Lee Vining Canyon Waterfalls

Yosemite National Park / Lee Vining, California, USA

About Lee Vining Canyon Waterfalls

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The Lee Vining Canyon Waterfalls are waterfalls tumbling into the steep, avalanche-prone area that links the Tioga Pass Entrance of Yosemite to the Mono Lake Basin.

Given the volume of snow that typically forms here, these waterfalls were really my excuse to showcase the ephemeral waterfalls here while also showing some of the surrounding scenery (which are attractions themselves).

Lee_Vining_007_06042004 - The Ellery Lake Waterfall, one of the handful of waterfalls in Lee Vining Canyon
The Ellery Lake Waterfall, one of the handful of waterfalls in Lee Vining Canyon

Perhaps the most noticeable of the falls in this V-shaped canyon is the one fed by the regulated Ellery Lake (pictured above).

The watercourse fed by Ellery Lake also continues to cascade as it makes its way towards Mono Lake. We also noticed longer cascading further down the road (pictured below).

These falls aren’t anything to get worked up about, but I thought I’d mention them anyways while also showing some of the scenery that might motivate you to make the scenic drive around Lee Vining and into Yosemite’s High Country via the Tioga Pass at the park’s eastern boundary.


Lee Vining Canyon Waterfalls reside just outside Yosemite National Park. For information or inquiries about the park as well as current conditions, visit the National Park Service website.

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Content is for subscribers. See Membership Options.
Tagged with: lee vining, mono, mariposa county, yosemite, tioga, 120, sierra, california, waterfall, ellery lake

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Lee Vining Creek Falls February 25, 2023 9:10 pm by Philipp Merillat - Lee Vining Creek Falls are a short drive below Ellery Lake Falls on the TIoga Pass Canyon Road. The falls can be viewed at a pull off. There is no hiking trail to the falls when I visited the area several years ago. ...Read More
Ellery Lake Falls December 20, 2020 9:11 pm by Philipp Merillat - Ellery Lake Falls is at the top of Tioga Pass Canyon and east of Ellery Lake by the eastern entrance to Yosemite. There are campgrounds at Ellery Lake in the Inyo National Forest. The historic mining ghost town of Bennettville in the area is worth a visit. The falls can be viewed from several pull… ...Read More
Spectacular Waterfall this time of year… July 5, 2011 11:08 pm by Kristine E. - Drove into Yosemite and passed this waterfall along the way...due to the large amount of snowfall this year, this waterfall was an absolute beauty to see. ...Read More

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Johnny Cheng is the founder of the World of Waterfalls and author of the award-winning A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls. Over the last 2 decades, he has visited thousands of waterfalls in over 40 countries around the world and nearly 40 states in the USA.
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