"Cascade Creek Falls"

Yellowstone National Park / Bechler / Targhee National Forest, Wyoming, USA

About “Cascade Creek Falls”

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“Cascade Creek Falls” was a name I made up for this waterfall (hence the quotes) as it was one that I never expected to see.

You see, when I did the the hike to the neighboring Terraced Falls, I expected to see people on the trail.

Terraced_Falls_17_169_08132017 - The 'Cascade Creek Falls'
The ‘Cascade Creek Falls’

After all, I had seen that there were at least 4 or 5 vehicles parked at the Cascade Creek Trailhead.

However, when I did the entire hike without seeing one person, and there was only one car left at the trailhead when I returned, I was left wondering where all those people went.

So when I looked around the trailhead, I managed to find a different path that followed along Cascade Creek.

Eventually, that narrow trail led me down to an impressive cascade, which you can see pictured above!

Terraced_Falls_17_180_08132017 - Looking upstream at the 'Cascade Creek Falls' twisting and turning on Cascade Creek
Looking upstream at the ‘Cascade Creek Falls’ twisting and turning on Cascade Creek

It was definitely bigger than any one of the cascades seen on Cascade Creek during the Terraced Falls hike as I’m guessing it was on the order of at least 100ft in cumulative height.

This waterfall also possessed an interesting twisting and turning characteristic so I felt compelled to give this waterfall its props by coming up with this page.

Given its unsigned nature, it was hard to tell if this waterfall had a more legitimate name.

It didn’t appear on any of my maps nor did it appear on Google Maps as of this writing.

Terraced_Falls_17_191_08132017 - The 'Cascade Creek Falls' scramble began off to the right side of the pullout for the Cascade Creek Trailhead
The ‘Cascade Creek Falls’ scramble began off to the right side of the pullout for the Cascade Creek Trailhead

From what I could tell, this waterfall didn’t even appear on my copy of the book The Guide to Yellowstone Waterfalls and Their Discovery, which was most surprising of all.

Heck, I wasn’t even sure if this waterfall belonged to Yellowstone National Park or the Targhee National Forest.

Yet with the use trail that led down to the falls from the far right corner of the Cascade Creek Trailhead Pullout, it was clear that plenty of people had known about it.

I even saw trace amounts of litter in the form of a plastic water bottle and an aluminum can, which further reinforced that notion.

Terraced_Falls_17_161_08132017 - The narrow ledge trail alongside Cascade Creek en route to the 'Cascade Creek Falls'
The narrow ledge trail alongside Cascade Creek en route to the ‘Cascade Creek Falls’

In any case, I merely followed the narrow trail about 450ft before I reached the view you see at the top of this page, which was looking across towards the upper half of its overall drop.

The informal trail kept going downstream as it eventually leveled out amongst a bunch of fallen trees.

At this point, further scrambling was all off-trail though there were some faint paths here and there, but I was pretty much on my own at that point.

And after about a quarter-mile from the Cascade Creek Trailhead, I was downstream enough to look back upstream at a more distant view of the so-called “Cascade Creek Falls”.

Terraced_Falls_17_184_08132017 - A bunch of fallen trees nearby my turnaround point for experiencing the 'Cascade Creek Falls'
A bunch of fallen trees nearby my turnaround point for experiencing the ‘Cascade Creek Falls’

This vantage point exhibited the twisting nature of Cascade Creek over the impressive cascade though it didn’t seem like there was reasonable creekside access for a swim or for wading further upstream to climb parts of the waterfall itself.

So after having my fill of the cascade from this spot, I scrambled my way back to the narrow trail, then climbed back up to the trailhead.

Overall, this short half-mile round-trip scramble (though I only needed a quarter-mile round trip to reach the first and closer view) took me about 30 minutes.

I bumped up the difficulty score due to the off-trail scrambling and the dropoff hazards in some spots.


“Cascade Creek Falls” resides in Yellowstone National Park near West Yellowstone in Park County, Wyoming. It is administered by the National Park Service. For information or inquiries about the park as well as current conditions, visit the National Park Service website.

Maps and Routing Content are for annual subscribers. See Membership Options.
Content is for subscribers. See Membership Options.
Tagged with: yellowstone, yellowstone national park, grassy lake, grassy lake reservoir, falls river, fall river, cascade creek, wyoming, waterfall, bechler, cascade corner

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Johnny Cheng is the founder of the World of Waterfalls and author of the award-winning A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls. Over the last 2 decades, he has visited thousands of waterfalls in over 40 countries around the world and nearly 40 states in the USA.
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