Sentinel Falls

Yosemite National Park, California, USA

About Sentinel Falls

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Waterfall Safety and Common Sense

Sentinel Falls is what I’d consider to be one of those second-tier seasonal waterfalls in Yosemite.

What I mean by “second-tier seasonal waterfalls” is that these are more substantial than the ephemeral waterfalls like Horsetail Falls.

Yosemite_Valley_002_06032011 - Sentinel Falls with Sentinel Rock
Sentinel Falls with Sentinel Rock

However, they’re not in the class of Cascade Falls.

I’d say it’s a little bit below Ribbon Falls in terms of waterflow.

Anyways, I suspect this waterfall got its name from its proximity to the giant monolith towering over it known as Sentinel Rock.

The falls is said to have over 2,000ft in cumulative height as it drops over multiple steps on its way from its source by Pothole Meadows (near the Glacier Point Road) to the valley below.

Yosemite_Valley_134_06032011 - Sentinel Falls in pretty high Spring flow accompanied by a thinner companion waterfall in the next drainage over
Sentinel Falls in pretty high Spring flow accompanied by a thinner companion waterfall in the next drainage over

Speaking of the source, the waterfall is best seen during the peak snowmelt period, which typically happens in the late Spring.

However, over the years, we’ve seen how snow pack levels affect both the timing and the vigor of the falls.

So it’s conceivable that peak flow could happen as early as late March or as late as early June.

We’ve also been here too early when the falls was still frozen in Winter (or merely trickling as the thaw wasn’t extensive yet) as well as too late in Summer when the falls was pretty much dry.

Upper_Yosemite_Falls_009_04302005 - View of Sentinel Falls from the Upper Yosemite Falls Trail, which had limited flow since it was still too early in the Spring to see its full flow, but this perspective was quite satisfying due to the trees not getting in the way
View of Sentinel Falls from the Upper Yosemite Falls Trail, which had limited flow since it was still too early in the Spring to see its full flow, but this perspective was quite satisfying due to the trees not getting in the way

If I had to guess when the best time to see the falls would be given the fluctuations in snow pack levels, I’d reckon the statistics would favor May as the time to see it flow reliably.

Different Ways Of Experiencing Sentinel Falls

As far as viewing Sentinel Falls, the easiest and most obvious location would be the Four-Mile Trailhead on the Southside Drive (see directions below).

That gets you a good look at the stair-stepping characteristic of this waterfall with the Sentinel Rock towering over it.

However, you can also see the falls in a similar context from higher above the trees along the Upper Yosemite Falls Trail as you approach Columbia Point.

Pohono_Loop_040_05222004 - A very scary and vertigo-inducing view down at Sentinel Falls from the Pohono Trail. This view is so disorienting that it's hard to tell in the photograph what is up and what is down!
A very scary and vertigo-inducing view down at Sentinel Falls from the Pohono Trail. This view is so disorienting that it’s hard to tell in the photograph what is up and what is down!

For a very unusual and butterflies-in-the-stomach view of Sentinel Falls, you can take the Pohono Trail connecting Sentinel Dome and Taft Point.

That’s where there was an unsigned detour leading to the edge of cliffs with a vertigo-inducing look right down at the multi-tiered waterfall.

The issue with seeing the falls this way was that I had to crawl on my belly and peer over the cliff’s edge down at the cascading waterfall.

Needless to say, this induced intense butterflies in my stomach as there wasn’t much real estate between my body and gravity threatening to plunge me over a thousand feet below!

Yosemite_Firefall_038_02242022 - Noticing Sentinel Falls across Leidig Meadow while walking the Northside Drive in pursuit of the Horsetail Falls Natural Firefall Event (previously this view was unavailable when this part of the road was for vehicles only)
Noticing Sentinel Falls across Leidig Meadow while walking the Northside Drive in pursuit of the Horsetail Falls Natural Firefall Event (previously this view was unavailable when this part of the road was for vehicles only)

Finally, there’s a more direct view of Sentinel Falls and Sentinel Rock from across Leidig Meadow along the Northside Drive.

Unfortunately, there are very few (if any) pullouts along the road in that area, but it is possible to park in lots near Camp 4, and then walk on trails towards the open part of the meadow.

This is actually becoming a more common way to see Sentinel Falls with the Firefall Restrictions that the National Park Service is putting into effect since 2022, but during those months, the falls would typically be frozen.


Sentinel Falls resides in Yosemite National Park. For information or inquiries about the park as well as current conditions, visit the National Park Service website.

Maps and Routing Content are for annual subscribers. See Membership Options.
Content is for subscribers. See Membership Options.
Tagged with: oakhurst, el portal, mariposa, yosemite, yosemite valley, sierra, california, waterfall, fresno, modesto, four-mile trail, glacier point, pohono, taft point, sentinel dome, columbia

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Sentinel Falls Yosemite NP October 5, 2022 8:56 pm by timothy john plog - I took this shot so many years ago and not certain this is "Sentinal Falls" in Yosemite NP but I think so. Magical. This was taken roadside from the Valley. ...Read More

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Johnny Cheng is the founder of the World of Waterfalls and author of the award-winning A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls. Over the last 2 decades, he has visited thousands of waterfalls in over 40 countries around the world and nearly 40 states in the USA.
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