About Other Luva Waterfalls
There are other Luva Waterfalls that we were able to see while touring the Luva Gorge in a Rivers Fiji excursion.
Most of the falls photographed here were taken when we cruised via motorboat on the Navua River.
By the way, ‘Luva is short for Wainikoroiluva, which is the gorge we got to canoe or kayak through.
The river I believe was the Navua River.
Apparently, if we were real adventurous, we could’ve kayaked the Upper Navua River which was said to have more challenging rapids.
These waterfalls were pleasant surprises for us as the primary reason we chose to do this tour was to see Wainuta Falls.
But the other aspects of this trip left us with lots of pleasant memories and a greater insight into Fijian culture and life.
These waterfalls were merely icing on the cake.
The waterfalls on this page reside on the Fijian Island of Viti Levu. For information or inquiries about the area as well as current conditions, visit the official Fiji Tourism website.
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