. The falls were fierce as the water spray. Waiting for a nice clean shot with less water spray was hard to do. These two show show the falls close up. A circular polarizer was used to control the… ...Read More
Shoshone Falls June 23, 2009 7:21 pm by _Anonymous10 - Shoshone Falls on the Snake River near Twin Falls, Idaho is truly spectacular during the mid-April to mid-May high season. The river plunges 212 feet to the base and spans a 900 foot rim. ...Read More

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Johnny Cheng

About Johnny Cheng

Johnny Cheng is the founder of the World of Waterfalls and author of the award-winning A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls. Over the last 2 decades, he has visited thousands of waterfalls in over 40 countries around the world and nearly 40 states in the USA.
Read More About Johnny | A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls.